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Name: Jerwin R.

Soriano Date: 01/29/2021

Subject: Prof. Ed 9 Instructor: Corazon DR. Pangan


Answer the following questions:
1. What are the personal characteristics of an ideal teacher? Explain how these
characteristics can help students develop into good citizens.

There’s no such thing as “perfect teacher/s” because that is totally impossible,
theoretically, no teacher also will ever become totally ideal. Becoming totally ideal would
mean that the teachers has achieved such level of perfection that he/she no longer requires
further effort towards growth and improvement. However, some researches, books and
articles mentioned that an ideal teacher usually possesses these characteristics:
(1) He/She knows fully the scope and contents
of the subjects in which he/she has to teach.
Teachers are considered as scholars and they
should constantly upgrade themselves in their
subject to really feed their students with
enough, reliable and concrete information
which can definitely help students develop a
deeper knowledge and understanding towards their subject.
(2) An ideal teacher is susceptible to adaptation or modification. Not all the
time students are engaged into learning new lessons (due to some reasons),
that’s why teachers should not be overly sensitive if that scenario happens.
Rather he/she should identify the problems that have arisen in the classroom
and eventually focus again to the lesson.
(3) He/She is a model of self-confidence. Self-confidence is a must in the field
of the academe. Each teacher must possess this kind of characteristic for them
to be able to easily communicate not just the lessons but also communicate
their passion and heart to their students.
(4) An ideal teacher is also a good role model. Again, becoming totally ideal
would mean that teachers must achieve perfection and same is true with
becoming an excellent role model. However, to pursue becoming a good role
model is definitely attainable and becoming a good role model for teachers is
an inevitable thing.

2. As a future teacher, what are your talents and skills that you can share to your

Talents and skills which I think I have that I can share to my students:
(1) Good Communication Skills. Since I
am a church leader for about ten years
now and also, I am a full-blooded
Marketing Management graduate, I was
trained well on how to communicate
with other people. We were trained on
how to connect to people, persuade
people and even speak to a huge crowd, and having a good communication skill is
a must not just for teachers, sales agents, tv personalities, etc. but it is vital for
(2) Creative. I can humbly attest that I am a creative type of person. My mind I
guess, has this ability to think and create ideas in which I consider as “ideas
outside the box”.
(3) Smart. I may sound too braggy while writing this answer, but I think I can
consider myself as someone who has the ability to think in a deeper and more
technical level. My mind wants to learn all the time. Hence, students in this
present time must also be very disciplined when it comes to gaining more
knowledge and expertise.
(4) I can sing. I consider this talent of mine as gift from God. Through singing I was
able to overcome anxiety, because of this gift I was able to also survive financial
difficulties and lastly through singing I was and still able to serve God using this
gift. Sometimes students must also see and recognize that each one of them is
unique, that each one of them has their own gift and they just don’t know yet how
this talents and skills might bring them.
3. What are the needs of teachers at present that the government should address to
make teaching-learning efficient and effective?

There are a lot of things that teachers today needs and our government must do
something about it if they want our education system become efficient and effective.
Teachers of today needs:
(1) Salary Increase. They say money is never an issue but if we are to be realistic and be
true about it, money matters. It matters if you are the bread winner of the family, it
matters if you are a parent and it matters if you have the desire to at least survive each
day. I’ve seen teachers whose been struggling for years just to save for their family’s
future, teachers whose been living in debt because of loan and such. If our
government wants to really have an efficient and effective education system they
must first think of the welfare of the laborers, they must help our teachers to become
at least financially stable, it must always be two way, and no one should be neglected.
(2) Budgeted Trainings and Seminars. We can never provide excellence if we are not
trained to become excellent and if our government wants to see a progressive and
excellent education system, they must provide a budgeted trainings and seminars for
ALL the teachers. It should not be selective; it must be for all.
(3) Budgeted Facilities and School Materials. Let’s be honest and realistic, our
teachers need to be in a conducive place to teach their students and sadly not all
schools have that, both in private and public. Aside from good facilities, we also
don’t have enough school materials such as xerox machines, books, computers, name

I am really hoping that our government will be more mindful this time. That before
asking for a better output from our teachers, they must receive first a better treatment.
4. Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to other professions?
Explain your answer.

Yes, as I mentioned in the above answer (#3 Answer) teachers of today are treated
unfairly compared to other professions. I just noticed during this time of pandemic that not
all teachers has their hazard pay yet they’re compelled to report to school almost every day.
Not all teachers has the privilege of receiving COLA, they don’t have food allowance and
most of all some teachers has to spend their own money in buying books for their lessons,
which is truly heartbreaking.

5. Examine the Bill of Rights in Article III of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, do you
think all teachers are enjoying their rights as citizens? Explain your answer.

No, as mentioned in the book Teaching Profession by Greg Tabios Pawilen, “Often
times, teachers are also among the most common victims of human rights violations. It is
unfortunate that some teachers are victims of unfair labor practices and abuse of authority
by some school officials.” I am wholeheartedly agree with that statement, teachers are not
enjoying their rights as citizens.
I’ve witnessed first-hand how teachers both in public and private were asked to do duties
that is not really part of their responsibility/s. According to some teachers they were also
asked to print modules using their own money, and some of were also mandated to report
during weekends. It is somehow true that teachers are not enjoying their rights as citizens.

6. What are the 7 R’s that professional teachers need to do and learn as professionals?
Explain each.

According in the book Teaching Profession by Greg Tabios Pawilen, the following are
the 7 R’s that professional teachers need to do and learn as professionals:
 Remember to perform duties with high degree of professionalism. A teacher should
not allow his/her to be destroyed to personal greed and politics. Teachers should
avoid wrong conduct such as cheating their students’ grades and practice favoritism
in their class.
 Respond the needs of each student with utmost level of concern to the welfare and
well-being of each student.
 Recognize that as professionals, teachers must continuously seek professional career
advancements through attending trainings and seminars both international and local,
joining professional organization/associations and more so doing graduate studies.
 Reawaken teacher’s passion and sense of mission to serve all types of learners
regardless of their differences.
 Renew your commitment to help each learner to learn in order to have a better future.
A teacher must believe that each learner can have a good future if he/she equips each
learner with the right knowledge and skills that each learner may use in the future.
 Re-evaluate your attitudes towards students and your work ethics.
 Relearn, learn, and unlearn many things to keep you updated with new knowledge
and information. A teacher must be always active in the business of life-long

Source: Teaching Profession by Greg Tabios Pawilen

7. What are the things that should be improved in the professional lives of teachers? Why?

Patience, understanding and more
compassion are the things that I personally
think should be improved in the professional
lives of teachers. The school set up today is
extremely different from the past school year,
everybody is still adjusting and coping with
“new normal” school set up that’s teachers shall stretch more their patience, more so their
compassion towards their students.

8. What are the problems and issues related to teacher’s character that you are aware
of? Are these healthy to the teaching profession? Why?

Recently, I’ve been reading and hearing news about teachers who are not behaving
professionally. According to an article published by GMA News last August 1, 2018 there
are teachers who are facing legal cases for sexual harassment against students and as a
faculty myself I am not seeing these as a healthy or even ethical kind of act. These lawless
actions should be condemned and never be tolerated.

9. What are the 7 domains of knowledge that are important to teachers? Explain each.

Shulman (1987) tried to organize important domains of knowledge that are important for
1. Knowledge in content – Teachers
should know the subject matter they
teach. Teachers has these
tendencies sometimes to just simply
throw information out of pure
opinion and not of facts. Teachers
need to make sure that they’re
teaching students the right information all the time.
2. Pedagogical content knowledge – It represents a perfect blend of content and
pedagogy into a framework for understanding how subjects, topics, and lessons are
organized into instruction. It simply means teachers should master the subject they
are teaching, and they should know how to teach it effectively.
3. Knowledge about learners – This is the idea of the different learning styles, thinking
styles, and educational needs of the learners. Teachers are mandated to always assess
the learners; they need to dig deeper to know the needs of their respective students.
4. General pedagogical knowledge – This includes general theories and teaching
principles of teaching. In addition, these are general pedagogical principles that are
applicable to any classroom situation and in any teaching and learning context.
5. Knowledge of educational contexts – Educational context focus on the cultural,
economic, political, and education context that shape and influence education.
6. Curriculum Knowledge – This is about the knowledge of innovations, curriculum
designs, curriculum materials, assessment, and the curriculum process.
7. Knowledge of educational ends, purposes, and values – This is the understanding
of the principles, theories, and purpose of education to have deep appreciation of the
enduring values of education.

Source: Teaching Profession by Greg Tabios Pawilen

10. Identify an expert teacher (LET passer & with 3 years or more teaching
experience). Set an interview, ask him/her what made him/her an expert. Reflect on
the lessons that you learned from him/her.

I interviewed Teacher Cecille Duran, a public teacher at Abar 1 st Elementary School and
according to her:

“Teaching is a noble profession and being

a teacher means a lot to me. It is both an
honor and a great privilege. Being an
expert of my profession is not easy at all , I
went through a lot of experiences and
continuous learning in teaching.”
“Those experiences and continuous learning are not easy at all but it made me a better
teacher and a better person.”

I can really relate to her because as a young college instructor myself I also had that
desire to just continue learning and improving. I always do recognize that experts are not
born they are created and to become a better teacher and person we should always seek and
desire growth and rebuke stagnancy.

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