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Aquaculture Industry have tobe developed

Superiority our aquaculture sector which still EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) free, ought to
be signalized and taken care . In this time there is a case " White Feces" which ….. some side is early
before the happening of EMS. As it should be industry side try to conduct and looking for its own

In our state seldom party of the university conduct seriously look for the solution with clear job
platform and sinergis. Trilateral Sinergi between government, private sector, and academy ought to be
equilateral and make collaboration.

ideal situation that is policy which appropriate, research and science which useful not merely
theory and also which co-operative and supportif. we have to worry with the case of white feces because
some occurence in other country, dissimilar state, its epidemic disease EMS ( Early Mortality Syndrome)
in some location preceded with the case of white feces.

Fishery prospect very good for the long-range and middle. Later, earnings moment more and
more to mount, tell five thousands USD per capita per year, society of course do not every day eat the
chicken, egg and beef, but there is level which consumer will be saturated and lawful need variation, that
is from fishery. Fishery growth in Indonesia tend to more and more quickly. Producing the fish woof in
this time only about 1,6 million ton per year ( above poultry woof 14 million ton per year), but growth
produce the woof fish run rings round at least two the last year.

Solution For this problem is all fishery perpetrator require to be pushed to more creative create
the development of Value Added Chain . If only focus production and efficiency, finally focus at saving
which is if diffraction will sacrifice the quality and it is possible that boomerang, for example explosion
disease of effect lessen the aspect of health expense.

Breakthrough better also in pasca harvest. Taking example, in this time there was product of
Pompano fillet or Nila fillet have flavour and etcetera have passing process research into circumstantial
about taste and appropriateness appetite, certainly opportunity succsess will more and more goodness.

In market of world poultry, Brazil known as a most efficient poultry producer, but Europe state
only choose chicken meat from Thailand. This require to be made a Iesson for us, that most efficient not
meaning most accepted in market. There is other aspect, that is value added chain, don't know that in the
form of service, creativity of product etc. If only think have to be more cheap, Indonesia will overhelmed,
and finally psychologically confess as nation which fail to compete.

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