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Part 1

Examiner: Good afternoon.

Gisele/Zafer: Good afternoon.
Examiner: My name’s Jackie Newbrook and this is my colleague Sophie Gottlieb. And your names
Gisele: My name is Gisele Meldo.
Examiner: And?
Zafer: My name is Zafer Sartov.
Examiner: Thank you. Can I have your mark sheets please?
Zafer: Sure.
Examiner: First of all we’d like to know something about you. Where are you from, Gisele?
Gisele: I am from Arg- Argentina, uh, I live in the, in the province call Tucumбn in the north of
Examiner: Thank you. And you, Zafer?
Zafer: I’m from Syria, from the mid-west of Syria near the borders of Lebanon.
Examiner: Thank you. Zafer, do you like going to parties?
Zafer: Excuse me?
Examiner: Do you like going to parties?
Zafer: Yeah, sure.
Examiner: Tell me about a party you remember well.
Zafer: Well actually the most party I really remember was two days ago. So, uh, it was at my
friend’s house and, uh, I really en- I really enjoyed it so we stayed for a long time with
our classmates and …
Examiner: Okay, thank you. And Gisele, do you work or do you study?
Gisele: I used to work, yes.
Examiner: And tell us where you used to work.
Gisele: I, I have a head of compensation and benefits, I used to work in a company, in my
country, citrus company and I, I work in the human resource areas.
Examiner: And Zafer, what type of work would you like to do in the future?
Zafer: I would like to be a dentist.
Examiner: Why?
Zafer: Um, it’s been my childhood ambition to, to be a dentist and it has increased as I have
grown up bigger, as I grew up. So, and now, because of my mum is also a dentist so I,
she is like my idol and I would love to be like her.
Examiner: And Gisele, what kind of television programmes do you like best?
Gisele: Uh, I like, uh, series, I, I enjoy a short series with any plot. I, I like, um, The Big Bang
Theory, something like that yes.
Examiner: Thank you.
Part 2
Examiner: Now in this part of the test I’m going to give each of you two photographs. I’d like you
to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a
question about your partner’s photographs. So Gisele, it’s your turn first and here are
your photographs. They show people enjoying music. I’d like you to compare the
photographs and say why you think the people are enjoying these experiences.
Gisele: In the first photograph, uh, it looks like a group of friend, uh, uh, some of them, uh, are
playing the, the piano, playing the different instruments, guitar, another’s singing. Uh,
while in the second picture, uh, there is only a woman who is listen to, uh, perhaps
radio or her favourite, uh, music.
And, uh, in both, um, case it seems that, uh, they enjoy the, the music. But, uh, the
main difference is in, in the first one there, there is a group of people, uh, and in the
second one is only one person. And, um, -
Examiner: Thank you. Zafer, do you like listening to music with friends?
Zafer: Yeah, I do actually.
Examiner: Okay, thank you. Now Zafer here are your photographs and they show people shopping
in different places. I’d like you to compare the photographs and say why the people
might have chosen to shop in these places, all right?
Zafer: Um, okay, um, in the first picture it seems to me that it’s a mall and there’re a lot of
people shopping there. I think they chose the, to shop in the mall because there are a
variety of shops, they can find whatever they’re looking for, like clothes, books, uh,
accessories, food, everything in there.
Whereas in the second picture, um, people are in a open, open place and there are
stalls, um, it looks like an accessories shop and maybe I think people chose to, to go
there because it’s a cheaper place and because you can find traditional things in there.
So, yeah.
Examiner: Thank you. Gisele, do you enjoy shopping?
Gisele: Yeah I, I love shopping, of course.
Examiner: Thank you.
Part 3
Examiner: Now I’d like you to talk about something together for about two minutes. Here are some
activities which need a lot of concentration and a question for you to discuss. First you
have some time to look at the task.
Now talk to each other about why it might be important to concentrate when doing
these activities.
Gisele: It, uh, seems to me, if you’re going to, or if you are studying for a difficult subject you,
you need, uh, of courconcentration to, to achieve the objective with successful, I think.
Zafer: Yeah, I’m agree with you because when you are studying different, uh, difficult subject
so you have many new things that could be hard to get, hard for you to get through. So
you really need to concentrate on it and just give everything you can. Yeah. Um.
Gisele: What do you think about playing a team sport?
Zafer: Um, playing team sport, uh, I think that you need to concentrate when you’re playing
the team sport because you have to, to look at your, at everyone, all the players with
you, so you know exactly what to do. And, like if you’re playing, uh, football, for
example, you need to see how- where are, where’re the places of your team players. So

Gisele: Do you think so? I think it’s more relaxed. I don’t know if you need a lot of
Zafer: It depends if you’re playing like you’re a professional football player, you need to
concentrate cos it’s a critical situation, make or break, you know.
Gisele: It could be, yes, in a professional situation yes, yes.
Zafer: Yah. And what, what do you think about watching the film, do you need to
concentrate on it?
Gisele: Except in the film, uh, sometimes is, uh, if the plot is complica-, is complicated yes but,
uh, I don’t, I’m not very sure about if you need a lot of concentration for that.
Zafer: Yeah, exactly.
Gisele: It’s a comedy, I don’t know.
Zafer: Um, well I think that watching, if you watch a film usually it’s to, just relax and
Gisele: Yeah.
Zafer: Not to focus and just become too hard, you know, you just watch to enjoy.
Examiner: Thank you. Now you have about a minute to decide which two activities need the most
Gisele: I thinks, uh, it could be one of them could be studying a difficult subject.
Zafer: Yeah, absolutely. Right for me I think it’s playing team sport, as I told you.
Gisele: I’m not very sure about that, perhaps if it’s professional playing yes it could be. But I’m
not completely sure about that.
Zafer: Yeah.
Gisele: Perhaps he’s understanding the direction in another language. If you don’t know very
well the other language then.
Zafer: Yeah, you need to concentrate so that you make less mistakes.
Gisele: Yes. And for me playing a computer game, yes, because I …
Zafer: Really?
Gisele: I’m not good, no, my nephew is better than me, yeah …
Zafer: So you think we need to concentrate on it?
Gisele: Yes, it’s hard for …
Zafer: Interesting.
Giselle: Yes.
Examiner: Thank you.
Part 4
Examiner: Gisele, sometimes people don’t like having to concentrate. Why do you think this is?
Gisele: They haven’t, you say, sorry?
Examiner: They don’t like having to concentrate.
Gisele: They don’t like?
Examiner: Having to concentrate.
Gisele: Um, it, uh, it could be because, um, maybe what this person do it doesn’t interest him
or her a lot …
Examiner: Um, …
Gisele: Uh, or perhaps it is very difficult to him or her, uh, or perhaps there are a lot of noises
around him or her, uh, …
Examiner: Okay, thank you. Zafer, do you think young people find it easier to concentrate on
things than older people?
Zafer: Um, I don’t really think, think so. I think younger people have many things to, to think
of they have like their – they have more, more things to do, so I don’t think they can
concentrate on only one thing. I have been through that and I, I know that I can’t
concentrate only one thing, I keep thinking of many things at the same time – whereas
adult people they know that it’s important to concentrate on what they’re really doing
so that they can succeed in it.
Examiner: Do you think learning languages requires a lot of effort and concentration?
Gisele: Yes.
Zafer: Yes.
Gisele: Yes, um, is depend of our, um, native language, uh, but, uh, it’s true that sometime if,
uh, you enjoy for example watching a serie- or a film you can learn, uh, without a lot of
concentration, but you are learning too.
Uh, but, uh, perhaps if you want to take exam you need a lot of concentration to learn
grammar and what …
Examiner: Do you agree?
Zafer: Yeah, absolutely I agree with her. I also think that when you are learning a new
language you have to have a strong personality, so that when you speak sometimes
you may feel embarrassed to make mistakes, but it’s okay cos we are all learning, so.
Examiner: And what do young people do to relax in Syria?
Zafer: Um, maybe listening to music – I think it’s the most thing that makes people just relax,
stop thinking of everyanything.
Examiner: And in Argentina?
Gisele: I think going out dancing, uh, meet with friend, have, uh, some drinks.
Examiner: And how easy do you think it is to work in a noisy environment?
Zafer: I think it’s really hard to work in a noisy environment because you can’t concentrate on
your job, you make a lot of mistakes and it’s not going to success, no.
Examiner: And what do you think, Gisele?
Gisele: I think it’s, uh, an interesting idea, I agree with that. But, uh, it depend on what you do
in your shop – sometimes you are things that, uh, allowed to be in a noisy environment.
Examiner: Thank you. That’s the end of the test.

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