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When does Teaching become a mission?

The poem says teaching is a mission when:

 When you are doing it nt obly for the pay but also for service

 If you keep on teaching out of love

 when you are committ to teaching even if it means letring to go of other activities

 remain teachibg even though nobody recigniEs you efforts

 it's almost impossible not to get excited about

 cincern is success plus faithfulness

 great school is filled with teacher involved in

Teaching is a Mission. Every human being has a purpose or mission in this world and the main
purpose of every human is to produce and protect life. As teachers, we always have goals in everything
we teach and do to our students. Why? It is simply because we are teachers who have mission and that
is to make each of our students competitive, equipped with the fundamental skills and knowledge and
also to be a total human person for his society.

We teachers are not only teaching to have students with brilliant minds we are also destined to
produce human beings with heart and soul for everyone. A human that is capable to love and care for
the other people. Teachers are like disciples of Jesus. We are expected to teach and cater the knowledge
of our students. What kind of knowledge? Knowledge for subjects, for himself, for life, for morality, and
for God and that is through teaching them the knowledge and the truth comes with it and God is the
truth and that is the great assigned task of Him to us – to perform with excellence when doing our

When does teaching is a job?

In the poem says teaching is a job when:

 If you are doing it only because you are paid

 If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you

 If you teach because it does not interfere with yourother activities

 If you quit because no one praises or thanksyouforwhat you do

 hard to get excited about

 If our concern is success

 An average scgiol is filled by teachers foing their job.

Teaching is a job and all it says it at the poem above. In teaching many of us wanted to become a
teacher because we wanted to get rich, popular, or in short have luzxurios life. We become selfish or
greedy from what the poem emphasizes on when does teaching is a job. When we only came here to get
that job without any mission for you and the learners you cannot have the life you want, the praises you
want and SUCCESS you want because in teaching we must be committed on what we are doing, love the
profession we want because that should be a teacher to get a permanent job.

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