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Oliza, Nikki

Rabo, Cherry Date: 08/29/2019

Tabongan Aisha Jebel N. Tabongan Section: 1Bio01

1. Is math created or invented? Explain.

"Mathematics is a product of the human imagination that we tailor to describe reality" as

stated by Derek Abbott, a professor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at The University of
Adelaide in Australia. He also stated that mathematics is a human invention. He studied about the
ineffectiveness of mathematics which I had read and strongly persuaded by his works, beliefs, and

Correspondingly, past, present, and future are what defines mathematics. Its existence
depends on human imagination and humans depend on the principles of mathematics. Mathematics
serves as the fundamental relating closely to reality. The accuracy and precision of mathematics
help every individual to cope up and live in this world. For the majority, mathematics is the
universal language but there is no guarantee that it's every concept is universally applicable. For
instance, not every situation, cycle, and different processes have compacted mathematical
expression that applies to regularity, but I believe that everything has a mathematical structure.

On the other hand, mathematics is a necessity in the modern world. Mathematics is created
to ensure that everyone and everything will be as accurate as it can be. It fills the gaps between
every word and events. It somehow serves as the universal communicator that even English or
Chinese or even Latin can defeat. Without Math, our wold would be very confusing for people.

2. Reflect on: Mathematics in our daily life

Mathematics is possibly one of the most underrated sciences. It is everywhere in our lives,
mathematics runs our computers, flies our aircraft, and protects our information. But for such a
major part of our lives, very few people can say that they know how it is done. It's not only as
simple as adding and subtracting number, but to be honest even the most complicated math
problems actually occurs in real life. Contrary to popular belief, mathematics has a wide range of
useful applications. Those who would ask whenever they would need algebra, both linear algebra
and calculus is used extensively in computer programming and engineering. The fact is that
mathematics is integrated into almost every profession, and every aspect of your life.
Math can be useful tool in everyday activities in our life. Like when you shopping,
managing your money, for estimating, or reading about discussing issues, some mathematical ideas
and skills come up time and again. Math can be social token and math can be a tool to investigate
the world, and also math can be a constant companion and source of enjoyment.

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