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1. How will you implement a sustainable living? What are your steps to do so?

In todays news, we have heard that some environmental issues are getting worse and
dangerous, things that many of us, didn’t really care at all. There are lot of several ways to
implement a sustainable living. First, it all start with ourselves, by simply putting our trash in a trash
bin, reducing the consumption of household energy, by simply bringing some reusable bags when
we shop, planting trees, and be practical. As a student i would like to use my voice to raise
awareness to encourage everyone by making a short advertisement that contains some simple
ways to preserver our environment.
2. How can your field, contribute to a sustainable development?
In business field, I think that we can contribute by lessening the materials that is not necessarily
needed in the production process, as much as possible we could use some environmental friendly
materials, reduce the consumption of papers, save water and energy, and we in the business field
can also negotiate with other organizations regarding on how are we going to implement some
tactics in providing sustainability in our country.
3. Give an example in your community where you observe a sustainable living.
I observed in our community that everything that surround us is highly appreciated, our school
environment is protected and enhanced and damage to the environment is minimised, the needs of
everyone in the community are met and students feel safe, comfortable and happy. Students use
energy and water efficiently and with care, we also have a trash segregation, and environment
friendly surroundings.

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