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Week 1

Lecture 1
1 Tech came from financial sectors - cripto currency
2 BC tech - A decentralized computation and information sharing platforms. Which enables m
3 Prob with centralized platform --
A single point of failu

4 centralized archi -
decentralises archi
distributed archi
BC supports decentralised and distributed archi
Public Ledger
Block C works like a public Ledger

How ever we need to en

Definition of BC A BC is an open , distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties effici
The key words : Open ( Acceddible to all) , Distributed or decentralized ( No single party co
Lesson - 2
Crypotographically Secured Hash function

Message Digest
Avalanche effect

The first use - Time stamp a digita; document

Harber and Stometta in 1991
Merkle Trees
Also known as Hash tree

Use of Merkle Trees

Bit coin
Bitcoin Value proposition

Bitcoin Transaction Life cycle

Task of Miner is collecting all the transactions and apply he mechanisim of mining to connect the vlock to exisiting block

Mining procedure
Block chain 2

Block chain 2.0 and smart contracts

Lesson 3

Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts - Advantage

Structure of block

Structure of block chain - 2 components

Block Header
List of transaction

Block header
Previous Block hash- makes temper proof

Mining - The mechanish to generate the hash

Transaction in a block

Block chain replicas

Notion of distributed consensus

Open network scenario
permission -less protocol
Challenge response

Design of a good challenge

Bit coin- Proof of work alogorithm

Incentive for nodes

Digital Money

Data Structure
Cryptography and digital signatures
The consensus
Economy of the revenue model

Lesson 4

Permission - less model

Privacy and security

Peer Addresses

The longest chain is the accepted chain

New blocked is minned always at the last of the longes chain
Orphaned blocks which are not part of the longest chain

Crypotocurrency applications using block chain

Bit coin block explorer

Permissioned network

Permissioned block chain

Raft consensus
Byzantine fault tolerance

Proven tracking
Certificate of authenticity
Distributed web
A pee to peer hypermedia protocol to mke the web faste , safer and more open

Hyperledger Fabric

Notion of channels
two models
Permission leass and permission model

Lesson 5
Crypo primitives

Hash Function
Digital Signature

Crypographic Hash function

Collision free


puzzle- friendly
collision free

Hash as a message digest

Puzzle friendly proprerty

Hash function - SHA 256

SHA256 Algo prepocessing

Hash Pointer

Blockchain asa hash chain

from financial sectors - cripto currency
decentralized computation and information sharing platforms. Which enables multiple autoritative domains , who do not trust each ot
entralized platform --
What if server crashes
complete reliance on single point
muliple point of coordination
every one collectively executes the jobs
s decentralised andbase
A data distributed archi information available to evey one.
of historical
This historical information may be utilized fir future computation
ks like a public Ledger
Protocals for commitment
Privacy and Authenticity

pen , distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and ina verifiable and permanent way ( By Lansiti
rds : Open ( Acceddible to all) , Distributed or decentralized ( No single party control) , efficient ( Fast and Scalable), Verifiable ( everyon
ns and apply he mechanisim of mining to connect the vlock to exisiting block
the longes chain
ongest chain
he web faste , safer and more open
mains , who do not trust each other to cooperate , coordinate and collaborate in a rational decision making process

e and permanent way ( By Lansiti , Lakhani 2017)

and Scalable), Verifiable ( everyone can check the validity of information) , Permanent ( the information is persistent)

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