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95% Confidence Interval

Statistic Bias Std. Error Lower Upper

N Valid 30 0 0 30 30

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 78.8667 .0194 1.0619 76.5342 80.8316
Std. Error of Mean 1.04467
Median 79.5000 .2965 1.4881 77.0000 82.0000
Mode 82.00a
Std. Deviation 5.72191 -.17267 .76313 3.92656 6.98754
Variance 32.740 -1.364 8.370 15.418 48.826
Skewness -.838 .052 .328 -1.481 -.132
Std. Error of Skewness .427
Kurtosis .299 .029 .953 -1.092 2.822
Std. Error of Kurtosis .833
Range 23.00
Minimum 65.00
Maximum 88.00
Sum 2366.00
Percentiles 25 75.7500 -.0425 1.8906 69.0000 78.7500

50 79.5000 .2965 1.4881 77.0000 82.0000

75 83.0000 .0218 .9553 82.0000 85.0000

a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown

b. Unless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 30
Normal Parameters Mean 78.8667
Std. Deviation 5.72191
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .141
Positive .091
Negative -.141
Test Statistic .141
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .130c

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

95% Confidence Interval of the


t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper

VAR00001 75.494 29 .000 78.86667 76.7301 81.0033

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