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Not Provoked by Hate

Social media, can’t be denied that they have a role in the development of a
country. Social media are other forms of the people of a country. The way they
interact and be ethical can be one of reflection to the morality and development of
that country itself. I am my self is an active social media users.

As social media users, I have found many miracles happened because of the
sympathy and the sense of brotherhood from its users. Fundraising for a little girl
who has severe illness and rescuing tortured animals. On other hands, so many things
are very worrying. People in cyberspace really easy to judge others, as if they
become a magistrate and they know everything. Even most of them do not know about
what happened and have no idea who is right and who is wrong, who is the victim and
who is the suspect. Everyone feels that only their opinion is the most correct and
when the debate happen in column comments, cursing and dropping others is often come
out. But the debate ends without any solution and become vain. And the worst part is
the debate left hate among the different stronghold. This condition aggravated by
Indonesian’s HOAX-prone conditions.

HOAX or fake news is very worrying, the fact that internet users in Indonesia
are easier to receive information/content online and low willingness to search
whatever the information is right or wrong. They easily believe what they see and
what is common to them. Indonesia is very heterogeneous with more than 1.300 tribes,
more than 300 ethnicities, and 6 prior religions make Indonesia become an easy target
for HOAX account or for person/group that want to divide this beloved country. Making
egocentric thicker and worse. No exception for political, justice, and economic news.
HOAX mixes many things, manipulate the truths while leading many people with their

In fact, the effort was almost successful. Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance

become something that really precious. Through tolerance, we can see problems from
many points of view then determine the best solution for everyone so that no one
feels left behind. Another important thing is to be smart. Not in academic content
but smart in the way of thinking.

Think before typing. Perhaps, that is the suitable phrase. Think twice before
believing new information and beware to the hate speech, because hatred cannot be
resisted by hatred as water that only can fight the fire. Also, think “What is the
impact of my writing here? Is it good or is it bad?”. Spread peace even its just a
little thing and all start from ourselves.

People of Indonesia and Indonesia government must walk complementary. This is

what I want to change from Indonesia. Back again when people don’t ask “ Where are
you from?” but “What is your name?” and allurement like “Let’s play kite this

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