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PH214-Science, Technology, and Philosophy

Mr. Rey Hernandez
2.) New technology is ethically on par with old technologies for both requires our thought to be
examined and reevaluated through ethics. New technologies is on the same kind with old technology but
differs in degree of development. The new technology is more precise on its own advancements since it
possibilizes on matters that are naturally mathematizable. Meaning to say new technologies instead of
objectifying nature it attempts to manipulate nature for a purpose of development and social
advancements. On the one hand, the old technologies are the fundamental start of this new
technologies. Both of them are useful in terms of human enhancement.
I would like to focus on human enhancement as technologies. I argue that both old and new
technologies are useful in manipulating human life from complicated to simple ones. Same as with the
development of computer, it begins with abbacus and later on developed to a digital computer. A man
who is not oriented with the use of tools and developed to a tool oriented being. A man who is
susceptible to sickness and uses herbal medicine to a fully developed pharmaceutical medicine. Human
enhancement covers a lot of aspect in enhancement. Man for as long as, he makes his own way to
simplify and beautify things, is enhancing.
Enhancement as technology is controversial to the point that it might alter human nature but improves
life. It might alter human condition but utilizes things that are accessible for human consumption and
use. It might change human status, develop a more progressive society and renew the face of man in the
entire history.
But at the back of these developments and advancements there are things that must be considered in
terms of its moral dimensions. Technologies and enhancements are said to be controversial for it
challenges moral obligations and moral norms. However, I propose some points to consider so that we
could accept enhancement rationally and morally. First thing is, DO NO HARM. Development is intended
for human advancement and avoid harm. The use of technology is morally possible and acceptable for as
long as it confers to the common good of the people. Second, Safety. Use of these developments are
must be surely safe and does not harm the subject or another subject. It must be safe and sound when
used. Third, ACCESIBLE. Every person has a right. If one is given the chance to enhance then one another
must be given an equal opportunity. Accesibility pertains to the assurance of the equal opportunity that
everyone must have. Fourth, TRANSCENDENCE. The use of technology must be able to uplift humanity
for social progress and cultural development.
Furthermore, the use of these technologies are both advantageous and disadvantageous. Though it is as
it is, we must use these technologies that does intend for human development and change. Moreover, it
must be free from the status quo bias.
4.) Old social networking services is on par with the new social networking service. Man is considered as
social animal. Thus, it is natural to him to interact, relate and socialize with his fellow being. Moreover,
the old social networking services such as club, churches, fraternities are networks to socialize and
develop human relationship. Social relationship is a condition that one relates to another inorder for
them to gain and give their contribution for the society. It forms a political man in the sense that one
develops and constructs power in relation with his fellow political being. A power that builds freedom
that is uniquely possible for social progress. On the other hand, as the technological advancements, the
old social networking is altered and developed to a new social networking services such as facebook,

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PH214-Science, Technology, and Philosophy
Mr. Rey Hernandez
Continuatin q#4
twitter and instagram etc. it makes socialization instant and more possible than the old one. On the
other side, both developments consist advantages and disadvantages in the human person.
Both sides of development is subject for political and economical advantages and disadvantages. Thus,
social networking both old and new encompasses sameness in kind but differs in quality so to speak on
its degree.
To argue on the old social networking, human relationship are real. What I mean is, they have to relate
or meet the person in actual. Relationship indeed is personal and yet communal. In terms of power and
economy they have to approach the person personally to introduce and refer something for transaction.
The advantage is it gives the individual to relate genuinely and personally but the disadvantage of this is,
relative to the new society, the process takes a lot of time to wait. e.g. the reception of mail requires to
wait for a long period of time. The time is delayed and the reopening of opportunities are prolonged
because of the interval for waiting.
On the other side, the new social networking things are made easy. Relationship and interaction
becomes virtual. Things becomes easy and yet open to a possibility that relationship will be a medium of
technology. As if, human relationship becomes another aspect of the use of social network. Ideally,
human relationship is the center of all transactions rather than technology as the center of these
The advantages and disadvantages of both old and new social networking are similar in quality. There
are gains and there are losses for both sides. On the one hand, it must be clearly intended that all these
networking are not just a functional for human technologies of relationship but is in itself a relationship
between humans. (e.g. Technologies of relationship are those relationship built by means of new social
networking such as social media)I recommend that old social networking though old must be preserved
since they are not just fundamental but a necessity. And I propose that new social networking must be
further developed since it is correlational with the very purpose of the old social networking. Since then
society produces an alternative for their advantage, and this advantage is to uplift humanity.
Thus, it must be the individual self who is liable to choose a means for him to socialize and be a
productive social individual. Thus, the disadvantage and advantage is correlational with the person.
There are these advantages and disadvantages because of the relationship of the condition and the
context proper to the individual person.

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