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1. ACCORDION (n.) /uh·kor·dee·uhn/ - is a musical instrument with reeds blown by bellows,

played by means of keys and buttons.

The new accordion made him feel like a professional musician for the first time.

2. CACHE (n.) /’kash/ - a part of a computer’s memory where the information is kept so that the

computer can find it very quickly.

My new laptop has four megabyte of cache.

3. DISTRAUGHT (adj.) /di-‘strot/ - agitated with doubt or mental conflict or pain

He seems distraught because of what he found out.

4. FEINT (n.) /’fant/ - a quick movement that you make to trick the opponent.

He quickly feinted when he saw his opponent’s right hook.

5. GNARL (n.) /’’narl/ - a rough, knotty protuberance, especially on a tree.

He was not able to cut through the gnarl of the tree.

6. HEARTH (n.) /’harth/ - the floor in front of or inside a fireplace.

They swept the ashes from the hearth.

7. HIPPOPOTAMUS (n.) /’hi-po-po-ta-mus/ - a large African animal that has an extremely large

head and mouth and short legs and spends most of its time in water.

The Hippopotamus that we saw was so huge.

8. HYACINTH (n.) /’ha-ya-sinth/ - at ype of plant that is grown in ardens and has flowers that

smell sweet.

My mom tried to plant some hyacinth in our garden.

9. INQUISITION (n.) /’in-kwi-si-shun/ - a systematic search for the truth or facts about something

There’s no need to conduct an inquisition for some trivial matters.

10. CHIVALRY (n.) /’shi-val-ri/ - an honorable and polite way of behaving especially towards


He paid her fare as an act of chivalry.


1. CHAFFEUR (n.) /’sho-fer/ - a person employed to drive a private or rented car automobile.

Hurry up! The chauffeur has come to fetch us.

2. CONCESSIONAIRE (n.) /’kuhn-se-shu-nehr/ - is a person who holds a privilege given by the

government, or a person who sells refreshments at a sporting event.

The concessionaire was very good at what he did and he made all of us feel confident in our

future dealings together.

3. HARANGUE (n.) /’hr-ang/ - to speak to someone forceful or angry way.

Because I spent my allowance on clothes, I will have to endure a harangue from my mom.

4. LACQUER (n.) /’la-kr/ - a liquid made of shellac dissolved in alcohol, or of synthetic

substances, that dries to form a hard protective coating for wood, metal, etc.

Lacquer was added to the dresser's surface to give it extra shine

5. ACQUIANTANCE (n.) /’uh-kwein-tns/ - a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close


He’s just an acquaintance, no more, no less.

6. LIEUTENANT (n.) /’loo-teh-nuhnt/ - a deputy or substitute acting for a superior.

He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

7. MORTGAGE (n.) /’morgij/ - a legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money

at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the

conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.

He will have to take out a mortgage in order to buy the house.

8. ACCOMMODATE (v.) /’ako-mo-date/ - to do something for someone or something or to

provide what is needed or wanted for someone or something.

He was kind enough to accommodate me.

9. ESQUAMULOSE (adj.) /’es-kwa-myu-lows/ - not covered in scales or scale-like objects;

having a smooth skin.

I learned to to respect a wall made of stones, to always respect any wall that is esquamulose.

10. CHRONOLOGICALLY (adj.) /’kro-no-lo-ji-ka-li/ - arranged in the order that things happened or

came to be.

Her art is displayed in roughly chronological order.


1. VIVISEPULTURE (n.) /’vi-vi-se-pul-chur/ - The practice of burying someone alive.

Even though the baby was crying softly, his cruel parents resulted in vivisepulture by

interring the live child in a grave.

2. COLLOQUIAL (adj.) /’ko-lo-ki-al/ - used when people are talking in an informal way

His colloquial talents were indeed of the highest order.

3. LOGORRHEA (n.) /’lo-ghor-rhe-a/ - excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or


The article suffers from the logorrhea that infects so much academic writing.

4. BOUILLOIRE (n.) /’buy-wah/ - a French word that means kettle that is used for boiling


I need to use the bouilloire to make some coffee.

5. MADEMOISSELLE (n.) /’ma-da-mo-zel/ - a title or form of address used of or to an

unmarried French-speaking woman.

6. SERRURERIE (n,) /’zer-hu-he-rie/ - a French word for locksmith.

Then come windows, plumbing, sanitary heating, electricity, flooring, serrurerie.

7. CHRYSANTHEMUM (n.) /’kri-sahn-the-mum/ - a widely cultivated plant with brightly-

colored showy flower heads.

My favorite flower is chrysanthemum.

8. DEMITASSE (n.) /’de-mi-tas/ - small coffee cup.

Can you give me the demitasse?

9. IDIOSYNCRASY (n.) /’i-dyo-sin-kra-si/ - a tendency, habit or mannerism that is peculiar to

an individual; a quirk

Her habit of using “like” in every sentence was just one of her idiosyncrasies.

10. MALFEASANCE (n.) /’mal-fi-sans/ - conduct by a public official that violates the public

trust or is against the law.

A public official may be tried for incompetence, corruption or malfeasance according to the

regular procedure in criminal cases, and if convicted he may be dismissed from office and

receive such other penalties as the law provides.

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