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We had a lot of lessons and values on CFE 102.

Simply because we accomplished the whole

module. Even though the module was philosophical, sir Ben was able to teach the lesson clearly and
friendly. The value I learned and I really wanted to apply on my life because I’m kind of guilty of it –
Cheating is bad, no matter the cost and purpose. Sir Ben strongly discerned that idea. We got him angry
because of that. No one cheated their way to success without realizing they are a failure. They just
conceive that it’s a fact about them. A cheater who will always be a cheater. As a Marian student,
excellence is one of our core values. We do our best to solve every problem that we encounter. We don’t
easily give up and resort to unsavory ways on just-an-end to a problem. We fight fair to the extent of our
knowledge and pledge to continue rendering a best quality of experience. And cheating is the direct
opposite of excellence. You disobey the instructions. You disrespect you classmates and teachers. Mostly,
you lied about your score and responsibility. Nothing is graver than being proud of a cheated score. So, to
inculcate this value, I must stop from doing it. Although that’s unlikely, because for us humans its normal
to lie. When your child starts saying a lie, do not be mad. Otherwise, you must celebrate because your
child is normal. Thus, I must refrain from doing it. Eradicate a little of it by doing the right thing. For
instance, an exam tomorrow deserves time for review. There shall be no time for playing. Another
instance, if I don’t know the answer for an exam, after I tried all my best answering the questions, but
then I cannot. I shall not resort to cheating. I’ll accept the fact that I fail. And make room for me to grow
wisely and appropriately. I could also scold my classmates because they’re cheating. If I acquiesce to what
they’re doing that means I accept it. Also, I will try to understand the lesson even how hard it is. I won’t
rely on my teacher. Learning needs extra effort. All-in-all, cheating is a grave offense, not only you lied but
also you conceive a wrong image of you self. You’re not a cheater, you just need extra effort.

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