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The planet is being prepped for anthropocentric

OMNICIDE. Start off with genocide
chart. Exhibit A.
m/deathgc.htm#chart and GenocideWatch.Org
Genocide by the numbers. Read through it
carefully. I am going to personally add on to
this list. Here is the following:
* Palestinian genocide-Gaza Strip in progress
* Ethiopia genocide
* Midwest Farming Crisis-early 1980's led to a
genocide-NOT reported on by the mainstream fake
news media.
* Bosnia-Herzegovina-Yugoslavian genocide/early
1990's- by gun disarmament
* 1993 WTC Bombing/OKC Bombing Alfred P.
Murrah,Federal Building/Khobar Towers
Bombing/WeatherUnderground Bombings-Bill Ayers
and Bernadette Dorn/WTC Bombings 2001
* South Africa is currently being prepped for
* Rhohinga genocide
* Kashmir Genocide
* Assam prepped for Genocide
* Anuak Genocide
* Native American genocide
* Australia is totally and completely disarmed
* 500,000 deaths and counting from the
psychiatric genocides/holocaust using fictitious
mental disorders/fictitious mental diseases
prescribing cocktails of poison
pills/neurotoxins and forced chemical torture
and other forms of torture masked all under
medical and therapy. Pre-planned gun
Human-Rights-Vi…/…/bd brief synopsis of the
overall bigger picture and NOT a snapshot.
* 5,000,000 deaths from the medical holocaust
every 10 years. Read Dr. Barbara Starfields',
commentary and others who have an ethical spine
of steel and courage. Killing more people than
firearms in this country.
*Vaccination holocaust whereas over 4 billion
was paid out for vaccination damages and was
hidden on purpose by design.
* Low wage starvation wages whereas 60-80
percent of Americans are living paycheck to
paycheck with one paycheck away from
homelessness and having to take out bank loans,
credit cards, get food stamps, and WIC to
subsidize expenditures for low-wages.
*5G Network whereas the ostensive purpose is not
what is being advertised. Radiation exposure,
tracking, and nefarious purposes, etc., etc.
* Animal holocaust-YOU should know why by now.
*Incremental gun-control laws when medical has
killed over 5,000,000 in ten years and the
psychiatric, religious death cult has murdered
500,000 and counting. Death by neurotoxins and
C. I. A. psychiatrists that are not licensed,
faked their degrees, and provided faked
licenses. DEATH BY PSYCHIATRISTS who have
murdered more people than by firearms in this
*Death by abusive parents and their poor,
parenting skills.
*Endless wars
*Nuclear power plants built on fault lines
*Occult (hidden)chemical and biological warfare
in the food, drink, water, land, and air.
*Fukashima Daiichii and the Chernobyl Disaster
with continued radiation exposure NOT being
reported on by the mainstream, fake news,
That's why the U. S. is in active stage 10
denial with class 6 polarization and class 1
classification per Dr. Gregory Stanton's
GenocideWatch.Org as I add on to his list and
combined it with list.

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