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Does Witch really exist?

Have you ever wondered if witches really exist in this modern world? Do
you believe in witchcrafts? Well yes, they do exist, and they are quite active in the
modern world. You might also be a victim of them without knowing what's really
happening within your body.

A witch is a woman who practices witchcraft. The Mangkukulam is the

Filipino term for a witch, literally means "a practitioner of kulam".Many people
are victims of kulam, here in the Philippines. Siquijor is also known as the “land of
witches”. During the lenten season mystics from all over the country and various
parts of the globe gather in Siquijor. During Holy Friday, they sell talisman and
amulets. Magic potions like gayuma and healing oils are introduced by the
herbularios and mambabarangs. According to Fr. Dwight Longenecker, a Catholic
priest, husband and father of four who serves as pastor, witches don’t huddle
around the cauldron cackling and they don’t fly on broomsticks or have green
skin. Witches do cast spells and put curses on people. Fr. Dwight Longenecker
believed that they really exist in this modern world. I have proofs that they exist,
with the help of my friend, Bless. Here is a short story about our neighbor’s

So, we should be careful anytime because we don’t know what will happen

That’s all thank you!

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