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Lesson 5 Teaching as Yo

Mission and Pro

»Teaching as a Vocation
▪ Etymology:
- It comes from the Latin
which means "to call"
▪ Vocation is a strong feelin
for a particular career or

▪ When someone practices

vocation, they teach with

▪ A teacher who practices t

vocation responds to the
or calling for service, just
cal figures, with utmost d
▪ In summary, vocation is o
who are really dedicated n
but also to serve other pe
»Teaching as a Mission
▪ Etymology:
- It comes from the Latin
which means "to send"
▪ Mission refers to any task
allotted, or self-imposed.
▪ Every teacher has its own
that they need to accomp
▪ Every teacher has its own
▪ We, as future teachers are
bute to the betterment of
unique way.
Your Vocation,

n word "vocare"
ng of suitability
r occupation.

s teaching as a
h dedication. ac

teaching as his
e strong feeling,
st like the bibli-
only for some
not just to work
n word "misio"
k that is assigned,
n purpose or objective
n unique mission to
re expected to contri-
f this world in our own

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