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CUCULE, DE CE NU VII ?! CUCKOO, WHY DON’T YOU RETURN ?! CAROLINA BRETAN * NICOLAE BRETAN (1887 -1968 ) PP Adagio P = Qu-cu- le, __ de Cuck-00, why ceo vii Pres—te co - dri, __ pres-te vii ? you re - turn 0 - ver for — ests, Vine- yards green ? eg PE —— 2 Co-drul min = dru gen frun= zit : Tu nai gin - dul O'er proud for - este. fresh—ly green = img, Ab, you. will. ne'er, a — Mama compozitorutut —— The composer's mother rall. de ve - nit ne'er re ~ turn. SS ee mf a tempo Doe PP Vi- no, cu ee ae Simi cin - ta, Guck-00, come, come to the spring, ‘Come and sing for Hae : 2 f mult mise dor! Vi- no, co la vil-c - le me, I yeart Cuckoo, come to the val - ley, ral, “8 Simi cin - tad light- en my— heart, a tempo. frun-z0-si la - sé, leaf — less, bare, oP. Rin - du - ni zboa - ré-a - ca Swal - lows fly to their’ home, So eee ee et Pi Vi-i- te Tu mai gin - dul Vineyard leaves ing : Ab, you will ne'er,

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