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Mehtap Yercel

Q4 Project Engineering Log

April 11th: ​Introduction to Q4 Project
April 18th: ​Brainstorming
IDEA: design a children’s toy that can keep toddlers busy before doctor’s visit
May 1st: ​Proposal is due, research on topic
May 2th: ​Professional Outreach,further research
May 3rd: ​Further research, Start modeling
May 9th: ​Further research, continue modeling
May 13th: ​New idea for product, research
IDEA: Create a pamphlet that informs parents about FIRST AID for children
May 15th: ​Reply to mentor’s email
May 16th: ​Mentor replies back
May 17th: ​Reply to mentor, further research
May 21st:​ Start creating brochure
May 23rd: ​Draw pictures for brochure, work on creating brochure
May 27th: ​Re-draw pictures for brochure
May 28th:​ Complete the brochure
May 29th: ​Obtain feedback on the brochure


The Q4 project was introduced to my class on this day as a project where we as the students
need to create a product that would address a problem in our society. I came up with idea idea to
create a toddler’s toy to be used in pediatric offices.
● Complete the project by May 31st (more than a month of time)
● Contact a community member for feedback on product idea/product
● Create a product that will address an issue in your community
● The product must be feasible, meaning something a student can create within a month
● The product must use one of the softwares taught during Magnet STEM (Inventor,
AutoCAD, Photoshop).
● The product must be accompanied by research and a Technical Paper
● A school computer with Adobe Photoshop
● Paper, pencil, and colored pencils

Upon reading my proposal, Mrs. Hess decided to have a conference with me in order to
recommend me a better product idea. She explained to me that my product was not appropriate
as it could easily be bought from the store and she recommended that I email my mentor in
order to create a product that my mentor could specifically need in her office.

I emailed my mentor, Dr. Wadsworth of Premiere Pediatrics at First Colonial. I explained to her
what the Q4 project was and I asked her if there was anything she would like to have me 3D
model. I also mentioned to her my idea of creating a toddler’s toy in order to get her opinion on

My mentor had not replied to my email by this class and Mrs. Hess was not in school that day
for me to discuss the next steps of my project with her, so I decided to continue on with the idea
of creating a toddler’s toy and started modeling the base layer of my toy in Inventor.

I told Mrs. Hess that my mentor had not emailed me back yet and she gave me the approval to
continue on with my initial idea. I finished modeling the base layer of my toy in Inventor.
The afternoon of this day my mentor replied to my email! She mentioned that she was not very
fond of the idea of creating a toy as toys can carry a lot of bacteria and she did not want anybody
to get sick by playing with the toys. She mentioned that they were trying to offer fluoride
treatments for her patients at her office and she offered me the idea to 3D model a set of teeth or
any other body part. This idea really intrigued me and I decided to discuss it further with Mrs.

I changed my project to creating an informative brochure on First Aid basics that every parents
should know.
● Complete the project by May 31st (about half a month of time)
● Contact a community member for feedback on product idea/product
● Create a product that will address parents about pediatric First-Aid
● The product must be feasible, meaning something a student can create within a month
● The product must use one of the softwares taught during Magnet STEM (Inventor,
AutoCAD, Photoshop).
● The product must be accompanied by research and a Technical Paper
● The product must present accurate information and successfully inform parents
● The product must communicate information well
● A school computer with Adobe Photoshop
● Paper, pencil, and colored pencils


1) How to chose toys for your kids?

Toys can be a big aid in toddler development and therefore they should be chosen with moderate
consideration. When choosing toys, it is important to choose the ones that;
- Can be used a variety of ways
- Will grow with the child
- Encourage exploration and problem solving
- Spark the child’s imagination
- Stimulate real life objects
- Encourage the child to be active

What are the different types of toys for different types of toddler development?

Different types of toys forster different types of toddler development.

Toys that encourage MOTOR development:
- Wooden blocks
- Play-doh
- Magnetic tiled
Toys that encourage GROSS MOTOR development:
- Swing/slide sets
- Toddler basketball hoops
- Wheely bugs
Toys that encourage COGNITIVE development:
- Color paddles
- Matching block sets
- Wooden puzzles

This source, an article posted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, discusses the
importance of toys for children and their developmental process. The source mentions that kids
do not need expensive toys, they simply needs toys that will encourage their motor and cognitive
development. The source provides further information in order to aid pediatricians in giving
advice to parents about what toys to buy for their children.

1) How to chose toys for your kids?

This source lists out good toys for specific age groups.
Ages infant to 6 months old:
- Toys they can hold, such on, listen to and look at
Ages 7-12 months old:
- Toys they can pretend play with, build with, drop and replace, and use their large
muscles with
Toys for one year olds:
- Simple board books, toys to create with, pretend play with, build with, and use their large
muscles with
Toys for 2 year olds:
- Toys they create and build with, toys that encourage problem solving, picture books, toys
that can use their large and small muscles with
Toys for 3-6 year olds:
- Toys that encourage problem solving, creating and building, picture books, toys that
engage large and small muscles, interactive computer prgrams

2) What are the different types of toys for different types of toddler

Toys such as stuffed animals are a great choice because toddlers can use stuffed animals
to pretend play with, engage their small muscles with, and to encourage linguistic development
with. In addition, simple puzzles, early ride-on toys, books and music are also great ways to
provide a toddler with entertainment.
Great toys for preschoolers include those that let the kids imitate being adults or pretend
play. Outdoor toys are also a great choice for preschoolers, such as swing and slide sets.


It was very interesting when I came across this source because it mentions an aspect of
toys I did not think about. The source provides information about a research done on the
accumulation of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide used to kill bugs, on children’s toys. The study found
that these pesticides did in fact accumulate on children’s toys. This source made me realize that
toys can be a house for many different types of bacteria and diseases, especially if they are
placed in an environment such as a children’s toy.

1) What are the benefits of toys in toddler development?

Toys are extremely beneficial to children of any ages because they foster the development
of the child. SOme toys may be used to encourage motor development in kids while others can
be used to encourage cognitive development. Toys that kids can pretend play with can also
encourage linguistic development in kids. Toys can even have influence on a child's thinking,
therefore parents must be careful in selecting the appropriate toys for their kids.

2) What to avoid when buying toys for toddlers?

There are things that must be avoided when buying toys for kids. These include;
- Toys containing lead
- Plastic toys from China
- Toys containing PVC
- Toys containing BPA

3) Are toys harmful?

A study was done by the University of Toledo which determined that, when buying toys
for kids, less is more. The study proved that those kids who had less toys had less distractions
and therefore were more engaged with one toy for a long amount of time. In order to keep kids
focused the conductors of this research recommend all parents to allow their kids to play with a
small amount of toys at once. This way, the overall attention span of their kids will be improved.

1) What is 3D warping?

3D warping occurs when the edges of a 3D printed object curl upwards, as shown in the
picture above. Some materials are more susceptible to shrinkage than others, however it is still
just as frustrating when this happens. 3D warping happens due to a rapid cooling of the outside
surface of the 3D printed material, which causes for the cooling material to shrink and become
curled upwards. Warping often occurs in materials when materials are printed in open areas
where they can be cooled easily by air currents

2) How can 3D warping be prevented?

3D warping can be prevented by;

- Using a heated build plate
- Cleaning the surface of the build plate
- Ensuring the build plate is leveled correctly
- Applying an adhesive to the build plate
- Adjusting the fan settings of the 3D printer
- Printing with a draft shield to protect the 3D printed material from cooling too quickly.

3) What are some solutions that are specific to the MakerBOT?

I remembered that Mrs. Hess had mentioned to me she has this problem with the
MakerBOT, so I decided to look up solutions that were specific to the MakerBOT. The
MakerBOT website recommended pretty much the same things listen above, however it did also
mentions helper disks which are disks that are embedded in the MakerBOT’s software to be used
in order to prevent warping (pictured above). I told Mrs. Hess about this and she was very
excited to try it out.

1) What are important First-Aid/Preventative practices parents should know?

In order to ensure their children grow up in an environment that is as safe as possible, parents
need to take some preventative measures. These include;
- Checking cupboards for materials that could be dangerous for their child, and replacing
these materials to a higher shelf or getting cupboard child locks
- Making a bidner of all the emergency contact numbers, local and general, that they may
need in case of an emergency concerning their child
- Informing their child about 911 should anything happen to them. This way, the child will
know to call 911
Basic First-Aid procedures parents should know include’
- Choking: ​If the child is conscious and coughing let them, if they are unconscious or if
they become unconscious call 911, start CPR
- Minor cuts: ​Wash the area of the cut, cover it with a band-aid. If you have any doubts
on whether the wound needs stitches it is better to go to a doctor.
- Severe bleeding: ​Call 911, clean your hands and apply pressure to the wound with
preferably a clean cloth. Reinforce the gauze as needed but do NOT remove it until help
- Bloody nose: ​Pinch the nose shut with your fingers or a paper towel and have the child
tilt their head forwards till bleeding stops.
- Fever: ​Use a thermometer to measure the child's fever. If the fever is not too high apply
a cold cloth to the child’s head. If the fever is too high seek medical attention.
- Sprain and strains: ​Use the RICE method of resting, icing, compressing, and
elevating the area of the sprain or strain. Call 911 if the injury is serious.
- Head injuries: ​Keep an eye on the child to make sure nothing is seriously wrong as it is
not uncommon for children to hit their heads when running. If you suspect something
more serious seek medical attention.


1) Benefits of leaflets

This source mentions a research done by Kuwait University which found that, when
given a leaflet about a certain health topic pertaining to children, parents were more likely to
remember the information and become more educated on that topic than the parents that were
not given any leaflets. This study encouraged me to continue on with my idea for creating a
First-Aid brochure because First-Aid is essential for saving a life and it is especially essential
that parents know how to apply accurate First-Aid to their kids if needed.

2) The lack of knowledge among parents

This source presents a survey executed by the American Academy of Pediatrics in order
to measure the knowledge of parents and basic First-Aid information. The results of the survey
showed that many parents greatly lacked proper education on basic First-Aid procedures and
that, when asked whether it is better to leave a would dressed or open to dry, a majority of
parents replied it is better to leave a wound open to dry, which is terribly wrong! The parents
especially lacked knowledge in removing a bee stinger, keeping wounds moist and covered, the
need to cover large burns, and the need to seek medical attention among discovering tick bites.
This study was helpful to me because it gave me ideas on what information to include on my
First-Aid brochure.


1) Virginia Beach Community Health Assessment 2016

This shows how many kids live in the Virginia Beach Community, also has information about
health insurance rates
ALSO has child health statistics (page 38)

1) What injuries/illnesses will I include in my brochure?

Including a front and back cover, I have space for 5 different injuries on my brochure. I
decided to use the recommendations that my mentor gave me on things to include in my
brochure. Here is a list of the injuries:
- Cuts and bruises
- Bug bites, insect stings, and ticks
- Fractures and sprains
- Sunburn
- Allergies

2) What are the First-Aid procedures for the injuries I have selected?
Cuts and bruises

● Bruises:​ Apply cool compresses. Call the pediatrician if the child has a crush injury, large
bruises, continued pain, or swelling.
● Cuts:​ Rinse small cuts with water until clean. Use direct pressure with a clean cloth to
stop bleeding and hold in place for 1 to 2 minutes. If the cut is not deep, apply an
antibiotic ointment; then cover the cut with a clean ​bandage. Call the pediatrician or seek
emergency care for large or deep cuts, or if the wound is wide open. For bleeding
wounds, continue stacking on gauze if needed. For puncture wounds, do NOT remove
the object from the wound. For major bleeding, call for help (911 or your local emergency
number). Continue direct pressure with a clean cloth until help arrives.
● Scrapes:​ Rinse with clean, running tap water for at least 5 minutes to remove dirt and
germs. Do not use detergents, alcohol, or peroxide. Apply an antibiotic ointment and a
bandage that will not stick to the wound.
● Splinters:​ Remove small splinters with tweezers; then wash until clean. If you cannot
remove the splinter ​completely, call the pediatrician.

Bug bites and insects

● Stinging Insects: Remove the stinger as soon as possible with a scraping motion using a
firm item (such as the edge of a credit card). Put a cold compress on the bite to relieve
the pain. If trouble breathing; fainting; swelling of lips, face, or throat; or hives over the
entire body occurs, call 911 or your local emergency ​number right away. For hives in a
small area, nausea, or vomiting, call the pediatrician. For spider bites, call the
pediatrician or Poison Help (1-800-222-1222).
● Animal or Human Bites: Wash the wound well with soap and water. Call the pediatrician.
The child may need a ​tetanus or rabies shot or antibiotics.
● Ticks: Use tweezers or your fingers to grasp as close as possible to the head of the tick
and quickly pull the tick away from where it is attached. Call the pediatrician if the child
develops symptoms such as a rash or fever.

Fractures and Sprains

If an injured area is painful, swollen, or deformed, or if motion causes pain, wrap it in a towel or
soft cloth and make a splint with cardboard or other firm material to hold the arm or leg in
place. Do not try to straighten. Apply ice or a cool compress wrapped in thin cloth for not more
than 20 minutes. Call the pediatrician or seek emergency care. If there is a break in the skin near
the fracture or if you can see the bone, cover the area with a clean bandage, make a splint as
described above, and seek emergency care.

If the foot or hand below the injured part is cold or discolored (blue or pale), seek emergency
care right away.


● Allergy: Swelling, problems breathing, and paleness may be signs of severe allergy. Call
911 or your local emergency number right away. Some people may have emergency
medicine for these times. If possible, ask about emergency medicine they may have and
help them administer it if necessary.

● Contact a doctor if your child has an allergic reaction that is more than mild or concerns
● If the symptoms are mild, give an antihistamine by mouth such as diphenhydramine
(such as Benadryl).
● If the symptoms are severe and you have injectable epinephrine (such as EpiPen), use it
as directed right away and call 911 for emergency medical help

● There are many ways to treat seasonal allergies, depending on how severe the symptoms
are. The most important part of treatment is knowing what allergens are at work. Some
kids can get relief by reducing or eliminating exposure to allergens that bother them.
● If certain seasons cause symptoms, keep the windows closed, use air conditioning if
possible, and stay indoors when pollen/mold/weed counts are high. It's also a good idea
for kids with seasonal allergies to wash their hands or shower and change clothing after
playing outside.
● If reducing exposure isn't possible or is ineffective, medicines can help ease allergy
symptoms, consult your pediatrician.


● Have the child take a cool bath or use cool compresses on the sunburned area
● Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen for discomfort. Be sure to follow the directions
on the container
● Apply a topical moisturizer, aloe gel, hydrocortisone cream, or a topical pain
reliever to sunburned skin. Avoid commercial products that contain Benadryl or
benzocaine, because of the possibility of skin irritation or allergy
● If blisters are present, do not break them open, as infection can occur
● Keep the child out of the sun until the burn is healed
3) What is Virginia Beach’s local non-emergency hotline number?

The phone number for non-life threatening emergencies in Virginia Beach for police/fire/rescue
is ​757-385-5000


1) First Aid Statistics
2) Pediatric First-Aid statistics from UK

Both of these sources talk about important First-Aid statistics that could be useful to mention in
my technical paper in order to show the importance of first-aid and the lack of attention given to


Toddler’s toy for pediatric offices: ​My initial idea was to create a toddler’s toy that could
keep toddlers busy before a doctor’s visit. I thought about many different products and decided
on creating a wooden box made out of stackable layers with each layer being a different game. I
designed the games to be informative and entertaining for toddlers after doing some research on
the Science behind toys. Below are my rough sketches.
Phone holder for drivers: ​I don’t know how to drive yet, therefore my parents have to drive
me everywhere, often times using their phones for direction. I see the struggle they have with
phone holders in our cars because over time the phone holders have become loose and started to
drop the phone during the car ride. I thought it would be a useful idea to design a new phone
holder that would be much more durable and practical.
Prevent 3D warping through adjusting fan speed: ​Mrs. Hess mentioned her problem
with 3D warping and I decided to design an experiment that would allow me to adjust the fan
speed in the MakerBOT in order to decide which fan speed prevents warping the best. Below are
my rough sketches.

First-Aid brochure for parents:​ ​After talking to Mrs. Hess and confirming I could create a
brochure, I decided to create a First-Aid brochure designed for parents. I wanted to educate
parents in an attractive and memorable way, therefore I decided to create a brochure that would
include both information about and sketches of the health problems discussed in the brochure.
Below are my rough sketches.
I decided to change the cover and the layout of the inner pager. Here is my refined sketches:
I decided to sketch out a more accurate and true to size version of my brochure in order to make
the online creation much easier and faster. Below are the pictures


I started brainstorming for a product idea after the introduction of the Q4 project. I immediately
knew that I wanted to connect my Q4 project with my Senior Project, so I started to think about
problems relating to pediatrics. I came up with the idea to design a toddler’s toy that could be
used in a pediatric doctor’s office setting in order to keep toddlers busy before a doctor's visit. I
discussed this idea with Mr. Sonier and he gave me his approval. I decided to seriously consider
this idea for my product.

After further consideration on my initial idea for this project I decided to continue on with the
toddler’s toy idea. I submitted my “Q4 project proposal” on this day.

I completed the design of the base layer of my product on Inventor.

I completed the base layer of my product by designing the wooden shapes that fit into the base
layer using Inventor.
I informed Mrs. Hess about the mentor’s reply and she agreed that a body part would be too
difficult for me to model on Inventor. At a loss for ideas, she mentioned that I could help her by
doing research on the prevention of 3D printing warping on the MakerBOT. Although this was
an interesting idea, I really wanted to make my Q4 project related to my Senior Project. I felt a
bit stressed as it felt like nothing I came up with was a good idea,and this was a​ huge problem
considering we were already half way through the time we had for this project. In the end I
decided to ask Mrs. Hess if it would be acceptable for me to create an informative brochure on
First-Aid practices for parents. Mrs. Hess approved my idea and I decided to continue with this
idea. I drew some rough sketches for my brochure idea and decided to draw the refined sketches
once I had finalized the design of the brochure.

I began the design of my brochure using the Adobe Photoshop application.

I drew the pictures of the injuries that will go at the top of each page and I inserted them into my
brochure in Adobe Photoshop.
I decided I did not like the background color on my original drawings and decided to redraw
them with a white background in order to optimize the appearance of my brochure. I felt that
the colored backgrounds would not look as nice as a white background. I scanned the pictures
using an Iphone app in order to insert high quality photos onto my brochure.
I started the design of my brochure during school and after hours of hard work I finished
it when I came home. Throughout the process of my Q4 project I faced many challenges and had
to start my project over many times. At one point, I only had half a month to complete my entire
project, half the time I was initially given. However, I was set on tying my Q4 project to my
Senior project, and therefore I had to ​trade-off​ convenience of doing an easier Q4 project for
completing a quality project that would relate to my Senior Project. In the end, it all payed off as
I am very proud of my finished product.
The cover of my brochure includes a heartbeat pattern to visually represent “First-Aid,”
as well as children to represent the fact that this is a pediatric First-Aid brochure. Each page of
the brochure has a drawing at the top that demonstrates the injury discussed on that page,
information on how to treat that injury, and important phone numbers that could be needed in
the case of that injury. Below are the pictures of my completed brochure.
Above is the look of the brochure once folded


After completing the design of my brochure I emailed a Pdf of it to my menor in order to receive
some feedback.
Unfortunately I was not able to receive feedback from my mentor in time to include it in my
project log, however I decided to obtain feedback from the target audience of the brochure,
which are parents of young children.

1) Parent 1
The first parent I interviewed about my product was very impressed with my product. She said
she really liked the design and learned a lot of new information. She also mentioned that the
instructions were fairly simple to follow and memorable for later use. Lastly, she mentioned that
she liked having a brochure available during an emergency in order to reduce stress and
problem solve effectively.

2) Parent 2
The second person I interviewed also mainly gave positive feedback. She mentioned that she
really liked the fact that the brochure included necessary phone numbers at the bottom and that
she learned first-aid treatments for sunburns she had never heard of before. She also mentioned
she liked the overall design, however she thought the yellow figures at the top of each page could
be draw better as she initially thought they were all suns.

3) Parent 3
The last parent I contacted gave comments similar to the previous two. She said that she
specifically really liked the design of the cover and she also liked my illustrations throughout.
She also agreed that the information was easy to understand and simple to follow along to. She
mentioned that she would definitely use this in the future if needed.

Although I was not able to obtain any professional feedback about my brochure, I am still very
happy by all the positive feedback I got from parents as that proved my brochure was successful
in achieving its goal of informing parents in an effective way.


I reached out out my mentor upon Mrs. Hess’ request in order to ask my mentor if there was
something I could 3D model in order to assess a specific need of hers.

My mentor emailed me back with a couple very interesting ideas. I decided to discuss her ideas
with Mrs. Hess before replying.
I replied to my mentor’s email to inform her that I could not model a body part using Inventor
and to ask her opinion on my new product idea.

My mentor emailed me back to let me know she liked my idea! She also gave me some ideas as
to what information to include in my brochure.


My initial idea for the brochure was to create something that would mainly target parents but
could appeal to children and parents alike. I came up with the design shown below in order to
create a brochure that could be informative with valuable information and attractive with cute
images (see sketch below).

However, after consideration I decided that including that any images and information would
look very confusing, therefore I decided to optimize the brochure by redesigning it in order to
have less pictures and more organized information.

I drew a refined sketch including my new ​innovations​ about the cover and the layout design that
I wanted to include in my brochure. I really felt that these innovations would ultimately improve
the look of my product, hopefully attracting more people to pick it up and read it. After
completing my refined sketch I started to actually create my brochure. I drew each of the
pictures that would go at the top of each page, as shown below, and I started to insert them into
my brochure on Adobe Photoshop.

I decided to edit my brochure one more time in order to​ optimize​ its appearance to be the best
that it can be. After further consideration, I did not like the idea of including background color
on the pictures that would go at the top of each page because I did not think that looked
attractive, therefore I decided to redraw each of the pictures with a white background. I
considered the amount of time and materials I would lose in redrawing the same images
however in the end I decided that it would be a worthy trade off for a better quality and much
more attractive product and continued with the idea. I also used an iphone app that is meant for
scanning documentation to scan my drawing in order to upload high quality images into my
brochure. Using this ​transfer of technology​ really helped in making my brochure look
professional and neat. Plus, the app smoothed out the colors of my drawing, making it appear
much less hand-drawn. See below for the redrawn pictures.
(example of a drawing I scanned using an Iphone
app in order to make the drawing look much more neat and professional. More images can be
found above in this document).

If I were given more time with this project, I would definitely redesign my brochure to include
more information. I had trouble fitting all the necessary information onto the page and if I had
more time I would definitely add more information to this brochure either by using a larger
sheet of paper of by creating another layer. I would also redraw the images at the top of each
page and the ones on the cover to look nicer and more clear about what injury they are
depicting. Although I am happy with what I have so far, I think the images can definitely look
better than they do right now. Lastly, if I had more time I would definitely redesign the cover to
look more neat and put together. I had to paint the heartbeats on the cover using the paint tool
on Photoshop and this led to the heartbeats becoming a bit wiggly. With more time I would
redesign the cover to look much more put together as the cover is the first part of the brochure
that is seen and therefore it must look nice and attractive in order to draw attention to the
brochure. I truly believe that the nicer the cover looks, the more people will be interested in
reading the brochure. Therefore, with more time I would definitely optimize the influence of my
brochure further by making it look more attractive to the human eye.

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