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Advantages and Disadvantages Foreign Workers

In 2015 is a year where the AEC (Asean Economic Challenge) where the
country in the southest asean exchange the labours . Many pro and cons after
the foreign labours came to our country . The foreign labours is the most
popular talk in our country . So should the foreign labours came to Our country

In facts , many foreign workers in our country is a majjor capital to bring

the companies to the international market . Because the expatriate improving
human resources and capabilities of local employes . Furthermore the expatriate
having more skill than local workers .

In the other hand , the foreign workers can affect the business . Because
the expatriate having a weakness . First the culture of the foreign workers is
very different with the local culture , as an example , the foreign workers having
a negative habitual like a drunk . Second , the difference language between the
foreign workers and the local workers , cometimes there is can be a
misscommunication , as an example , almost the all of the local workers can not
use the international language . Thid , creating social jealousy between the local
workers and the foreign workers , as an example , the businessman is more
trust the foreign workers than the local workers because the foreign workers is
more professional than the local workers .

The conclussion , the foreign workers or the expatriate in our country ,

make a negative effect for local workers , causes when the business choose the
foreign workers , it can make a social jealous for the local workers , Because the
local workers can loosing their jobs . And the goverment should control the
foreign workers who want to work in our country , and we will never find again
the workers loosing their jobs because the foreign workers.

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