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Diabetes Dataset using Random Forest with random_state =100

Threshold Accuracy AUC_ROC Score Precision Recall F1 Score

0.5 0.8566 0.8339 0.86 0.86 0.86

0.3 0.8175 0.8435 0.85 0.82 0.82
0.7 0.8013 0.7237 0.83 0.80 0.78

Diabetes Dataset using Logistic Regression with random_state =100

Threshold Accuracy AUC_ROC score Precision Recall F1Score

0.5 0.7395 0.7895 0.6415 0.5230 0.5762
0.3 0.6770 0.7033 0.5151 0.7846 0.6219
0.7 0.7343 0.6339 0.75 0.3230 0.4516

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