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Direction: Answer the following questions, comprehensively.

1. The doctors, the lawyers and all other professionals also claim their profession to be the
noblest? Do you agree? Why or why not?
Answer: I don’t agree because teaching in the noblest profession there is no doubt on it.
And because all other professionals was also taught by a teacher.

2. What advantages does the practice of the teaching profession have over that of other
Answer:  The teaching profession in general is an important avenue of upward social
mobility. Because teaching does not require capital, property, or family connection, it
provides a good opportunity for the economic and social advancement of able and
ambitious young people.

3. Are you proud to be a teacher because you belong to the noblest profession? (Imagine
being a licensed teacher as of the moment)?
Answer: Among many noblest profession in the world, I feel proud to be a teacher
because it gives me a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction. It means that I'm doing
the valuable task of shaping the future by guiding the various career
oppurtunities and changing the lives of youth.

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