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Global elimination of cervical cancer as a public health

In May 2018, the WHO Director-General made a global in the past and stressed that it requires a clear and
call for action to eliminate cervical cancer as a public well defined threshold. The interim definition of

Adam Gault/Science Photo Library

health problem.1 Before embarking on the pathway to elimination is cervical cancer incidence of less than
eliminate cervical cancer, which will require immense four per 100 000 women-years, which was proposed
resources and a global concerted effort, an essential during various WHO Technical Experts Group meetings
initial step is to understand whether achieving and Global Stakeholder consultations (between March
elimination is possible, and to understand the potential and September, 2018).3,4 However, alternatives, such
effects of different screening and human papillomavirus as a higher incidence threshold or a 90% reduction in Lancet Oncol 2019

(HPV) vaccination strategies. Such questions can only incidence, have also been discussed.3,4 There are many Published Online
February 19, 2019
be examined using mathematical modelling, which can remaining questions related to the definition of cervical
provide projections on the basis of our understanding of cancer elimination, such as should mortality be used as S1470-2045(19)30072-5
See Online/Comment
the epidemiology of HPV infection and cervical cancer, an outcome instead of incidence to capture progress in
and the efficacy of HPV vaccines and cervical cancer treatment, should the same definition be used across S1470-2045(18)30836-2
screening and treatment. all countries independently of the effort required
In their Article in The Lancet Oncology, Kate Simms or underlying burden, and should the definition be
and colleagues2 provide the first global modelling pragmatic or optimistic? The final definition will most
estimates of the potential for elimination of cervical probably have the greatest effect on the feasibility of
cancer through HPV vaccination and cervical screening. low-HDI countries reaching elimination.
The authors predict that HPV vaccination of girls only The results from Simms and colleagues2 should be
with 80–100% coverage and a perfect nine-valent interpreted with consideration of their strengths and
vaccine combined with HPV-based screening twice per limitations. The main strengths of the Article are that the
lifetime with 70% uptake could reduce the worldwide predictions are based on a transmission-dynamic model
mean age-adjusted cervical cancer incidence from about that captures herd effects and includes projections of
16 per 100 000 to less than four per 100 000 women- underlying trends in cervical cancer incidence based
years between 2020 and 2080.2 However, even under on registry data available for the 2012 GLOBOCAN
this optimistic scenario, many countries with a low cancer estimates.5 As with any modelling paper, there
Human Development Index (HDI) are not predicted to are potential limitations to the analysis that are related
reach incidences of less than four per 100 000 women- to simplifying model assumptions and availability
years in the same timeframe. The results also suggest of data. First, the model does not capture the stark
that high HPV vaccination coverage is necessary to reach differences in sexual behaviour between countries and
elimination of cervical cancer, whereas the main role of regions (eg, number of partners and age gap between
screening is to increase the number of cervical cancers partners), does not include core groups (eg, female sex
averted on the path to elimination (projected to be workers) that are known to have an important role in
about 6 million cases over 50 years).2 transmission dynamics and elimination of infectious
To understand the implications of these results, it is diseases, and does not include the potential effects of
important to note that the call for action is to eliminate cofactors such as HIV. The effects of these simplifying
cervical cancer as a public health problem and that there choices on predictions are unclear, but will probably vary
is no agreed definition of cervical cancer elimination.3 by country and region. Second, the projected increase in
Contrary to the terminology used in infectious cervical cancer in low-HDI countries, and thus predicted
diseases, in which elimination is the interruption of difficulty in reaching elimination in these countries, is
transmission (zero incidence of infection), elimination based on only a few cancer registries in sub-Saharan
as a public health problem is the control of disease at Africa that might not be representative of the entire
a very low incidence. WHO has used such a definition region. The sparsity of population-based cancer Published online February 19, 2019 1


registries will be a limitation for any modelling analyses Préventive, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada (MB); and
of global elimination of cervical cancer. Investment in Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College
London, London, UK (MB)
cancer registries will be crucial to better assess the true
baseline cervical cancer incidence in countries and to
MB is involved in the WHO-driven cervival cancer elimination modelling project,
monitor the progress towards elimination. but had no role in the development of the Article by Simms and colleagues.
WHO commissioned different academic groups MD declares no competing interests.
1 WHO Director General. Call to Action. Cervical cancer: an NCD we can
(including Simms and colleagues)2 to do comparative overcome.
modelling analyses of cervical cancer elimination.6 pdf (accessed Feb 5, 2019).
2 Simms K, Steinberg J, Caruana M, et al. Impact of scaled up human
The aim is to use different HPV and cervical cancer papillomavirus vaccination and cervical screening and the potential for
models,2,7,8 which contribute their own strengths and global elimination of cervical cancer in 181 countries, 2020–99: a modelling
study. Lancet Oncol 2019; published online Feb 19.http://dx.doi.
address potential limitations of others. The comparative org/10.1016/S1470-2045(18)30836-2.
3 Strategic Advisory Group of Experts in Immunization, Working Group on
modeling analysis will inform decisions about the Human Papillomavirus immunization. Report to SAGE. Sept 27–28, 2018.
elimination threshold and the interim targets to be
SAGE2018_WG_recommendation_FINAL.pdf?ua=1 (accessed Feb 5, 2019).
reached on the pathway to elimination, and to identify 4 WHO. Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on
what are the most effective and cost-effective strategies Immunization, October 2018: conclusions and recommendations.
Wkly Epidemiol Record 2018; 93: 661–80.
that lead to elimination for different countries. 5 Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Dikshit R, et al. Cancer incidence and mortality
The modelling work will have an integral role in the worldwide: sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012.
Int J Cancer 2015; 136: E359–86.
development of WHO’s global strategy to accelerate 6 WHO. Accelerating cervical cancer elimination. Report by the Director
General. Nov 30, 2018.
cervical cancer elimination, which will be presented for B144_28-en.pdf (accessed Feb 5, 2019).
consideration by the World Health Assembly in May, 7 Van de Velde N, Boily MC, Drolet M, et al. Population-level impact of the
bivalent, quadrivalent, and nonavalent human papillomavirus vaccines:
2020.6,9 a model-based analysis. J Nat Cancer Inst 2012; 104: 1712–23.
The key contribution of the study by Simms and 8 Burger EA, Campos NG, Sy S, Regan C, Kim JJ. Health and economic benefits
of single-dose HPV vaccination in a Gavi-eligible country. Vaccine 2018;
colleagues2 is that it provides the first evidence of the 36: 4823–29.
potential for global cervical cancer elimination as a 9 WHO. Accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer as a global public
health problem. Draft decision proposed by Australia, Brazil, Canada,
public health problem. The Article also represents a Colombia, Ecuador, India, Kenya, Monaco, Mozambique, New Zealand,
Peru, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, United States of
strong example of the role mathematical modelling can America, Uruguay and the European Union and its Member States.
have in informing policy decisions. Jan 25, 2019.
CONF1-en.pdf (accessed Feb 5, 2019).

*Marc Brisson, Mélanie Drolet

Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec–Université Laval, Québec,
QC, Canada (MB, MD); Département de Médecine Sociale et

2 Published online February 19, 2019

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