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John Paul Richard Mindanao b. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements.
c. Impaired health maintenance.
1. Because of steroid excess, the patient who has d. Disturbed sleep pattern.
undergone a bilateral adrenalectomy is at an increased
risk for 11. The best indicator that allows the nurse to judge that
a. malnutrition. b. emboli. the patient has learned how to give an insulin self-
c. delayed wound healing. d. postoperative confusion. injection correctly is when the patient can do which of
the following?
2. Bone resorption is a possible complication of a. Explain all steps of the procedure correctly.
Cushing’s disease. Which of the following interventions b. Perform the procedure safely and correctly.
should the nurse recommend to help the patient prevent c. Critique the nurse’s performance of the procedure.
this complication? d. Correctly answer a post-test about the procedure.
a. Limit dietary vitamin D intake.
b. Maintain a regular program of weight-bearing 12. A patient with type 1 DM who jogs daily is given the
exercise. following education regarding the preferred sites for
c. Increase the amount of potassium in the diet. insulin absorption.
d. Perform isometric exercises. a. The preferred sites are the arms.
b. Jogging does not cause altered insulin absorption so
3. Cushing’s disease is manifested by the excessive concern about preferred sites is not important.
secretion of corticosteroids. The hormones involved are c. The legs are the preferred sites of injection since the
a. glucocorticoids, aldosterone, and androgens. patient is a jogger.
b. adrenocorticotropic hormone. d. The abdomen would provide a consistent and
c. glucocorticoids and aldosterone. effective absorption sire.
d. catecholamines.
13. Which of the following indicates a potential
4. A 42-year-old female patient reports that she has complication of DM?
gained weight and that her face and body are “rounder, ” a. Stooped appearance. b. Hemoglobin of 9 g/dL.
while her legs and arms have become thinner. A c. Inflamed, painful joints. d. BP of 160/100 mm Hg.
tentative diagnosis of Cushing’s disease is made. When
examining this patient, the nurse would expect to find 14. The patient with DM says, “If I could just avoid what
a. decreased body hair. you call carbohydrates in my diet, I guess I would be
b. bruised areas on the skin. okay.” The nurse should base the response to this
c. muscle hypertrophy in the extremities. comment on the knowledge that diabetes affects
d. postural hypotension. metabolism of which of the following?
a. Fats and carbohydrates only.
5. Which of the following signs and symptoms would b. Protein and carbohydrates only.
probably indicate that the patient with Addison ’s disease c. Carbohydrates only.
is receiving much glucocorticoids replacement? d. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
a. Rapid weight gain. b. Poor skin turgor.
c. Anorexia. d. Dizziness. 15. When teaching the diabetic patient about foot care,
the nurse should instruct the patient to do which of the
6. Which of the following findings would be typical of following?
Addison’s disease? a. Avoid going barefoot.
a. Decreased BUN level. b. Hypokalemia. b. Use heating pads for sore feet.
c. Hypoglycemia. d. Hypernatremia. c. Buy shoes a half size larger.
d. Cut toenails at angles.
7. The nurse would expect the patient with Addison ’s
disease to exhibit which of the following signs and 16. Which of the following symptoms might indicate that
symptoms? a patient was developing tetany after a subtotal
a. Lethargy. b. Hunger. thyroidectomy?
c. Weight gain d. Muscle spasms. a. Bleeding on the back of the dressing.
b. Tingling in the fingers.
8. When teaching a patiently newly diagnosed with c. Pains in the joints of the hands and feet.
primary Addison’s disease, the nurse should explain that d. Tension on the suture line.
the disease results from
a. oversecretion of the adrenal medulla. 17. A patient who has undergone a subtotal
b. idiopathic atrophy of the adrenal gland. thyroidectomy is subject to complications in the first 48
c. dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary. hours after surgery. The nurse should obtain and keep at
d. insufficient secretion of growth hormone (GH). the bedside equipment to
a. perform a tracheostomy.
9. Which of the following activities would be a major b. begin total parenteral nutrition.
focus of monitoring when planning nursing care for a c. start a cutdown infusion.
patient who has undergone transsphenoidal d. administer tube feedings.
a. Cardiac arrest. b. Cushing ’s syndrome. 18. The nurse should teach the patient to prevent
c. Fluctuating blood glucose levels. d. CSF leak. corneal irritation from mild exophthalmos by
a. wearing dark-colored glasses.
10. A patient presents to the emergency room with b. covering both eyes with moistened gauze pads.
diabetic ketoacidosis. The nurse would identify which of c. massaging the eyes at regular intervals.
the following nursing diagnoses as a priority problem? d. instilling an ophthalmic anesthetic as ordered.
a. Deficient fluid volume.

19. Propylthiouracil (PTU) is prescribed for a patient with c.    follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
Grave’s disease to decrease circulating thyroid d.    luteinizing hormone (LH).
hormone. The nurse should teach the patient to
immediately report which of the following signs and 28. Nurse Toy-toy is aware that the most appropriate for
symptoms? a client with Addison’s disease?
a. Painful, excessive menstruation. b. Constipation. a.    Risk for infection b.    Excessive fluid volume
c. Increased urine output. d. Sore throat. c.    Urinary retention d.    Hypothermia

20. A female patient with thyrotoxicosis would probably 29. Which of these signs suggests that a male client with
report which changes related to the menstrual cycle the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
during initial assessment? (SIADH) secretion is experiencing complications?
a. Dysmenorreah. b. Metrorrhagia. a.    Tetanic contractions b.    Neck vein distention
c. Oligomenorrhea. d. Menorrhagia. c.    Weight loss d.    Polyuria

21. Nurse Bagets should expect a client with 30. After undergoing a subtotal thyroidectomy, a female
hypothyroidism to report which health concerns? client develops hypothyroidism. Dr. Archie Alviz
a. Increased appetite and weight loss prescribes levothyroxine (Levothroid), 25 mcg P.O. daily.
b. Puffiness of the face and hands For which condition is levothyroxine the preferred agent?
c. Nervousness and tremors a.    Primary hypothyroidism b.    Graves’ disease
d. Thyroid gland swelling c.    Thyrotoxicosis d.    Euthyroidism
31. When instructing Brittany diagnosed with
22. A 62-year-old male client has been complaining of hyperparathyroidism about diet, nurse Mercedes should
sleeping more, increased urination, anorexia, weakness, stress the importance of which of the following?
irritability, depression, and bone pain that interferes with a.    Restricting fluids b.    Restricting sodium
her going outdoors. Based on these assessment c.    Forcing fluids d.    Restricting potassium
findings, nurse Richard would suspect which of the
following disorders? 32. Capillary glucose monitoring is being performed
a.    Diabetes mellitus b.    Diabetes insipidus every 4 hours for Maria, a female client diagnosed with
c.    Hypoparathyroidism d.    Hyperparathyroidism diabetic ketoacidosis. Insulin is administered using a
scale of regular insulin according to glucose results. At 2
23. Jemma, who weighs 210 lb (95 kg) and has been p.m., the client has a capillary glucose level of 250 mg/dl
diagnosed with hyperglycemia tells the nurse that her for which he receives 8 U of regular insulin. Nurse Percy
husband sleeps in another room because her snoring should expect the dose’s:
keeps him awake. The nurse notices that she has large a.    Onset to be at 2 p.m. and its peak to be at 3 p.m.
hands and a hoarse voice. Which of the following would b.    Onset to be at 2:15 p.m. and its peak to be at 3 p.m.
the nurse suspect as a possible cause of the client ’s c.    Onset to be at 2:30 p.m. and its peak to be at 4 p.m.
hyperglycemia? d.    Onset to be at 4 p.m. and its peak to be at 6 p.m.
a.    Acromegaly b.    Type 1 diabetes mellitus
c.    Hypothyroidism d.    Deficient growth hormone 33. Nigel has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
mellitus. When teaching the client and family how diet
24. Which outcome indicates that treatment of a male and exercise affect insulin requirements, Nurse Ebonni
client with diabetes insipidus has been effective? should include which guideline?
a.    Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day. a.    “You’ll need more insulin when you exercise or
b.    Urine output measures more than 200 ml/hour. increase your food intake.”
c.    Blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg. b.    “You’ll need less insulin when you exercise or
d.    The heart rate is 126 beats/minute. reduce your food intake.”
c.    “You’ll need less insulin when you increase your
25. A male client is admitted for treatment of the food intake.”
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone d.    “You’ll need more insulin when you exercise or
(SIADH). Which nursing intervention is appropriate? decrease your food intake.”
a.    Infusing I.V. fluids rapidly as ordered
b.    Encouraging increased oral intake 34. Tyra, a 29-year-old female client who is being
c.    Restricting fluids successfully treated for Cushing’s syndrome, nurse
d.    Administering glucose-containing I.V. fluids as Lyzette would expect a decline in:
ordered a.    Serum glucose level. b.    Hair loss.
c.    Bone mineralization. d.    Menstrual flow.
26. Early this morning, a female client had a subtotal
thyroidectomy. During evening rounds, nurse Tina 35. Captain America with primary diabetes insipidus is
assesses the client, who now has nausea, a temperature ready for discharge on desmopressin (DDAVP). Which
of 105° F (40.5° C), tachycardia, and extreme instruction should nurse Shey provide?
restlessness. What is the most likely cause of these a.    “Administer desmopressin while the suspension is
signs? cold.”
a.    Diabetic ketoacidosis b.    Thyroid crisis b.    “Your condition isn’t chronic, so you won’t need to
c.    Hypoglycemia d.    Tetany wear a medical identification bracelet.”
c.    “You may not be able to use desmopressin nasally if
27. Nurse Louie is developing a teaching plan for a male you have nasal discharge or blockage.”
client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. The nurse d.    “You won’t need to monitor your fluid intake and
should include information about which hormone lacking output after you start taking desmopressin.”
in clients with diabetes insipidus?
a.    antidiuretic hormone (ADH). 36. Nurse Katy Perry is caring for a female client with
b.    thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). type 1 diabetes mellitus who exhibits confusion, light-

headedness, and aberrant behavior. The client is still

conscious. The nurse should first administer: 44.The care plan indicates that the nurse should
a.    I.M. or subcutaneous glucagon. monitor the client with cirrhosis each day for signs and
b.    I.V. bolus of dextrose 50%. symptoms of ascites. To carry out this nursing order,
c.    A fast-acting carbohydrate such as orange juice. which nursing action is most appropriate?
d.    10 U of fast-acting insulin. A) The apical and radial pulse rates are counted.
B) The lying and sitting blood pressure are taken.
37. Which instruction about insulin administration should C) The specific gravity of the urine is checked.
nurse Sophie give to a client? D) The circumference of the abdomen is measured.
a.    “Always follow the same order when drawing the
different insulins into the syringe.” 45.The physician considers performing a liver biopsy
b.    “Shake the vials before withdrawing the insulin.” on the client with cirrhosis. If a liver biopsy is performed,
c.    “Store unopened vials of insulin in the freezer at immediately afterward it is most important for the nurse
temperatures well below freezing.” to assess the client for signs of
d.    “Discard the intermediate-acting insulin if it appears A) hemorrhage B) infection
cloudy.” C blood clots D.collapsed lung.
46.After a liver biopsy, which nursing order is most
38. Bugoy with a tentative diagnosis of hyperosmolar appropriate to add to the plan of care?
hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) has a A) Ambulate the client twice each shift.
history of type 2 diabetes that is being controlled with an B) Keep the client in high Fowler's position.
oral diabetic agent, tolazamide (Tolinase). Which of the C) Position the client on his right side.
following is the most important laboratory test for D) Elevate the client's legs on two pillows.
confirming this disorder?
a.    Serum potassium level 47. Instead of a liver biopsy, a magnetic resonance
b.    Serum sodium level imaging (MRI) test is ordered. Before the MRI is
c.    Arterial blood gas (ABG) values performed, which nursing action is essential?
d.    Serum osmolarity A) The nurse administers a pretest sedative.
B) The nurse removes the client's dental bridge.
39. An agitated, confused female client arrives in the C) The nurse records the client's body weight.
emergency department. Her history includes type 1 D) The nurse inserts a Foley retention catheter.
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and angina pectoris.
Assessment reveals pallor, diaphoresis, headache, and 48.The MRI confirms the diagnosis of hepatic
intense hunger. A stat blood glucose sample measures cirrhosis and reveals a large amount of fluid in the
42 mg/dl, and the client is treated for an acute peritoneal cavity. A paracentesis is planned. Which
hypoglycemic reaction. After recovery, nurse Lily nursing action is most appropriate prior to assisting with
teaches the client to treat hypoglycemia by ingesting: the paracentesis?
a. fruit juice b. cake c. rice cereal d. dextrose 50% A) The nurse asks the client to void.
B) The nurse withholds food and water.
40. A patient is admitted with pheochromocytoma. The CThe nurse cleanses the client's abdomen with
nurse assesses the patient’s blood pressure frequently. Betadine.
This is based on the knowledge that pheochromocytoma D)The nurse obtains a suction machine from the
of the adrenal medulla releases excessive amounts of storage room.
a. catecholamines. b. rennin.
c. aldosterone. d. glucocorticoids. 49.After the paracentesis has been performed, which
41.A 60-year-old man seeks medical attention nursing responsibility is essential?
because he has been vomiting blood and passing bloody A) Increasing the client's oral fluid intake
stools. The tentative diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. C) Administering a prescribed analgesic
Which information in the client's health history most likely B) Recording the volume of withdrawn fluid
relates to the development of cirrhosis? D) Encouraging the client to deep-breathe
A) He drinks a fifth of whiskey daily.
B) He is a Vietnam veteran. 50.When administering an intramuscular injection to
C) He has a history of pancreatitis. the client with cirrhosis of the liver, which nursing action
D) He has been taking antihypertensive is essential to perform?
medications for the past 15 years. A) Cleanse the site with Betadine.
B) Inject no more than 1 mL at any given site.
42.If the client's cirrhosis is advanced, what will the C) Obtain a vial of vitamin K and place at the
nurse most likely find during the initial health bedside.
assessment? D) Apply prolonged pressure to the injection site.
A) Laboratory results that reveal an elevated serum
cholesterol level. 51.Which laboratory result, if elevated, is most
B) There are spider-like blood vessels on the skin. indicative that the client may develop hepatic
C) The scrotum is unusually large and edematous. encephalopathy?
D) The client's blood sugar is abnormally high. A) Serum creatinine B) Serum bilirubin
C) Blood ammonia D) Blood urea nitrogen
43.Which assessment finding indicates that the client
with cirrhosis is bleeding from somewhere in his upper 52.Which assessment finding best indicates that the
gastrointestinal tract? cirrhotic client's condition is worsening?
A) He has mid epigastric pain. A) He is difficult to arouse
C) His stools are black and sticky. C) He develops pancreatitis.
B) He states that he feels nauseated. B) His urine output is 100 mL/h.
D) His abdomen is distended and shiny. D) His blood pressure is 122/60 mm Hg.

daily for arthritis pain

53.The seriousness of the client's condition is
explained to his wife. She is prepared for the possibility 61. The nurse is caring for a client with a gastric ulcer
of her husband's death. The client's wife cries as she who suddenly develops sharp mid-epigastric pain. The
recalls various significant events she and her husband nurse
shared together. notes that the client’s abdomen is hard and very tender
Which nursing action is most therapeutic at this time? to light palpation. Which is the priority action of the
A) Offer to call a close family member. nurse?
B) Listen to her express her thoughts. a. Placing the client in a knee-chest position
C) Suggest that she call the clergy at her church. c. Inserting a nasogastric tube to low intermittent suction
D) Ask about her future plans in life. b. Preparing the client for emergency surgery
d. Administering morphine 2 mg IV as ordered by the
54.A 48-year-old man comes to the emergency physician
department because of severe upper abdominal pain.
He reports that the pain came on suddenly a few hours 62. The nurse is caring for a client with peptic ulcer
ago and nothing so far has relieved it. The nurse disease. The client vomits a large amount of undigested
observes that the client is curled in a fetal position and is food after breakfast. Which intervention will the nurse
rocking back and forth. Which action would best assist prepare to do for the client?
the nurse in further assessing the client's pain? a. Administer a soap suds cleansing enema.
A) Determine if the client can stop moving. nasogastric (NG) tube to low intermittent suction.
B) Ask the client to rate his pain from 0 to 10. b. Change the client’s diet to clear liquids only.
C) Observe if the client is breathing heavily. Administer prochlorperazine (Compazine) 10 mg IM.
D) Give the client a prescribed pain-relieving drug.
63. The nurse learns that a client who is being treated
55.Which laboratory test, if elevated, provides the for peptic ulcer disease is still "having problems". Which
best indication that the client's pain is caused by of the following should the nurse instruct this client?
pancreatitis? a. Smoking cessation techniques.
A) Serum bilirubin B) Serum amylase breakfast.
C) Lactose tolerance D) Glucose tolerance b. Have the largest meal of the day at lunchtime.
d. Make sure the client is eating a bland diet.
56.The physician orders the insertion of a nasogastric
sump tube. To determine the length for inserting the 64. 8. The nurse monitors a client for early signs of
tube, the nurse most correctly places the tip of the tube dumping syndrome. Which is not included?
at the client's nose and measures the distance from a. Bradycardia b. Vertigo c. Sweating d. Diarrhea
there to the
A) jaw and then midway to the sternum. 65. The nurse is caring for a client with colon cancer and
C) midsternum and then to the umbilicus. a new colostomy. The client wishes to talk with someone
B) mouth and then between the nipples. with a similar experience. Which is the nurse’s best
D) ear and then to the xiphoid process. response?
a. "I will make a referral to the Philippine Cancer
57.If the client turns blue and coughs as the Society."
nasogastric tube is inserted, which additional sign b. "You can get all the information you need from the
indicates that the tube has entered the respiratory tract? enterostomal therapist."
A) The client cannot speak. c. "I do not think that we have any other clients with
C) The client begins to sneeze. colostomies on the unit right now."
B) The client cannot swallow. d. "Most people who have had a colostomy are reluctant
D) The client begins to vomit. to talk about it."

58.After being NPO (nothing by mouth) for several days, 66. The nurse is caring for a client who just had colon
the nasogastric tube is removed and the client is placed resection surgery with a new colostomy. Which teaching
on a bland, low-fat diet. Which food, if found on the objective will the nurse include in the client’s plan of
client's breakfast tray, should be removed? care?
A) Stewed prunes B) Skim milk a. The client will understand colostomy care and lifestyle
C) Scrambled eggs D) Whole wheat toast implications.
b. The client will learn how to change the appliance.
59.Before discharging the client with pancreatitis, c. The client will demonstrate correct changing of the
which information is essential for him to receive? appliance before discharge.
A) He must never donate blood again. d. The client will not be afraid to handle the ostomy
C) He must not drink alcohol in any form. appliance tomorrow.
B) He must avoid lifting heavy objects.
D) He must forgo taking strong laxatives. 67. A 23-year-old woman is being evaluated in the
emergency department for acute lower abdominal pain
60. Nurse Bundat is caring for a client who is at risk for and vomiting. During the nursing history, the most
developing gastritis. Which finding from the client’s helpful question by the nurse to obtain information
history leads the nurse to this conclusion? regarding the patient’s condition is?
a. The client is lactose-intolerant and cannot drink milk. a. "What type of foods do you usually eat?"
b. The client recently traveled to Mexico and South your usual elimination pattern?"
America. b. "Can you tell me about your pain?"
c. The client works at least 60 hours per week in a that you are pregnant?"
stressful job.
d. The client takes naproxen sodium (Naprosyn) 500 mg 68. A client experiences regurgitation and dyspepsia.

The nurse assists the client to assume an upright 75. The client complains of fever, perineal pain, and
position. Which of the following statements by the nurse urinary urgency, frequency, and dysuria. To assess
would best describe the purpose of this measure? whether the client's problem is related to bacterial
a. "It prevents the flow of gastric contents into the prostatitis, the nurse would look at the results of the
esophagus." prostate examination, which should reveal that the
b. "It decreases the inflammatory changes in the prostate gland is:
esophagus." a. Soft and swollen
c. "It enhances and strengthens esophageal peristalsis." b. Reddened, swollen, and boggy
d. "It increases the lower esophageal pressure. c. Tender and edematous with ecchymosis
d. Tender, indurated, and warm to the touch
69. Because a client has Crohn’s disease, plans for
nursing intervention should include? 76. Phenazopyridine hydrochloride (Pyridium) is
a. Weight reduction measures and low-calorie. prescribed for a client for symptomatic relief of pain
b. Frequent application of lubricant location and resulting from a lower urinary tract infection. The nurse
discouraging scratching. teaches the client:
c. Teaching the importance of following-up liver function a. To take the medication at bedtime
test after discharge. b. To take the medication before meals
d. Perianal care and restoration of fluids and c. To discontinue the medication if a headache occurs
electrolytes. d. That a reddish orange discoloration of the urine may
70. During an acute exacerbation of Crohn’s disease,
which of the following nursing diagnoses should have 77. A 69 – year old male client has been diagnosed to
priority? have benign prostatic hyper trophy. BPH is primarily
a. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements associated with which of the following?
related to anorexia and diarrhea. a.Chronic bacterial invasion of the urinary tract
b. Anxiety related to altered self-concept and health b.Endocrine imbalances associated with aging
status. c. Tumor growth due to excessive smoking
c. Fatigue related to decreased nutrient intake and d.Local inflammation of the prostate due to
anemia. contamination from rectal organisms
d. Knowledge deficiency related to lack of information
about disease process. 78. The client has been diagnosed to have cancer of the
blader. The characterisctics manifestation of the client
71. The client is diagnosed with an acute episode of more likely would be:
ureteral calculi. Which client problem is priority when a.Oliguria B. Burning or urination
caring for this client? b.Painless hematuria D. Incontinence
a. Fluid volume loss. b. Knowledge deficit.
c. Impaired urinary elimination. d. Pain. 79. The client was diagnosed with acute renal failure. He
has been prescribed low protein, low potassium and low
72. Which statement indicates that the client diagnosed sodium diet. A teaching program should include:
with calcium phosphate renal calculi understands the a.Encouraging the client to include raw carrots ,
discharge teaching for ways to prevent future calculi tomatoes and cabbage in the diet
formation? b.Recommending protein of high biologic value such as
a. “I should increase my fluid intake, especially in warm eggs, poultry and lean meat
weather.” c. Pointing out that raw fruits such as bananas,
b. “I should eat foods that contain cocoa and chocolate. ” cantaloupe and oranges may be included in the diet
c. “I will walk about a mile every week and not exercise d.Allowing the client to have cheese, canned foods, and
often.” processed foods.
d. “I should take one vitamin a day that has extra
calcium.” 80. Patients with urolithiasis need to ne encourage to:
a.Decrease fluid intake C. Strain all urine
73. The nurse is caring for an elderly client who has an b.Supplement diet with calcium D.Void every 6 – 8 hours
indwelling catheter. Which data warrant further
investigation? 81. You’re assessing a 24-year-old woman who
a. The client’s temperature is 98.0_F. might have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Which
b. The client has become confused and irritable. statement by the client suggests that UTI is likely?
c. The client’s urine is clear and light yellow. A. “I urinate large amounts.”
d. The client has no discomfort or pain. B. “It burns when I urinate.”
C. “I go for hours without the urge to urinate.”
74. The nurse is observing the unlicensed nursing D. “My urine has sweet smell.”
assistant (NA) provide direct care to a client with a Foley
catheter. Which data warrant immediate intervention by 82. You must send a patient for a magnetic
the nurse? resonance imaging (MRI) study of his kidneys. Identify
a. The NA secures the tubing to the client’s leg with two primary nursing considerations in preparation for the
tape. MRI.
b. The NA provides catheter care with the client’s bath. A. Coordinating the MRI with other patient care activities
c. The NA positions the collection bag on the client ’s and informing the patient about the test
bed. B. Giving all scheduled medications and completing the
d. The NA cares for the catheter after washing the bath before the test
hands. C. Report metal screening findings to the MRI
department and sedate for claustrophobia before
sending him or her to the MRI department

D. Make sure the patient is NPO and hold all A. 10 to 15 minutes B. 30 minutes
medications until the test is completed C. 1 hour 2 to 3 hours

83. The main indication for hemodialysis for a client 92. Health information for a female patient
who has chronic kidney failure is: diagnosed as having cystitis includes all of the following
A. Ascites B. Acidosis except:
C. Hypertension D.Hyperkalemia A. cleanse around the perineum and urethral meatus
(from front to back) after each bowel movement.
84. A client with acute kidney failure is to receive a B. drink liberal amounts of fluid
very low-protein diet. This diet is based on the principles C. shower rather than bathe in a tub.
that: D. void no more frequently than every 6 hours to allow
A. A high-protein intake ensures an adequate daily urine to dilute the bacteria in the bladder.
supply of all amino acids to compensate for loses
B. Essential and nonessential amino acids are 93. A clinical diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome is
necessary in the diet to supply materials for tissue consistent with an exceedingly high level of:
protein synthesis A. albumin B. low-density lipoproteins
C. This supplies only essential amino acids reducing the C. protein in the urine D. serum cholesterol
amount of metabolic waste products, thus decreasing
stress on the kidneys 94. In the oliguric phase of ARF, the nurse should
D. Urea nitrogen cannot be used to synthesize amino anticipate the development of which of the following
acids in the body, so the nitrogen for amino acid complications?
synthesis must come from the dietary protein A. Pulmonary edemA B.Metabolic alkalosis
C. Hypotension D.Hypokalemia
85. To obtain an accurate urine output for a client
with a continuous bladder irrigation (CBI), the nurse 95. If the client’s serum potassium continues to rise
should: in ARF, the nurse should be prepared for which of the
A. Measure the contents of the bedside drainage bag following emergencies?
B. Stop irrigation until the urine output is determined A. Cardiac arrest B. Pulmonary edema
C. Subtract the volume of the irrigant from the total C. Circulatory collapse D. Hemorrhage
D. Ensure that urine and irrigant drain into two separate 96. The client’s blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
bags concentration is elevated in renal failure. This is likely
due to:
86. Which data would support the client’s diagnosis of A. Fluid retention
acute bacterial prostatitis? B. Hemolysis
a. Terminal dribbling. b. Urinary frequency. C. Below normal metabolic rate
c. Stress incontinence. d. Sudden fever and chills. D. Reduced renal blood flow

87. The client is admitted to a nursing unit from a long- 97. The client undergoes a transurethral resection of
term care facility with a hematocrit of 56% and a serum the prostrate (TURP) and is brought back to his room
sodium level of 152 mEq/L. Which condition would be a with continuous bladder irrigation (CBI). Which of the
cause for these findings? following statements best explains for the CBI?
a. Overhydration. b. Anemia. A. to decrease bladder atony
c. Dehydration. d. Renal failure. B. to remove blood clots form the bladder
C. to maintain gateway of the urethral catheter
88. A patient with Chronic Renal Failure is being D. to dilute the concentrated urine
maintained on Peritoneal Dialysis. Which of the
following is NOT an indication that the patient is 98. The physician examines the prostrate gland of
developing possible Peritonitis? the client. What will the nurse prepare?
a. Slightly blood tinged drainage after the first exchange A. a foley catheter B.lubricant and gloves
b. Rigid abdomen with abdominal pain C. urethral dilators D.a rectal tube
c. Decreased rate of fluid return
d. Nausea and vomiting 99. The client appears distressed and asks the
nurse how she got the infection. The nurse explains that
89. The client diagnosed with ARF is admitted to the in most cases, cystitis is caused by
intensive care department and placed on a therapeutic A. an ascending infection from the urethra
diet. Which diet would be most appropriate for the client? B. an infection elsewhere in the body
a. A high-potassium and low-calcium diet. C. congenital structure of the urethra
b. A low-fat and low-cholesterol diet. D. urine stasis in the urinary bladder
c. A high-carbohydrate and restricted-protein diet.
d. A regular diet with six (6) small feedings a day. 100. When scheduling the administration of Lasix
(furosemide) it would be in the patient’s best interest to
90.Edward needs to be taught how to detect signs of the schedule the medication to be given at:
most serious and most common complication of CAPD, A. 9:00 am B.12:00 noon
which is: C. 2100 D. 12:00 midnight
A. an abdominal hernia B. anorexia
C. edema D. peritonitis

91.Edward needs to be aware that toxic wastes are

exchanged during the equilibration or dwell time, which
usually lasts for:

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