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Arch. Pharm. Res.

(2015) 38:1737–1745
DOI 10.1007/s12272-015-0584-9


Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry

for determining protein structural changes in drug discovery
Jae-Jin Lee • Yeon Seung Park • Kong-Joo Lee

Received: 3 January 2015 / Accepted: 25 February 2015 / Published online: 7 March 2015
Ó The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2015

Abstract Protein structures are dynamically changed in tertiary and quaternary structures are determined by their
response to post-translational modifications, ligand or che- primary sequences (Anfinsen 1973). A well-defined struc-
mical binding, or protein–protein interactions. Understand- ture of protein represents the specificity of conformation,
ing the structural changes that occur in proteins in response to while native protein maintains a sufficient degree of dy-
potential candidate drugs is important for predicting the namics to keep functionality (Frauenfelder et al 1991; Bai
modes of action of drugs and their functions and regulations. et al. 1995; Henzler-Wildman et al. 2007). This is most
Recent advances in hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass evident for enzymes that undergo conformational changes
spectrometry (HDX-MS) have the potential to offer a tool for during catalysis (Stock et al. 2000; Eisenmesser et al. 2005;
obtaining such understanding similarly to other biophysical Liu and Konermann 2008).
techniques, such as X-ray crystallography and high resolution Under physiological conditions, proteins perform their
NMR. We present here, a review of basic concept and biochemical functions through interacting with target pro-
methodology of HDX-MS, how it is being applied for iden- teins, or post-translational modifications (PTMs) including
tifying the sites and structural changes in proteins following phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation and oxidation,
their interactions with other proteins and small molecules, at both global and local level (Xin and Radivojac 2012).
and the potential of this tool to help in drug discovery. Tertiary and quaternary protein structural changes can also
occur by protein–protein and protein–ligand interactions,
Keywords Hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX)  Mass and PTMs. These structural changes regulate the biological
spectrometry (MS)  Protein structure change  Protein– functions of proteins. Therefore, progress in small com-
protein and -chemical interaction  Nm23-H1  UCH-L1 pound drug discovery and protein therapeutics depends on
structural analysis of higher order protein complexes (Chen
et al. 2011).
Introduction Many analytical tools for characterization of protein
structures and conformational transitions are currently
Proteins are indispensable players in all biological pro- available: Capillary electrophoresis (CE); surface plasmon
cesses, including enzyme catalysis, metabolism, energy resonance-based assays (SPR); spectroscopic methodolo-
conversion, cell signaling, cell communication, cell struc- gies such as UV–visible spectrophotometry; Foster reso-
tural support, cell growth and death, among others. They nance energy transfer (FRET); Fourier-transform infrared
perform their diverse functions, via their specific three di- spectroscopy (FTIR); nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR);
mensional arrangement of amino acids. Three dimensional small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS); circular dichroism
(CD); calorimetric techniques such as isothermal titration
calorimetry (ITC) and differential scanning calorimetry
J.-J. Lee  Y. S. Park  K.-J. Lee (&) (DSC) (Vuignier et al. 2010; Huang and Chen 2014). CD
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and College of
spectroscopy is useful in observing changes in the secondary
Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750,
Republic of Korea and tertiary structures of proteins and monitoring protein–
e-mail: protein interactions, although not for getting information that

1738 J.-J. Lee et al.

helps in quantitative structural interpretations (Greenfield methodology is based on the exchange of the protein
2004). FRET analysis has been used to study time-resolved backbone amide hydrogens with deuterium in D2O. The
enzyme catalysis and protein–ligand interactions. It covers a backbone amide hydrogens located at the surface of the
large sensitivity range but its ability to provide biologically protein or those involved in weak hydrogen bonds, can
meaningful information diminished because of the presence exchange readily with deuterium, while those buried inside
of the probes (Rindermann et al. 2011). NMR spectroscopy of the protein or involved in strong hydrogen bonds ex-
has contributed to solving the structures of low molecular change more slowly. One can obtain information on protein
weight proteins (\30 kDa), but not the kinetics of confor- dynamics and conformational changes by measuring hy-
mational dynamics. Furthermore, it requires high protein drogen–deuterium exchange rates of backbone amide hy-
concentrations, which could result in protein aggregation drogens. There are two main approaches for performing
(Montelione et al. 2000). In contrast, X-ray crystallography deuterium labeling in HDX experiments:continuous label-
is the gold standard for investigating the structures of higher ing and pulse labeling. Pulse labeling in HDX-MS is
order protein complexes at high atomic resolution. However, mainly used for characterizing protein folding. Most HDX-
this technique has also limitations such as requirement for MS approaches employ continuous labeling for charac-
large amounts of samples, difficulties in monitoring protein terization of protein folding and conformational changes by
dynamics, and in preparing protein crystals (Hassell et al. observing differential HDX kinetics. Continuous labeling
2007). enables the monitoring of deuterium incorporation into the
Mass spectrometry (MS) has become highly useful not protein structure as a function of time, providing infor-
only for identifying protein sequences and PTMs (Na et al. mation on the structural dynamics of protein under each
2008), but also for examining their structures, folding and condition. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the differential HDX-
dynamics (Kaltashov and Eyles 2002). With the discovery of MS experiment performed by continuous labeling com-
electrospray ionization (ESI) in 1980s, ESI–MS made it prises four steps; (A) deuterium exchange, (B) quenching
possible to analyze non-volatile biological macromolecules and protease (pepsin) digestion, (C) LC separation of di-
in the gas-phase and to identify proteins and many PTMs gested peptide and mass detection, and (D) data analysis.
with peptide sequencing with extraordinary speed and sen- Protein samples in the absence or presence of chemical or
sitivity (Jeong et al. 2012b). Hydrogen/deuterium-exchange interaction proteins (compound ± or interacting protein ±)
combined with ESI-MS (HDX-MS) was first used in probing are diluted and incubated in the D2O containing buffer to
protein conformational changes (Katta and Chait 1991). initiate the labeling process for various times. The excess
Following these improvements, MS analysis was employed deuterium insures that the exchange of hydrogen by deu-
in studies of protein structures and dynamics, because it re- terium is favored (Marcsisin and Engen 2010). Deuterium
quires a small amounts of sample, has no mass limit and exchange time, normally seconds to hours, can be optimized
allows rapid processing and can be applied in high- depending on the folding characteristics of the protein in
throughput analysis (Huang and Chen 2014; Pacholarz et al. question. After allowing time for deuterium exchange, the
2012; Wei et al. 2014; Marciano et al. 2014). In addition to reaction is quickly quenched with a quenching buffer which
providing precise mass and sequence specific information, reduces pH to 2.5, denatures the protein, and reduces tem-
ion-mobility MS analysis also allows studies of higher-order perature to 0 °C. The quenching step also minimizes back
protein complexes (Borysik et al. 2013). Moreover, inves- exchange in the subsequent analysis step. Temperature and
tigating exchange rates on a wide time scale with HDX-MS pH are tightly controlled in order to minimize H/D back
can provide information about protein conformational tran- exchange. The presence of denaturants such as guanidine
sitions. Deuterium exchange kinetics reflects the accessi- HCl and disulfide reducing agents such as dithiotheitol
bility of a protein to solvent and the dynamics of protein (DTT) or tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine)) (TCEP) in the
secondary structure. In this review, we discuss fundamental quenching step, ensures denaturation of the protein, which
concept and experimental approaches of HDX-MS, recent increases their susceptibility to proteolysis. Proteolysis is
applications of this technique in identifying the sites of in- performed with acidic proteases such as pepsin in HDX-MS
teractions and conformational changes of proteins and its analyses because they are active under acidic quenching
potential role in antibody-based drug discovery. conditions (Huang and Chen 2014). Digestion with pepsin
produces many overlapping peptides which helps increase
information of HDX peptides by raising the peptide resolu-
Basic concept and methodology of HDX-MS tion. In order to increase sequence coverage, SEMSA
(selectively excluded MS analysis) technology can be em-
HDX-MS is a widely used to explore protein conformation ployed (Seo et al. 2008), and other proteases such as fungal
and protein conformational changes in response to protein- protease XIII or XVIII can be used depending on the protein
and ligand-interactions in solution, PTMs. HDX-MS size and its amino acid sequence. The enzyme immobilized

Mass spectrometry for determining protein structural changes 1739

Fig. 1 Basic concept and

methodology of HDX-MS A B


in beads, ensures that it is not injected into the LC/MS sys- molecules and when they are chemically modified
tem, which can reduce the dynamic range. Following biologically or experimentally.
quenching and proteolysis, the peptides are separated by
liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with MS. Chromato-
Protein–Protein interactions
graphic separation at low temperature requires control of
back exchange. Short resolving time is critical to minimizing
Protein–protein interactions occur in many biological pro-
back exchange. It is necessary to identify each peptide re-
cesses. Especially understanding antigen–antibody inter-
leased by digestion of the non-exchanged protein by tandem
actions and identifying the epitopes are important in
MS before performing the HDX-MS experiments. HDX-MS
protein therapeutics, because therapeutics with antibody-
data analysis can be laborious, because of the large number
based drugs are fast growing area. More than 40 antibodies
of peptides generated and associated kinetic measurements.
and derivatives are approved for use and more than 300 are
Measuring the percent deuterium exchange for each of the
being employed in clinical trials. However, it is difficult to
released peptides is achieved by calculating the average mass
identify the interacting domain between antibody and
to charge ratio (m/z) of the peptide ion isotope cluster
antigen. X-ray crystallography provides the best resolution
(centroid approach), or by fitting theoretical isotope distri-
of the structure of a protein complex, but this technique is
bution to experimental data (Wei et al. 2014). Recently, an
possible only if the protein crystal complexes which are
user friendly HDX-MS software has become available from
difficult to obtain, are stable.
Deuterator, HD desktop, DXMS, and HD Express (Chalmers
In efforts to discover effective antibody based
et al. 2011). HDX-MS results can be visualized the differ-
therapeutics, it is important to have a clear understanding
ence of deuterium uptake kinetics curve of each peptide
of the science underlying antigen–antibody interactions
(Fig. 1D in box), and the kinetic difference of each peptide
and identifying the epitope region. Mapping the epitope
are mapped onto crystal structure (Fig. 1D) which makes it
regions of therapeutic antibodies is required to ensure in-
possible to find the region of structural change in response to
tellectual properties. High resolution HDX-MS is a cutting
protein-, ligand-interaction or PTMs,
edge tool for analyzing protein–protein and protein–ligand
interactions under physiological conditions using small
amounts of proteins. HDX-MS has been useful in studying
Application of HDX-MS protein-proteninteractions (Zhang et al. 2011), and has
been significantly extended to studies of antigen–antibody
HDX helps detect conformational changes occurring in interactions of various kinds (Wei et al. 2014). HDX-MS
proteins during their interactions with other proteins, small has also become the most effective method for rapidly

1740 J.-J. Lee et al.

characterizing epitope structure (Malito et al. 2013). This carried out to interact with synthetic ligands with VDR
study has examined the binding between monoclonal an- using HDX-MS. Significant protections of HDX with
tibody against factor H binding protein, the vaccine antigen synthetic ligands were observed in helixes 3, 7, and 8 of the
of Neisseira meningitides, employing various technologies ligand binding domain, regions which are similar to those
including peptide arrays, phage display, X-ray crystallog- seen for the natural hormone VD3. This information pro-
raphy, and HDX-MS. HDX-MS was found to be the best vides viable starting points for synthetic expansion (Carson
methodology for very rapid epitope characterization with et al. 2014). These studies establish the potential of HDX-
small amounts of sample. HDX-MS is now indispensable MS in small molecule therapeutics.
tool for examining protein–protein interactions.
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are significantly
regulated by b-arrestin, which desensitizes G-protein sig- Protein structural changes by post-translational
naling and initiates a G-protein independent signaling. modifications
HDX-MS was employed to examine how activated b2
adrenergic receptor (b2AR)-G-protein recruits b-arrestin. Proteins carryout their manifold biological functions by
Two separate sets of interactions occur in this case. In the changing their tertiary and quaternary structures during
first, phosphorylated carboxy terminus of b2AR interacts their translational and/or posttranslational genesis. PTMs
with N-terminal domain of b-arrestin; this is followed by a variously affect the protein’s stability, cellular location,
second interaction that involves the insertion of finger loop and ability to interact with other molecules thereby pro-
of b-arrestin into the receptor core (Shukla et al. 2014), The moting several biological processes. Post translational
dynamic and structural information forms the basis for structural changes can occur in proteins from various
understanding how GPCR is regulated by b-arrestin. events including mutations, alternative splicing, proteolytic
cleavage, chemical and enzymatic modifications in amino
Protein-small molecule interactions acid side chains, which can alter the charge, polarity,
spatial features, and induce conformational changes (Seo
Understanding how proteins interact with small molecules and Lee 2004). Since PTM-induced conformational chan-
(\800 Da) is necessary for unveiling the effect of small ges dynamically vary depending on the nature and degree
molecules on protein function. In order to determine the of modification, highly sensitive and flexible analytical
modes of action of small molecule therapeutics on target tools are necessary for identifying structural changes they
proteins, analysis using X-ray crystallography of co-crystal produce. HDX-MS is now recognized as a suitable method
is needed. Recently, HDX-MS has been extensively em- for identifying the conformational changes of alternately
ployed to verify the binding of small molecules such as spliced proteins (Kim et al. 2014), and oxidized proteins
therapeutic drugs, natural substrates, metabolites, and li- (Kim et al. 2013), as like X-ray crystallography for crys-
gands to target proteins (Sowole and Konermann 2014). tallized proteins, and NMR spectroscopy for solution
These studies demonstrated that binding to small molecules structure of low molecular weight proteins.
causes significant structural changes. Different conforma- Mass spectrometry with hydrogen/deuterium exchange
tional perturbations in proteins have been shown to occur (HDX-MS) was successfully employed for assessing
in proteins in following binding to nucleotides and syn- structural changes in proteins such as ubiquitin C-terminal
thetic small molecule activators employing HDX-MS hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) in which residues exposed to
(Landgraf et al. 2013). For example, AMP-activated pro- surface more readily exchange deuterium allowing their
tein kinase (AMPK) is known to be activated by nu- mass increases to be detected. UCH-L1 is known as key
cleotides and synthetic ligands. AMP binding induces molecule in neurodegenerative disease (Lowe et al. 1990)
conformational changes mainly in the c subunit of AMPK, and cancer metastasis (Kim et al. 2009). HDX-MS helped
while binding to synthetic activators causes significant determine the structural alterations produced in UCH-L1
changes in the glycogen binding module of the b subunit. by truncation of its N-terminal 11 amino acids (exon 1
These findings demonstrate that HDX-MS is a useful tool deletion). A recent study identified a variant of UCH-L1
for identifying the conformational changes that occur in lacking N-terminal 11 amino acids (N-terminal truncated
proteins following protein-small molecule interactions. UCH-L1, NT-UCH-L1) and found that NT-UCH-L1, in
HDX-MS was also employed in studies of conformational contrast to UCH-L1, is aggregation prone and plays a
changes in estrogen receptor a (Goswami et al. 2014), protective role in an animal model of Parkinson Disease
PPARc and retinoid X receptor a (Carson et al. 2014). (PD) (Kim et al. 2014). Since NT-UCH-L1 has no enzyme
Modulation of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) with a ligand activity, N-terminal 11-peptide seems necessary for cat-
has the potential to be useful for the oral treatment of os- alytic activity. In order to understand the structural basis of
teoporosis. In order to find lead compounds, screening was these differences, HDX-MS of intact proteins without

Mass spectrometry for determining protein structural changes 1741

proteolysis was employed, in which residues exposed to HDX-MS has also been found valuable in solving the
surface more readily exchange deuterium allowing their complicated mechanisms involved in oxidative regulations.
mass increases to be detected. HDX occurred slowly in Oxidative modifications are closely involved in the
UCH-L1, taking up to 16 h to complete, while in NT-UCH- regulatory functions of many proteins. The highly reactive
L1, this exchange was completed in just about 2 min cysteine residues in redox-regulated proteins play key roles
(Fig. 2A, B). This indicates that NT-UCH-L1 has a more by forming disulfide bonds and quickly change their struc-
open structure than UCH-L1. The flexible regions were tures into active or inactive conformations. As a conse-
identified by analyzing HDX in pepsin-digested peptides quence of disulfide formation, OxyR (Choi et al. 2001) and
(Fig. 2C). More deuterium exchange occurred in the N- and Hsp33 (Janda et al. 2004) are activated and RsrA (Zda-
C-termini of NT-UCH-L1 than of UCH-L1, and the peptide nowski et al. 2006) and IpaH9.8 E3 ligase (Seyedarabi et al.
containing active site cysteine (82MKQTIGNSCGTIGL95) 2010) are inactivated. Cysteine oxidation to sulfenic, sulfi-
in NT-UCH-L1 exchanged less deuterium than in UCH-L1. nic, sulfonic acid, dehydroalanin, serine, and thiosulfonic

incubation time in D 2O
59% D2O
49% D2O

Deuterated mass (Da)


56% D2O H2O

NT Incubation time in D2O(min)

1 1 2 2
C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

3 4 5 6 3
90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

4 5 7 6 61~70%
170 180 190 200 210 220 41~50%
UCH-L1 21~30%
NT-UCH-L1 11~20%

Fig. 2 Structural differences between UCH-L1 and NT-UCH-L1. A, increase (B). C Recombinant UCH-L1 and NT-UCH-L1were incu-
B Purified UCH-L1 and NT-UCH-L1 were subjected to HDX studies. bated with D2O exchange buffer at 25 °C for 30 min, digested with
UCH-L1 and NT-UCH-L1 were incubated with D2O exchange buffer pepsin and analyzed using nanoAcquityTM/ESI/MS. Deuterium
at 25 °C for the indicated times and analyzed using nanoAcquityTM/ exchange rates were represented by % exchange and colored
ESI/MS. HDX spectra of UCH-L1 and NT-UCH-L1 and deuterium accordingly (Cited from Kim et al. 2014)
exchange rates were represented by % exchange (A) and mass

1742 J.-J. Lee et al.

Fig. 3 HDX-MS of Nm23-H1.

A HDX ratio of peptic peptides
of native and oxidized Nm23-
H1 in response to H2O2
(0–5 mM). Zone B is readily
exposed to surface in lower
H2O2 concentration and Zone A
is exposed in higher H2O2
concentration. B, C Hexameric
structure of Nm23-H1 in side
view (B) and top view (C). Red
color presents Zone B region
and blue color, Zone A. (Cited
from Kim et al. 2013)

acid (Jeong et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2015) is known to inac- role as a tumor metastasis suppressor (Rosengard et al.
tivate peroxiredoxins (Hall et al. 2009; Jeong et al. 2012a), 1989). Oxidative modification of Cys109 promotes disso-
GAPDH (Hwang et al. 2009), and phosphatases (van ciation of Nm23-H1 from a hexamer into dimer (Song et al.
Montfort et al. 2003). 2000), loses its tumor metastasis suppressor activity as well
Nm23-H1/NDPK-A is another redox sensitive protein as its enzymatic activity. Cys4 and Cys145 form a disulfide
(Song et al. 2000). Nm23-H1/NDPK-A is a multifunctional bond under oxidative condition, and the oxidized Nm23-
housekeeping enzyme having nucleoside diphosphate ki- H1 is a substrate of the NADPH-thioredoxin reductase
nase activity as a hexamer (Min et al. 2002) and plays a key 1-thioredoxin (NADPH-TrxR1-Trx) system and readily

Mass spectrometry for determining protein structural changes 1743

reduced and recovered by this system (Lee et al. 2009; Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Global Re-
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nomics Research Program (No. 2012M3A9B90036680) of NRF. YS
regulated in oxido-reduction. However, the mechanism of Park was supported by Brain Korea 21 Plus (BK21 Plus) Project.
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