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APRIL. (APRILE.) Melodia. Rendered into English from the Italian of R.E, Pagliara Composed by F, Paolo Tosti by J.Wrey Mould. . eee molto legato. re PPP PP. Dost thou notfeclhow balm - - y Non sen- fi tune a - - ria ‘The per-fum'd breath of | Sum - mer draw-eth near - er? il pro- fu'- mo che spcn - de Pri-ma-ve - ra? = a ‘This PDF courtesy of ArtSong Central -The singer's resource for free sheet music - Dost Non sen - sun - dino - The perfumd breath of il pro-fu-mo che thou .. ‘poco rif, shine brought by A - ea to - not feel the - tt tw ne low ni - mel - tae - rays ma oe pril,joyous bear ce tu-sin- ghie - PP Dost thou notfeel how balm- - y Non sen- ti tune Va- - ria Dost thou notfeel the Non xen - fi tu ne Sum-mer draweth near-er ? span-de Pri-ma-ve - ra? mel- - low rays Of sun - shine brought by A - — pril,joyous Va- - ni- ma a suon di no ~ va to - ce lu-sin- Love nowdisplays his pow - - er3 B ta sta-giond'a-~ mo - - ret Dear maid - en, to thee 1 bring Spring’s sweet-est Den! vie - ni, 0 mia gen-til, —— affrett. —=.. flow - CE css ener Welcome Spring! & VAL pritt a Sf effete | el come Spring! UA - pritr ‘Tempo 1. T= | . shall press the vel - vet sward, . trar-rai fra mam - mo- te, while... thy breast the ro- - sy bud ca-ress - es; sul pet-to ro - see ci-le-stri- - ne, Blos-soms of fragrant jes - sa-mine Shall shine like e le far-fal-te can - di- de ta leg-ge- Thy feet shall press the vel - vet sward, Me piB enone trae vai fra mam - mo - te, col canto. sy bud ca-ress - see ci-le-stri - Blossoms of fragrant jes - sa-mine Shall shine e le far-fal-te can - di- de ta- leg - ge - star - lets .. thy raven tress - -ran - no i: no al ne-ro cri PPP Areres. Wel - come, Spring! VA - prit oH Prp ee Love now displays his pow - ¢ Ia stagion d’a- mo - Dear maid-entothee 1 bring Spring’s sweetest flow - Deh! vie- ni,o mai gen- tit, aw pra-ti’n fio - affret. => . Wel- come Spring! Welcome Spring! 1A- prill..... &@ 1 A- pril!

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