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University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

Cardiff School of Art & Design

(Telegraph, 2012)
The stress that doesnt pay: The couting parado!
"A #$ons% &roduct Design
'a(or &ro(ect, Systes )elated
)esearch )eport
Author: Adam Price
Supervisor: Bethan Gordon
Date of Presentation: 27
February 2012
Word Count: 000
Systems Project Research Report Page 2 of 41
Ta*le of Contents
Table of Contents_______________________________________________2
1 Abstract / Summary__________________________________________3
2 Introduction________________________________________________4
3 The Need for a New esi!n____________________________________"
4 #utline $ro%ect &rief__________________________________________'
( )ar*et +esearch____________________________________________1,
+,- Secondary )esearch......................................-/
+,0 Analysis of Secondary )esearch............................0/
+,1 &riary )esearch........................................0-
+,2 Analysis of &riary )esearch..............................1/
- $ro%ect )ana!ement $lan____________________________________31
" Conclusions_______________________________________________34
. Initial $roduct esi!n S/ecification_____________________________3(
Systems Project Research Report Page 3 of 41
- A*stract 3 Suary
This report do!u"ents the se!ondar# and pri"ar# resear!h pro!esses underta$en for
the third #ear %A Produ!t Design S#ste" related pro&e!t 'rief(
The ai" of the resear!h )as to e*plore the parado* of !o""uting: The stress that
doesn+t pa#(
The report des!ri'es )h# there is a need for a ne) produ!t s#ste" to enhan!e the
!o""uting e*perien!e '# 'etter use of the !o""uting ti"e(
%# e*ploring so!iolog# and ps#!holog# and then ta$ing into a!!ount su'&e!tive )ell,
'eing and sustaina'le develop"ent into the design of transport, it has 'een possi'le
to for"ulate a 'rief, )hi!h )ill allo) for the design and develop"ent of the produ!t(
Systems Project Research Report Page 4 of 41
0 Introduction
Co""uting has 'een des!ri'ed as parado*i!al, 'eing the stress that doesn+t pa#(
Wor$ers around the -. are spending a total of 1(/ "illion hours !o""uting ever# da#,
the e0uivalent of 1222" )orth of )or$ing ti"e( (tradesunion!oun!il, 2003)
45ver# 10 "inutes spent !o""uting results in 106 fe)er so!ial !onne!tions that
"a$e us feel happ# and fulfilled(7 (Putna", 2000)
Traditionall# )ell,'eing has 'een a "easure"ent of the in!rease in "aterial )ealth '#
in!o"e or 8ross Do"esti! Produ!t( Progressivel# it is 'eing realised that 8DP is not a
!o"prehensive "easure of )ell,'eing( Another approa!h is su'&e!tive "easures,
gained '# as$ing people )hat their satisfa!tion and happiness is( 9a!tors su!h so!ial
status, "aster# and purpose all !o"e into it as )ell( (:ao, 2012) As affluent so!ieties
su!h as the -. have gro)n ever ri!her, there have 'een long,ter" rises in rates of
an*iet# and depression( (Wil$inson, 2010)
This pro&e!t;report ai"s to loo$ at )a#s to i"prove !o""uting so that it !ontri'utes
to, rather than ta$es a)a# fro" su'&e!tive )ell,'eing( The ai" is to see ho) a design
solution !an enhan!e the !o""uting e*perien!e or "a$e 'etter use of !o""uting
This )ill 'e done '# loo$ing into different "odes of !o""uting fro" )al$ing, !#!ling,
driving, ta$ing the train, riding the 'us and the su')a#( To gain a holisti! vie) of the
!o""uting e*perien!e, 'oth the positive 'enefits and the inherent pro'le"s(
Professor Sir Colin %u!hanan and e*pert on transport )rote in a report pu'lished in
<ove"'er 132= nearl# >2 #ears ago !alled Traffi! in To)ns )arned that %ritain?s to)ns
and !ities )ould 'e!o"e paral#sed '# traffi! !ongestion( @is predi!tion is ringing true
toda#( (%u!hanan, 2001)
What Sir %u!hanan proposed >0#ears ago )as for larger !ities to have underground
!ar par$s, as )ell as the de"olition of e*isting 'uildings and roads to allo) traffi! to
pro!eed at ground level )ith shops , and pedestrians , on a level a'ove( @e also
re!o""ended par$ing !ontrols(
Systems Project Research Report Page 5 of 41
:eports in the past fro" transport e*perts have re!o""ended )a#s for the
8overn"ent to ta!$le !ongestion '# i"ple"enting ne) poli!# to restrain
traffi!;!ongestion and to develop ne) pu'li! transport( This has largel# 'een the
e*pert advi!e for the last >0#earsA also in the last >0#ears the pro'le"s asso!iated
)ith a "o'ilit# dependent so!iet# have gro)n in s!ale and !o"ple*it#( <o) so!ial
)ell,'eing and sustaina'le develop"ent is "oving higher on the agendas alongside
transport( (B#ons, 200=)
Transport does not "erel# serve so!iet#A it shapes so!iet#, as in turn so!iet# shapes
transport( The future of ea!h is dependent on the other( Transport e*perts "ust "ove
a)a# fro" engineering and e!ono"i!s to !onsider su!h dis!iplines as so!iolog# and
ps#!holog# to shape transport to fit so!iet# '# ta$e into a!!ount su'&e!tive )ell,'eing
and sustaina'le develop"ent(
Systems Project Research Report Page 6 of 41
1 The 5eed for a 5e6 Design
Wor$ers spend nearl# 22 "illion hours !o""uting ever# da#( The Trades Union
Congress revealed that 6or8ers spend an average of >= "inutes !o""uting
ea!h da#( -. )or$ers spend 1222",)orth of )or$ing ti"e travelling ea!h to and fro"
)or$ ea!h da#( (resear!h, 2003) Wor$ers in Bondon have the longest !o""ute (C(2
"inutes), follo)ed '# )or$ers in the South 5ast (>2( "inutes) and the 5ast of
5ngland (>2 "inutes)( Wor$ers in Wales (1 "inutes) and the South West ((/
"inutes) have the shortest &ourne#s to )or$( (Congress, 2003)
Df Wales+ 1(= "illion )or$for!e, /1,=00 go to )or$ in 5ngland ever# da#, )ith the
1(23 "illion )or$ing in Wales, 13/, 00 )or$s in Cardiff >,>00 of )hi!h travel in
ea!h da# fro" neigh'ouring authorities( (5vans, 2011)
The dail# &ourne# to and fro" )or$ has 'een des!ri'ed as the stress that doesn+t pa#(
9or "an# people, !o""uting is an aspe!t of dail# life that re0uires a lot of valua'le
ti"e, 'ut "ore often than not !an 'e an e"otional and ph#si!al drain( Although travel
literature and "agaEines praise the &ourne# as 'eing as signifi!ant as the destination,
the sa"e e*periential ro"an!e !an rarel# 'e attri'uted to the dail# !o""ute(
Systems Project Research Report Page 7 of 41
Stress arises )hen people si"ultaneousl# feel a loss of !ontrol and the pressure of
ti"e, often !o"pounded '# unavoida'le dela#s on pu'li! transport, )hether
underground, tra", train, or 'usA traffi! !ongestion for those )ho drive or !#!leA
noise, !haos, !ro)ds and the e"otional displa#s and out'ursts of frustrated strangers(
(thersa(org, 2011) (9re#, 200 August)
4<ot onl# is the a"ount of ti"e !o""uting an issue, the 3 to > !ulture )ith its pea$
travel ti"es generates !ongestion on the rail, underground and road net)or$s and as
a !onse0uen!e, in!reases stress for !o""uters(7 ()or$)iseu$(org, 2011)
Well "eing9I"' :lo*al Couter &ain Survey: Traffic Congestion Do6n, &ain
Way Up,
Dver /,000 !o""uters in 20 !ities on si* !ontinents )here surve#ed(
F Drivers report "ore stress and frustration related to !o""uting )orld)ide
F 16 of !o""uters glo'all# said i"proved pu'li! transportation )ould help redu!e
F Per!eption of traffi! in e"erging e!ono"ies vs( "ore developed e!ono"ies is
i"proving( (A:GD<., 2011)
(i'"(!o", 2011)
Stress That Doesn;t &ay: The Couting &arado!
Co""uters have 'uried their heads in ne)spapers for de!ades, )hile GP= pla#ers and
ele!troni! 'oo$s are "ore re!ent distra!tions( What "ore !an 'e done to i"prove the
dail# &ourne#A even "a$e it a high,point of the da#H (thersa(org, 2011)
Systems Project Research Report Page 8 of 41
2 <utline &ro(ect "rief
Co""uting is a ne!essar# evil a "ental and ph#si!al 'urden( Although travel literature
praise the &ourne# as 'eing as signifi!ant as the destination that !an rarel# 'e used to
des!ri'e the dail# !o""ute(
It is evident that there is an overall need for a ne) produ!t s#ste" that i"proves
!o""uting ti"e so that it !ontri'utes to, rather than ta$es a)a# fro" the su'&e!tive
)ell,'eing of the "a&orit# of the 1(2"illion people the !o""ute in the -. ea!h da#(
Systems Project Research Report Page 9 of 41
+ 'ar8et )esearch
>(1 Se!ondar# :esear!h
Wor8ing ha*its
(Spen!er, 2010)
Systems Project Research Report Page 10 of 41
-. )or$ers still )or$ the longest hours in 5urope, despite the introdu!tion of the
Wor$ing Ti"e regulations, so there is s!ope for negotiating redu!tions to the )or$ing
)ee$( The average )or$ing )ee$ for full,ti"e )or$ers in the -. is =3(2 hours( 5*perts
sa# that %ritain+s health and produ!tivit# )ill de!line unless so"ething is done a'out
it( 9or full,ti"e "en the average is 0(3 hours a )ee$, and for )o"en the average is
=C(> hours (<e)s 5arnings Surve#, April 2002)( (unison(org(u$, 200=) (8illan, 200>)
This is a !ulture of )or$ until #ou drop, there is no )ord in 5nglish for )or$ing #ourself
to death(%ut in Japan the# !all it .aroshi and in China it is 8uolaosi as the -. in 200>
had the se!ond longest )or$ing hours in the developed )orld, &ust 'ehind the -nited
States( Professor Car# Cooper sa#s KIf #ou )or$ !onsistentl# long hours, over >
hours a )ee$ ever# )ee$, it )ill da"age #our health, ph#si!all# and ps#!hologi!all#(
In the -. )e have the se!ond,longest )or$ing hours in the developed )orld, &ust
'ehind the States and )e no) have longer hours than Japan( Wor$ing s"arterK, 4The
long hours have 'een proven to da"age health, ph#si!all# and ps#!hologi!all# and
in!rease stress( (8illan, 200>)
Transport , So the $e# to the transport profession has 'een engineering and
e!ono"i!s( Transport therefore pri"ar# goals have 'een to get faster and !heaper(
A!!ording to a report !o""issioned '# Bi'eral De"o!rat GP Jo S)inson, Bondoners?
"orning !o""utes ta$e longer than in 1302( In 1302, it too$ 2/ "inutes on a petrol,
"otor 'us and =/ "inutes on a horse,dra)n 'us( (8uardian, 2010)
Systems Project Research Report Page 11 of 41
(Telegraph, 2012)
9or the eleventh annual <o Pants Su')a# :ide, nearl# ,000 people parti!ipated in
<e) Lor$ )ith tens of thousands "ore parti!ipating in >3 !ities in 2C !ountries around
the )orld( (Todd, 2012)
Driginal video in 2002 :, http:;;)))(#outu'e(!o";)at!hHvM21C"h'pAD<0
Systems Project Research Report Page 12 of 41
In the first #ear of Bondon?s s!he"e to !harge drivers for !logging up !ongested areas
of the !it#, the nu"'er of private !ars entering do)nto)n dropped '# = 6(
(Cars, 200C)
(%esle#, 9e'ruar# 20th 2012)
The Ti"e+s high,profile !ities fit for !#!list+s !a"paign has 'rought together
organisations and individuals )ith a )ide range of interests( As the pressure 'uilds
and the de'ate is ta$en to the @ouse of Co""ons, Sustrans+s =leanor "esley as$s
)hether David Ca"eron is going to put his "one# )here his "outh is
What if )e all )al$ed to )or$H Wal$ to )or$ )ee$ e*plores that idea(
#02 April 0//>%
Systems Project Research Report Page 13 of 41
The psychology of happiness
The arti!le advo!ates in turn that the transport profession "ust "ove fro" its
heartlands in engineering and e!ono"i!s to also e"'ra!e su!h dis!iplines as so!iolog#
and ps#!holog#(
Stefan Sageister: ? rules for a8ing ore happiness
(Sag"eister, 2011)
Stefan Sag"eister outlined the $e# influen!es of happiness )hat affe!ts )ell,'eing the
"ost and )hat doesn+t fa!tor into the e0uation in 0ui!$ overvie) of the aspe!ts )hi!h
do and don+t "atter( To start )ith he said 4'an and Woan are ver# si"ilar7( This is
'a!$ed up '# <ational Statisti!s )hi!h "easured the -.s su'&e!tive )ell,'eing in
2011( The !o"parison of "ean ratings 'et)een Gen and Wo"en sho) ver# little
(Statisti!s, 2011)
Systems Project Research Report Page 14 of 41
and neither does !li"ate( Stefan Sag"eister sa#s( 7Cliate plays no role( Lou are
going to 'e &ust as happ# in either pla!e(7
%ut one fa!tor of the !li"ates i"pa!t on happiness is to !onsider the seasonal patterns
effe!t on hu"an )ell,'eing( T#pi!al effe!ts of )inter are depression, s#"pto"s of
fatigue, lo)ered "otivation, h#perso"nia;e*!essive sleepiness, in!reased appetite and
)eight, irrita'ilit# and redu!ed so!ia'ilit#( This pheno"ena is la'elled '# so"e
ps#!hiatrists as an illness and des!ri'ed as the Seasonal Affe!tive disorder( (John G(
5agles, 200/)
Bight therap# has 'een sho)n to 'e effe!tive in up to /> per !ent of diagnosed !ases(
That is, e*posure, for up to four hours per da# (average 1,2 hours) to ver# 'right
light, at least ten ti"es the intensit# of ordinar# do"esti! lighting( (asso!iation,
2012)Bight therap# is parti!ularl# effe!tive in the "orning 'e!ause it affe!ts the 'od#
!lo!$;!ir!adian rh#th"
Trials that have found 'right light to 'e "ore effe!tive )hen ad"inistered in the
"orning than in the evening as SAD sufferers have !ir!adian phase dela# so a 'right
"orning light !an advan!e the phase of the 'od# !lo!$( The tests found that it
i"proved sufferers "ood, energ#, alertness and produ!tivit#( 5*er!ise is the other
health,pro"oting a!tivit# for people e*hi'iting SAD s#"pto"s( (Ps#!hiatrist, 2011)
(Ba"p, 2010)
Stefan also said 4If #ou "a$e "ore than +/,/// *uc8s a #ear in the -(S( an# salar#
in!rease #ou+re going to e*perien!e )ill have onl# a tin#, tin# influen!e on #our overall
This !an 'e 'a!$ed up '# "ultiple studies )hi!h sho) 4the i"portant gains are "ade
in the earlier stages of e!ono"i! gro)th, 'ut ri!her a !ountr# gets, the less getting
still ri!her adds to the population+s happiness(7 (Wil$inson, 2010)
Stefan said 4if #ou have anagea*le health pro*les, it doesn+t reall# "atter(7
<ational statisti!s sho) 9igure >(2 sho)s that there is a !lear differen!e in the
distri'ution of s!ores for satisfa!tion of "ental )ell,'eing !o"pared )ith ph#si!al
Systems Project Research Report Page 15 of 41
health( The distri'utions sho) that overall people report 'eing "ore satisfied )ith
their "ental )ell,'eing than their ph#si!al health, )ith =2 per !ent of respondents
giving a s!ore of 10 out of 10 for their "ental )ell,'eing !o"pared )ith 1> per !ent
for ph#si!al health(
1( S!ale 0 M Nnot at all+ and 10 M N!o"pletel#+
What Stefan said does "atter is the /
line do)n on the i"age the differen!e 'et)een
the Gan is intelle!tual and reads a lot )here as the Wo"an is So!ia'le and gets
involved in Chur!h( She is a!tuall# "u!h happier the Gan "eaning that if #ou have a
lot of friends, and #ou have a "eaningful friendship, that does "a$e a lot of
:o'ert Putna" a @arvard politi!al s!ientist sho)s in his 'oo$ %o)ling alone that as
ti"e has gone on people have 'e!o"e "ore dis!onne!ted fro" fa"il#, friends, and
neigh'ours along )ith less !o""unal a!tivit# )hi!h threatens !ivi! health( @e
des!ri'es !o""uting as the "ost ro'ust predi!tors of so!ial isolation( So!ial
!onne!tions tend to "a$e us happ# and the "ore ti"e spent !o""uting is less ti"e
spent "a$ing "eaningful friendships( (Bo)re#, 2011) (Putna", 2000) (Putna", 2000)
Systems Project Research Report Page 16 of 41
Bone drivers sit on their o)n )hilst driving along in their "etal 'o*;!ar and the
'iggest one is on the Bondon underground, 'uses and other pu'li! transport a
!o""on depi!tion is of people )ith their 4heads 'uried in ne)spapers and 'oo$s,
iPods on full 'last, people te*ting furiousl#, ever#one studiousl# avoiding e#e !onta!t(7
(8etthetu'etal$ing, 200/)
Stress That Doesn;t &ay: The Couting &arado!
@o)ever, in a dire!t test of this strong notion of e0uili'riu", )e find that people )ith
longer !o""uting ti"e report s#ste"ati!all# lo)er su'&e!tive )ell,'eing(
9ro" an e!ono"i! perspe!tive, !o""uting is &ust one of nu"erous de!isions rational
individuals "a$e( If !o""uting has e*tra ps#!hologi!al !osts, then traveling longer
distan!es to and fro" )or$ is onl# !hosen if it is either !o"pensated '# an intrinsi!all#
or finan!iall# re)arding &o' or '# additional )elfare gained fro" a pleasant living
environ"ent( A!!ordingl#, !o""uting is deter"ined '# an e0uili'riu" state of the
housing and la'our "ar$et, in )hi!h individuals+ )ell,'eing or utilit# is e0ualiEed over
all a!tual !o"'inations of alternatives in these t)o "ar$ets( Thus, an# disagree"ent
'et)een the t)o perspe!tives is due to the strong 'elief in e!ono"i!s that "ar$et
for!es lead to an e0uili'riu" in )hi!h rents are prevented( (9re#, 200 August)
Su*(ective Well "eing SW"
Su'&e!tive )ell,'eing !an 'e si"pl# defined as the individual+s !urrent
evaluation of her happiness( Su!h an evaluation is often e*pressed in affe!tive
ter"sA )hen as$ed a'out su'&e!tive )ell,'eing, parti!ipants )ill often sa#, 4I
feel good7 (S!h)artE O Stra!$, 1333)( Su'&e!tive )ell,'eing is thus, at least in
part, a pro*# for a glo'al affe!tive evaluation
The t)entieth !entur# )itnessed the rapid ur'anisation of the )orld+s
population M "ore !ongestion MstressMlonger !o""uting ti"e(
(-nited<ations(org, 200>)
Dn 1C 9e'ruar# 200=, one of the )orld+s largest and "ost a"'itious plans to
ta!$le ur'an !ongestion 'egan, )ith the introdu!tion of a !ongestion !harge for
!entral Bondon( It is hoped that this 1> dail# !harge for "an# vehi!les entering
the Inner :ing :oad !harging Eone )ill signifi!antl# redu!e the level of
!ongestion fa!ed '# those travelling into and out of !entral Bondon 'oth '#
private and '# pu'li! transport(
Systems Project Research Report Page 17 of 41
(pers0uare"ile, 200=)
Systems Project Research Report Page 18 of 41
3.1 Analysis of Secondary )esearch Analysis
It sho)s that one of the i"portant aspe!ts of hu"an happiness and )ell,'eing are the
a"ount of so!ial !onne!tions and "eaningful relationships( It sho)ed that ver# little
!onversation )ith people on pu'li! transport is had events su!h as the get the tu'e
tal$ing sho) are done to illustrate that( This )as 'a!$ed up '# :o'ert Putna" )ho
!learl# sa#s 10"inutes spent !o""uting is 10"inutes fe)er so!ial !onne!tions( With
the longest !o""uting ti"e in Bondon )hi!h !an rea!h as length of C(2 "inutes that
is a C(2 "inutes fe)er so!ial !onne!tions(
As ur'aniEation in!reases as progressivel# does so into the future the ur'an spra)l )ill
in!rease )ith people !hoosing to !o""ute in fro" the su'ur's for the in!rease in
su'&e!t )ell,'eing asso!iated )ith 0uitter neigh'ourhoods and safer living( This
!reates su'ur'aniEation( Therefore longer !o""uting ti"es and !reates !ongestion as
people travel in fro" the su'ur's into the !it# to )or$(
Systems Project Research Report Page 19 of 41
1,0 &riary )esearch
5thnographi! :esear!h
The author set out in rush hour on a 9rida# 2
9e'ruar# 2012 at >:00p"( This ti"e
)as !hosen as it has 'een sho)n that the &ourne# ho"e is vie)ed at the ti"e )hi!h is
"ost stressful as the person vie)s it as their o)n personal do)n ti"e 'eing spent(
Co"pared to the "orning it is seen "ore as )or$ ti"e( (@ughes, 2011)
Professor of Ps#!holog#,Jennifer Bu!as @ughes sa#s 4People per!eive the !o""ute to
)or$ as )or$ ti"e and the ti"e it ta$es to get ho"e as free ti"e( So )ill have "ore
pressure on the" to get ho"e "a$ing the" feel "ore unhapp# )ith the !o""ute
ho"e(7 (Gindfullivingnet)or$, 2012)
That is )h# the resear!h )as !ondu!ted on a 9rida# evening as the end of )ee$
signals the start of the )ee$end the "ain personal free ti"e of the )ee$ for 3 to >
The $e# o'servations areP(
<oise on the 'us(
<o !onversation though no one )as tal$ing to ea!h other(
A than$ #ou to the 'us driver on getting off 'ut that+s all(
Sha$# 'us, "a$es people on edge(
Gigraine !ausing rattles fro" the )indo)s(
Avoid e#e !onta!t at all ti"es(
Systems Project Research Report Page 20 of 41
When "easuring )ell,'eing it is i"portant not to rel# purel# on 8DP and e!ono"i!
progress, 'ut also to !olle!t infor"ation fro" people the"selves a'out ho) the#
assess their o)n )ell,'eing(
To gage the individual su'&e!tive )ell,'eing , national statisti!s at the end of 2011 did
an opinion surve# loo$ing at the %ritish Populations su'&e!tive )ell,'eing(
<ational http:;;)))(ons(gov(u$;ons;d!p1C1CC2Q2//(pdf
The 0uestions 4represent a 'alan!ed approa!h to the "easure"ent of su'&e!tive )ell,
'eing dra)ing on the three "ain theoreti!al approa!hes identified(7
The evaluative approach as$s individuals to step 'a!$ and refle!t on their !o""ute
and "a$e a !ognitive assess"ent of ho) their !o""uting is overall(
The @eudeonic approach, so"eti"es referred to as the ps#!hologi!al or
fun!tioning;flourishing approa!h )hi!h dra)s on self,deter"ination theor# and tends
to "easure su!h things as people+s sense of "eaning and purpose in life, a sense of
!ontrol and )hether the# feel part of so"ething 'igger than the"selves(
The e!perience approach, )hi!h see$s to "easure people+s positive and negative
e*perien!es over a short ti"efra"e to !apture people+s )ell,'eing on a da#,to,da#
Systems Project Research Report Page 21 of 41
The pro&e!t;report ai"s to loo$ at )a#s to i"prove !o""uting so that it !ontri'utes
to, rather than ta$es a)a# fro" su'&e!tive )ell,'eing( 9irst the $e# fa!tors of this
surve# set out to "easure the su'&e!tive )ell,'eing of 2C people that !o""ute on a
variet# of different for"s of transport( Ta$ing the Dffi!e for <ational Statisti!s
approa!h into a!!ount )hen )riting the surve# 0uestions, )ill allo) the "easure of
!o""uter+s su'&e!tive )ell,'eing(
Dverall, ho) happ# did #ou feel #esterda#H (Experience approach)
Dverall, ho) an*ious did #ou feel #esterda#H (Experience approach)
<ational statisti!s as$ed these t)o e*perien!e approa!h 0uestions to the -. and the#
sho) a strong !orrelation )ith an*iet# and happiness( The "ore an*ious the, less
happ# and the "ore happ#, the less an*ious, )hi!h sho)s a $e# 0uestion )ill 'e ho)
an*ious !o""uters as the "ini"isation of an*iet# )ill in!rease happiness(
Dverall, ho) satisfied are #ou )ith #our life no)ada#sH (Evaluative approach)
Dverall, to )hat e*tent do #ou feel the things #ou do in #our life are
)orth)hileH (Eudemonic approach)
Systems Project Research Report Page 22 of 41
This is an evaluative 0uestion )hi!h sho)s the "ore in!ontrol and independent a
person is the higher the su'&e!tive )ell,'eing as their life satisfa!tion is in!reased(
This )as a "ale do"inated surve# 3/(>6 )here "ale(
32(>6 of people do !o""ute(
Systems Project Research Report Page 23 of 41
A range; even spread of different for"s of transport )here used( The largest group
)here !#!lists due to "ore surve#s 'eing filled out on !#!ling foru"s as the foru"s
are ver# popular !o"pared to the %-Susers-. fa!e'oo$ 'oo$ page and the nationa
rail foru"(
The >1(26 of people that )al$ed and !#!led "eant there )as no surprise that in
0uestion / >1(26 of people did e*er!ise during their !o""ute(
Systems Project Research Report Page 24 of 41
This evaluative 0uestion sho)ed that /6 of people )here satisfied )ith their last
Systems Project Research Report Page 25 of 41
The national statisti!s graph sho)ed the !orrelation 'et)een not 'eing an*ious and
happiness( /6 of people )here not an*ious so 'ased on the national statisti!s it
!ould also "ean the# )ere happ#( This is a 2C person 0uestionnaire and )as posted
on foru"s and sites )here passionate !#!lists, passionate 'us users and train users
gave their ti"e to fill it out(
This )as a strong illustration of the la!$ of so!ialising and "eaningful friendships
gained on the !o""ute( Whi!h sho)s as in the introdu!tionP(45ver# 10 "inutes spent
!o""uting results in 106 fe)er so!ial !onne!tions that "a$e us feel happ# and
fulfilledH7 (Putna", 2000)
Dr though /6 of people did not feel an*ious on their last !o""ute the# didn+t feel
that happ# either( In the national statisti!s surve# of -. sho)ed a strong !orrelation
'et)een happiness and not feeling an*ious(
Systems Project Research Report Page 26 of 41
Systems Project Research Report Page 27 of 41
This sho)ed )hat the "a&orit# of users did on their !o""ute, this has a !orrelation
'et)een the for" of transport or drivers fo!us on driving and !#!lists e*er!ise, 'us
users listen to "usi! and train users !an read a 'oo$ or sleep(
Systems Project Research Report Page 28 of 41
A "i*ed response to the )orth)hileness of !o""uting( This 0uestion too$ a
Eudemonic approach to "easure happiness( Gost people said it )as a "eans
to an end rather than a )orth)hile a!tivit#(
-sers des!ri'ed an e*perien!e )here so"ething out of there !ontrol disrupted their
&ourne#( A nu"'er of interesting responses )ere given(
Systems Project Research Report Page 29 of 41
1,1 Analysis of &riary )esearch
The pri"ar# resear!h sho)ed a fe) strong &ustifi!ations of the se!ondar# resear!h(
Co""uters have little so!ial intera!tion of their &ourne#(
>06 see !o""uting as a "eans to an end rather than a )orth)hile
>06 felt !o""uting )as average en&o#"ent(
The level of satisfa!tion )ith !o""uting )as dependent on the for" of
transport 'ut )as "i*ed(
The ethnographi! also 'a!$ed up the la!$ of so!ial intera!tion and ever#one avoided
e#e !onta!t at all !osts and spent the ti"e loo$ing out the )indo)(
Systems Project Research Report Page 30 of 41
2 &ro(ect 'anageent &lan
Major Project Report Page 31 of 41
Systems Project Research Report Page 32 of 41
Systems Project Research Report Page 33 of 41
+ Conclusions
The need for an enhan!ed !o""uting e*perien!e has 'e!o"e !lear( The $e# aspe!ts
of that need to 'e fo!used in the follo)ing )ee$s of !on!ept generation are produ!ts
)hi!h !an enhan!e the use of the ti"e of 'us either '# 'rea$ing do)n so!ial 'arriers
to in!rease the so!ia'ilit# of the !o""ute to in!rease user+s )ell,'eing(
It is i"perative that the dis!iplines of so!iolog# and ps#!holog# and stringentl# applied
in the design pro!ess as the old )a#s of i"proving '# the !ost and speed of
!o""uting is no longer suffi!e( Design thin$ing is needed to re,thin$ the )a# "an# of
the 1(/ "illion that !o""ute in the -. ea!h da#s spend their ti"e on their &ourne# to
Major Project Report Page 34 of 41
A Initial &roduct Design Specification
A,-,- Copetition
A,-,0 'ar8et constraints
3 to > rush hours
8lo'all# there are siestas and fle*iti"e(
<eed to get the passenger to )or$ 0ui!$l#(
8iving the passenger "ore !ontrol over the ti"e it ta$es the" to get to
)or$ and ensure produ!tivit# )hether(
5nsure to "ini"ise an*iet#(
Cost !onstraint
Stress free
Ti"e !onstraint
A,-,1 Aesthetics, appearance and finish
Appeal to "an# people
Appeal to !o""uters
Systems Project Research Report Page 35 of 41
S#"'ol of happiness and )ell'eing
Portra# !ontinual learning
Inspire Intrinsi! "otives
8rasp "aterial and pro!esses influen!e on aestheti!s
A,-,2 Buantity
2"illion people !o""ute ea!h da#(
Start out 'at!h of = )ith goal to rea!h the 2"illion(
A,-,+ Target &roduct Cost #T&C%
Avg retail pri!e of a Car is 13000 (Autotrader, 2010)
Avg !ost of a train ti!$et 1>(00 (thetrainline, 2003)
A,-,A Disposal
:e!#!la'le (D9D)
Closed Boop
Bife !#!le thin$ing
A,-,? Tiescale
12 )ee$s 2C
Gar!h S 1/
6.1.8 &erforance #Cife in service%
Intuitive to use for "an# people
Ga$es the "ost of valua'le !o""uting ti"e
In!rease personal su'&e!tive )ell,'eing
5nhan!e the !o""uting e*perien!e
Address the e!ono"i!, so!ial and environ"ental issues of people+s dail#
Systems Project Research Report Page 36 of 41
A,-,D =nvironent
Indoor and outdoor
:ain, )ind, sno), sun
Bights, da"p,
Corrosion fro" salt on the road
Indoor vandalis"s potential theft(
A,-,-/'anufacturing facility
Cardiff Getropolitan -niversit#
A,-,--&roduct Cife Span
Avg !ar life 12#ears (greenans)ers, 2003)
Boo$ing for 20#ears
2(2"illion -.
3 to > e"plo#"ent
12,20#ears of age
A,-,-1Buality and )elia*ility
:elia'le for dail# use =2>da#s of the #ear
Systems Project Research Report Page 37 of 41
Systems Project Research Report Page 38 of 41
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