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National Textile University

BSc. Textile Engineering

Pre-Spinning Processes

Course code: YM-2012

Course title: Pre-Spinning Processes

Semester: 5th

Technology: Yarn Manufacturing

Lab Report No: 02

Determination of Cleaning Efficiency and Fiber Growth of the Blow Room line.

Submitted By
Name: Sohail Asghar

Reg No: 16-NTU-0159

Submitted To
Sir Muhammad Bilal Sab

Date Experiment was conducted: 03/10/2018

Date Report was submitted: 10/10/2018

Registration No 16-NTU-0159 Name: Sohail Asghar Subject: Pre-Spinning Processes (I)

Title: Determination of Cleaning Efficiency and Fiber Growth of the Blow Room line.
Attributes Max. Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Obtained
Beginning or Developing Accomplished Exemplary Marks

Knowledge and Do not have basic Have basic knowledge but have no idea Understands major points of knowledge with Shows precise understanding of
application knowledge. how to apply it. possible misunderstanding or failure to recall knowledge and concepts. Applies
minor points. Major mistakes in application of the concepts correctly.

Problem The interpretation is The problem is understood to some The problem is interpreted largely correctly The student has clear
Identification completely wrong. extent. with possible minor mistakes understanding of the problem.

Solution Solution is completely Part of the solution is correct to some Right solution is proposed but the basis for the Excellent solution is proposed
incorrectly extent solution are understood incorrectly

Use of figures, No or rare use of figures, Figures, graphs and tables contain errors Most figures, graphs, tables OK, some still All figures, graphs, tables are
graphs & tables graphs and tabs. or are poorly constructed, have missing missing some important or required features correctly drawn, are numbered
titles, captions or numbers, units missing and contain titles/captions.
or incorrect, etc.

Appearance, Title No symmetry, no Sections out of order, sloppy formatting Sections in order, formatting is rough but All sections in order, well-
Page and 1 uniformity, no clear readable formatted, very readable
formatting division of sections
Spelling, Too many errors, most Frequent grammar and/or spelling errors, Occasional grammar/spelling errors, generally All grammar/spelling correct and
grammar, sentence 1 of the text is not writing style is rough and immature readable with some rough spots in writing very well-written
structure understandable. style

References List of references is Insufficient references or not cited, or too Sufficient references are listed. Some of the All the relevant references are
1 missing. many mistakes. references are correctly cited, less than 5 listed. All the references are
mistakes correctly cited, no mistakes

Late Submission
1 Mark will be deducted for late submission.
Determination of the cleaning efficiency of blow room line is practically involved. The comparison
between the input (raw material) and output (Lap) of material of blow room line by Shirley analyzer
determined the cleaning efficiency of blow room line. Also check the fiber growth of the fibers in
complete blow room line by using Spin Lab Fibrograph. For cleaning efficiency of the blow room
line input material (Raw Material) we took 100 gram of sample and start process by using Shirley
analyzer. In calculated result the cleaning efficiency of blow room line input (raw material) was
trash%=6.8% and then the output material of blow room line (lap) trash% = 2.6%. so the cleaning
efficiency was 61.76%. and the total result of fiber growth was 6.76%.


Blow room is the initial machine of any spinning department. Blow room depends on number of
machines. And the first machine of blow room is bale opener or bale breaker. The role of bale
breaker is to open the compact bale which comes from the ginning mill, and there are different
machines in blow room and having different working. The major task of blow room is Opening,
Cleaning and blending of cotton, because mill but the cotton from different region so mixing and
blending is also necessary with opening and cleaning

1. To understand the method of determine the cleaning efficiency of cleaning machine of blow
2. To determine the fiber growth in blow room line.

In this experiment, two samples of input (raw material) and output (Lap) from blow room line and
by using Shirley analyzer we determine the cleaning efficiency. After getting input and output values
comparison of both is made. The we checked the how much our fiber growing in this process and
may be fiber is growing or damaged. This is checked by using of spin lab Fibrograph.

Cleaning Efficiency input (raw Material) was calculated:

C.E.1st = (Trash %age in Input - Trash %age in Output) / (Trash %age in Input) × 100.

Cleaning Efficiency 2nd was calculated:

C.E.2 nd = Input (Trash+Cage Loss) % - Output (Trash+Cage Loss) % / (Input (Trash+Cage Loss) %
× 100.

Fiber growth calculation.

F.G 1st = 2.5% span length

F.G 2nd = 2.5% span length

F.G = F.G 2nd – F.G 1st

Equipment and Materials:

• Blow room line.
• Shirley analyzer.
• 100 gram samples of Input (Raw Material).
• 100 gram sample of output (lap)
• Spin Lab Fibrograph
• Weight balance.

Two hundred gram samples of both from input (raw material) and output(lap) of blow room were
taken. The sample material for testing picked from different places from bale and lap. Then, sample
was fed in Shirley analyzer. And trash was calculated by weight balance. The comparison of both
trashes gave percentage ratio and thus, cleaning efficiency of blow room line was determined. By
using formula we calculate the initial and final value of input and output. Than we checked the fiber
growth by using the spin lab Fibrograph.

Observations and Calculations:

Input (Bale)

Total weight: 100 g

Final Pure Lint: 93.2 g

Trash: 5.3 g

Cage loss: 1.5 g

Trash Percentage: 5.3 %

Trash + Cage loss %age: 6.8%

Output (lap):

Trash Percentage: 1.6%

Trash + Cage loss %age: 2.6 %

Invisible loss was calculated by this formulation:

Cage loss = 100 - (Total Pure Lint+Total Trash).

𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ (𝐹)−𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ (𝐷)

Cleaning Efficiency = 100

6.8 −2.6
Cleaning Efficiency = 100

Cleaning Efficiency = 61.76%

The fiber growth calculation between fed and delivered material of blow room line.

Table 1: Fiber Growth value of input and output of blow room line.

No. Input (Bale) mm Output (Lap) mm

1 28.21 29.87
2 26.53 28.47
3 27.54 29.89
Avg. 27.42 29.41

Fiber Growth = 𝟐. 𝟓% 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒂𝒑 − 𝟐. 𝟓% 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒆

Fiber Growth = 𝟐𝟗. 𝟒𝟏𝒎𝒎 − 𝟐𝟕. 𝟒𝟐𝒎𝒎

Fiber Growth = 𝟏. 𝟗𝟗𝒎𝒎


In calculated value the efficiency of blow room line was 61.76% and the total fiber growth in blow
room line was 1.99mm.


The cleaning efficiency of blow room line is must be greater than 50 percent than the production rate
gives good result otherwise the value of end down rate will increase which is not good for the
production. The cleaning efficiency of our calculated is greater than 50 because we again recycled
cotton. The fiber growth value is good is fiber growth value is not good than the value SFC will

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