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The chart below shows the annual pay (thousands of US dollars) for doctors and
other workers in seven countries in 2004.
- A is far higher than B
- whereas
- comparatively (adj)
- compared with
- In contrast
The charts illustrate the
number of people who
were affected by four
types of noise pollution
in day and night in cities
and rural areas in 2007.
The bar charts compare the data of people/the amount of people/how many people in
metropolis and rural area who were affected by/influenced by/disturbed by noise
pollution from 4 different sources during daytime and nighttime over the course of 2007.

Overall, it is evident that people in urban area were affected by all kinds of noise pollution.
In both charts, traffic was the main factor that led to noise pollution all the time.
The given bar charts compare how many people were affected by four types of
noise pollution in urban and rural areas during daytime and nighttime in 2007.

Overall, we can easily see that traffic is the biggest and the main source of noise
pollution, and people in metropolitans were affected more by noise than people in
rural areas.
As can be seen from the charts, traffic is the effect of ….

As can be seen from the charts, traffic is the biggest noise influence.

It is also evident/obvious/clear/apparent people living in metropolitans were disturbed

by noise more than…
The given bar charts compare how many people were affected by four types of
noise pollution in urban and rural areas during daytime and nighttime in 2007.

Overall, we can easily see that traffic is the biggest and the main source of noise
pollution, and people in metropolitans were affected more by noise than people in
rural areas.
As can be seen from the charts, traffic is the effect of ….

As can be seen from the charts, traffic is the biggest noise influence.

It is also evident/obvious/clear/apparent people living in metropolitans were disturbed

by noise more than…
The given bar charts compare how many people in urban and rural
areas were affected by noise pollution from four sources during daytime
and nighttime in 2007.
As can be seen from the charts, it is apparent that more citizens in
metropolitan areas were influenced by all types of noise pollution than
rural areas. In both charts, traffic was the main source of noise pollution
every time.

❖ The charts illustrate the number of people who were affected by

four types of noise pollution in day and night in cities and rural
areas in 2007.
➢ The charts compare the total number of/how many people
influenced by/disturbed by four different sources of noise

❖ Người ở thành phố chịu ảnh hưởng bởi tiếng ồn nhiều hơn là
người sống ở quê.
❖ Trong các loại noise pollution thì traffic là ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất

❖ Người ở thành phố chịu ảnh hưởng bởi tiếng ồn nhiều hơn là người
sống ở quê.
➢ As can be inferred from the graphs, people living in cities experienced a
higher level of noise pollution compared with rural areas.
❖ Trong các loại noise pollution thì traffic là ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất
➢ It is also apparent that traffic was the main source of noise pollution to all
1. conventional (adj) truyền thống 1. irrelevant (adj) không liên quan, thích hợp
2. man-made (adj) nhân tạo 2. technological (adj) thuộc về công nghệ
3. compensate (v) bù đắp 3. gain access to: tiếp cận với
4. the absence of st: sự biến mất/vắng bóng của
= approach to V
cái gì
5. severe (adj) nghiêm trọng 4. tend to: có xu hướng
6. indicate (v) chỉ ra
= be inclined to
7. noticeable (adj) đáng chú ý
8. nutritious (adj) giàu dinh dưỡng
9. misleading (adj) gây hiểu nhầm
10. dug up (v) đào lên
11. contradict (v) mâu thuẫn
12. symptomatic (adj) thuộc triệu chứng

=> symptom (n)

The chart below shows the state of dissertations done by students in a UK university in
1990, 2000, and 2010.

Nộp bài tại:

Bar Chart:

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