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Wow!! Katrina and everyone here who has spoken directly from your Heart...

Each Of you has

spoken from your own Truth and it feels so good and empowering just as Anita shares with Us...

I am with you Matthew as I also was diagnosed with ( a term the medics use!?) an incurable
cancer...and had treatments for ...but after the messages I received from my Darling Anne from
the Next Realm Last November I pulled myself completely out of all the Hospital treatments and
visits..( It is for each one of us who believes in their own healing Path to come to our own I can only offer the path I have taken as an option 🙏♥️)

I feel Good and the only health issues I have are either due to my age or mainly from the Medical
treatments which are well known for the debilitating effects they cause..I am slowly working
through these in my own way and do both sense and feel that given time I will be able to
overcome them..
I suppose I am truly fortunate as I have no fears at all of leaving this realm to pass into the
Next..In fact just the opposite but I know from everything I have learned thus far in this lifetime
that these moments of sharing are some of the reasons why I am still here..
Anita was given a second chance to make a difference in this lifetime and we are all reaping the
benefits...I also have been given my second chance and I also in my own way wish to help and
share with anyone who cares to understand the messages that Anita brought back with her from
the Next Realm...

To know that You are “ MAGNIFICENCE and MAGNIFICENT in every possible Way and it
was when Anita understood that with every fibre of her Being during her NDE..and in her book
Anita relates to you...
“ In the moment I chose to go on toward death, I became aware of a new level of truth.
I discovered that since I’d realized who I really was and understood the magnificence of my true
Self, if I chose to go back to life, my body would heal rapidly.”

Anita then goes on to say that when she had made the decsision to come back into this lifetime
her body would heal rapidly for she suddenly had a new understanding that her body is only a
reflection of her internal state..If her inner self was aware of its greatness and connection with
All-that-is, her body would soon reflect that and heal rapidly.!”

Matthew.. and everyone who has access to the understanding Anita is sharing with us helping the healing of both our mind and our body by remembering the Deep Truth of our
Inner Magnificence...
Go Shine Your Light out into the World Matthew..We Love You for who you really

I'm so sorry you had such a traumatic closure with your mom, it must have been so very hard, even if
you didn't have a great relationship with her. Moving forward with your treatment in the way you
choose, you can embrace your dancing! If it gives you great joy, you are so very very fortuante to have
something that gives you internal joy. So glad you are here to share your positive focus with us!

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