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f r, te.ctio,.

tF f od<-r |1st*^s M.t< N,_
fiooVf; t ?uvjar SYst<-'"^ R4Y,g
Cl"^f b*o a *<- ; r,J...;! o*
Cu**-t'-n( t *t :r"li:l: ff r.
i"o'* d
CL*pl.-r tul o t K.i:) Dpe-r+try pYt*c^'ples
A' v' s^ktt*

c9t--r Tl*r<e,, Cwr..og n,*/ t/o ttSre qp*rsf-or*e.rg

Cl''wp tw F,*n' : B*tonr*ol *r./ unb <.lqn..o/ fout Ls

Cl"ufk*^ F,'/t z t\h*- pi LrL ffotc-cto n of' T-l^4lltttutlsrttort L lno-s

alo^pt*, 5|x : ?,'Lrt frote-etft* ,f T-m-ycs*to,Sf ,,64 t-Lne4

g Lrafter 5*sla,t: Ro L^tt,y ffiacl"i n*ri f r.tec.tio,+

L^pt"r tirLttf I
C Tro,n s, f*rm*.r-
fr" k .t i o,n
Clr*71ton /Ltne- i BuS , fr, e-o-. t*y uJ C*f . c,' bo-r fro t".h,o-,*
Cl^Pter aA( : G** ."-1 T'"t*)- 't;o '' -

tf tle-ctr"* f d**
[. t R* lnyt*f :.- s tf",<. foru"cL- 1" ."

ilff';' a'b s y ste-'-'

"--^);aS pS;
'*u''-'^t *rctia* S
i,nl4iaie Co Vne-c/:,,{t f"u}ckli /}(-

,rol"n t o yutu-v * LLz y) c d o7 17 5f","* to vLor rv<(
)f f.Slpo *i. i s r*7o" rtJ (r*u '^to)'
1t^t,--. 71,* flwlck*rsS sLo"'(o(
Tk r.sPo'^se ,*.*5t b* u'*to*,t''-:77,"k '4'J
lu tL"-
& ,rrn ),rt)vurravrL
a,'{Lon*t o{-
7)au*l<- 4 F"f*.*on
gyS*< 7-L^*- f r-n'a-f<-t f*7-wr<u-o*^-ts
f odr-,. t^.L-*

9 y S'[t- vu'' $ ca-+^€- :

tr ( f*"'Ll s or arbnotraztl o"U
Conn*c$ al;gnoS;s *f tror*bt
b) Qr"i ckttesS o$ Y^esPbrtse
ucl' $a *c €- t t' tLt f o tJc-r fy s*e*'
a) tvl,: aot-ln'*uuv'e, - /;st
,,L'ri' *1,*; s *,JJ fu' 7'k c*)o ',.'
f) 5 o '*''**/ F7n-'*t
,f.u.fa,re ,* hl*- PDil.r gysteu*.
L*J*. lo c,*yre ir*'
wf 4 fL.v'"- lnT €-rs
t'L^€- o^t<r 5 7 sbe'*
-lI f ''9 '^^ 'l*-
, I i'n'"Ver ( a iyo*'tg/ efr*i

a"l tfzo^)vr
o\') xy)faf *lwg : |e-v\LraLb*S , th*o'<fuftLas 2 *"*t
/;rir'; L*bts t; z (e-eff;c'{;ou/ea to tk- Lo*"/5
' 6o vwtna{ e-%ni /rne,$s; tr^t^bq,'^-tr tl1 f ou.te-*
TyShtnn a-t" ibS ltlorrure-{ Vo((^fl*- ^-*z( f.o|,u.^a.,
I€-^<,r,.{c, ;"ff, <ien-t 7?ocJ*r Lo,n*<-e-{" tL'. L ""*/1
q f ,, tt ,,t; o * n L*, y'r*e-*15 .. fo o f'e'r 'n** tL*'- P' t'*n^ ,

5 h/,'6 CL,u-5 o.,r Cir' '--ib b r-'e".kq s' *'t <bn^y'*t'ay '**J
f ,.l.l( .^'*J; S'0 "'s
1,2 1{<uLr"'-t Grr.^ ilr:l uf Pod"n Sysb<,n-s ..

71"r"*-*. *rA "l: f F*-nt-,-b b7 fl*S 4 2 yr,^-,.c,/,'757 lyStc,,n

i^. r*St l'r', rt&on/*nn Pudr.r TySkr-rS €"'tc[-a-S:

&.;;yt^rr i; {,,\bf6/^r"J b<-(q)r<-ttr bL'.- tlzw?ru1 ^"^"{

*,i'\?',':; a


H {,'"*,;nr
P fYbt,<i^5
P th
t'n- u't*i,

t" tl i 6"
16., (loo k,r -r g*ntV -?
rt [.r7r^-
), * i":
,on!o*.'*b.- (<-t) +fr"*J
.) ,Jn.(a-*ca' tr; h e ^-v"13 **sk*)
i.)ske,*s ({1 t rt, lzg t u ) b",.u-Ea I u*1
L'1h f^,nt L

f ruf f**u+ u'b 1 o,*^- br SeS J e bo L,'*u.,'f bL ,k Cc^.rr "^-+ l^,

bn.oitu< ,*'{ CB cofb"l"Ly**sl ,no po,*)<a-fosr /*,,3fu^(e.
A) P*L*n s o* co; t (*n"'^*) F**W N<*4 v,ttiz<-r (c ru)) :
t ,.- $<."t/<-{""v( L-ouJer tla tt"y r. '*ehd*rk5 , 7.5,'t3 ra",a(*a..
(.fto",.( *r*l ,',,\ P**((u
( wl"b6 bL'v 'Zn'ro S*Vun^.*-

C-a.-f)ct-Ci Llle fe*c?on+te , 5o ?Ltg tz'.L^,Y*

& kW
Crt*-b*5 a*.^- oP4 C''"rcuib bl'* fu*tb P'tL,
f,Jt,"y vJ* *o'*'/ f r ounnul" U
frt *rr. *{ F^'*tts D tzl.*

fodc,y- 5y;te"*
a-rt 7.o*J
f o*Lfs, * bl"'- t'r'<**bcs' i;i
^*J co Y\nto lo $e
t+ f' Ll,n,.s "('e/
Ul"q P, tJ.-r 5 y llx* J rv JS / ( L* ca{)6'eitt/e- ca *f l"E
4 f Q- f .. /*, * ^ol,^.clo-ry vilikL' 7 t^",^-oJ pro ii).3
aL P*LL [o *r"'-^/ , *J eL ,/ro,u*/ fo'*(l s* l'ocA
a* 5 y 5be,- prod,*cc-s rL, .uPo ri fide f*o& "

-T*[,2 cr*f (,iy ccz.1)ac;toy^s t, p ro n^*/ Co pr6/]/e tL,<_

k*n^ p a*L" .F*n t Le f ^w( r c avrrd , T-/* i^*eapr,.*r*
Ce-fa"ci borS(Ctz) pt*) rto note ,,-r6l..,y
V)L**- tL"a 9; Ze u f t f,* Col^ ci ta&ce beco,*eg L<-ryrg
tL,<- Cyo c; ti te J ro ^*/ f *,*( V c,*ry'er-{ bcco'n"r'es 9e f - t

Jv'Sb<,',rry , o*J /r*-5 tnat cleur by itft_({ ' lb Ll'""

b.cor*-€s ,alceSS qJ 1" CIfd*< tl-* Ct\rc,-t.{ brx".t nsGB)
t, 6lsa.-r tLe f^,^t*, Rr-lo7|U {)rbble"-'beco^'\n-'S otn?
0 f rlu?u cl;,y f,.,-cl^- L,,v,,) *^1";6J*5 'f {*^ti c'nrruilh'
l,,t uyol** t o f?fu r{,tra eL ;nff,,'cr'c d f o*(l
tu 3 ro,-'orJlry a\t*<-.& f s ;n'h^o/*tto/ b<b"ltt* bL*-
fi[*br*-t ;/ +t- frr,^,r/ ,

Prr,rlor, g " " / 5<'r$"\ ce *b;1*'9

LLryrunool*"! 5y st<,,n, c"

b* *re 1,nb1'e.t*/ Lu hj, ov<-rvo (t^7es 6t\- b l,---

ww{o*Ue/ f L*ys vJl^-"*, n flro**/ f^-n{t ltccatsd
e ))," bi , **{ Strr E ei * +A e'y"5,*(+t;o-,.a of "{(
C-o nrt'< cbei

eTu: F*t€'vts
'oa/e.r SySkr^ 9*s *- la uh' o yLS

tn^a- t'Lfit r- l,,r h/Lu'c[. tt".-- poa]ur oPP*f*b*s

I '5 co **,<, .ton/, buJethr r'^ SwbS h^,t;a&s^"J gali6cS"
5 t*tt> ,il tt* )e*x,rv't LY*$ of bl* PonJ*^
*eb$t r* \-*s a- 4, ,'^t( LLe-m <e o A Ff, t*.(;r/a relag,g,
I rt 3'e.*<.f^-\ bl,-at u a-,r< * aLo O * f;
J uur..(,b*-s, fdr,*(
A€tuJ'f,:k poiln 5 y S*e ?!{*
"",^) .}

fi)- fl*d; "1 17 Ste-.,,-,. ; .l t is : 5;"'gle -$owrce
d;t+' wvwttiple' Loo,/.s , o / ,! 31"u^"lr,"t(1 assoc;abJ
W"VL & ol;t[,r,brub;o* 5ySk^-[of*,.tsy a.t Voltyres
b"tac^/ lookv)^s r',( F,yu!^L LrtouJ,
9*^ fiorac'a
fr |vl4.oi*
I reltq,?cfuf
t"*/ Lr-/

A *rl,l**\ foder 3Y ste"*

It ts t
a) u,,*t e&y\ovuica-t tu bn;tl

il Lo.l reLi^b;ir\ u,An**tt*- L,sSof +L*- aivgte.

tn),'t ( r* 5wtf t,,- tQ Lo6S ,{ 5c-ru/;<'<-. fo q-L( af +l* utSe.try,

q i* Cas€ ,f cpe'ntt3 *alvv,Llnareclof*rs f*r fu,*t15

Di\ tL,c L;*€ gcctio* Ulit( /;5., vt4ec* tL= LoJs ,hrJ,.- -
9[7exo.-.- 4 t L" S il; tck; g, ,leil;ce "

(r 0,,* tL"e f ro[cet;s1* po f,'vt tf $;ewl z i't prest''nk o

CoeP|t-Y f f"bleu'^ '
r'" r,,-e J]r*4;on
e-) T1-<- fo"*l[. .na'7<ni co*-:"y Plo,,J

iluj*) f^'* tL'<- $ot'+Yce- *J l'A"-'Jt VL* $**tts '

c,,*I J.,es *o* V*{J rt*qeL' u}'"+L' Cl*eL"Y
f) f^*; tleedrlc^'l\j lz"wte
i*- rye**r^-tio,n c.-f'tc,''fi Ji*cz it is
ff u,,,,'- Jv.lLg-f*{ors

, N*twork 515[e-,"n'. lt L^s '*uttipte $ou{ce5

y,^*tliltlc Lorp, bt-tt^/'<v' tL*- $ou{ces ^^J eLe Lo J: ,

lorft 5yS[t-,.-s opC,r^,-t;y ^] loo*aoo kv

T-levLgr^4-,*Sf *J
a-h o$e c,<,t^C- flet$e rk 5 y S(e-,.nS , f'l-,,S 5 Sf--er
Z ^ k*s {-t
Fr ltod,'5 C-L,^.r^c b"-+r;S 61. t -

") 1\4oY€ f lex;5 it;+1 sr,r-

rn*;,rt"+;*lV 5 w-d ice- ba
bl^4 Cw7*o yvu*ff

b) 7v\oYt f€ {; ^b I g- bLa'"\ ro;;nl L(.>
5 ys\e,,"-
M*d o* P""J"-r^ 5 YS f en*
I @ ,) {}ncs 9ar,-t^ces t^"sf ov\ o.(l s'rJq -f
I 'cr,,vv*t
4 f ^,,tt , fio,rtf co,*Lrib*t;"^5 $r:T eoc"t'
J rbl-.t ,'r'^ ,'^u-s t L" c'*S:ol<-re) r''t ales),n " '9 L

Pr>te.tio^ SYstv-'^n'
u$ *a f^''*iL c'''rr<4 fa-r'\tr5
)) fl'*' nry^*'l'6l^x"'ges l'4 5y5t"'^" co*fi7w'tbltbd
/re-a-t\ 'i*+ 1*^ur*t|o* c^f'tciti '
;^li":fr Lt" aL
^*) L't;

g ulr:u
,^,-ofr X;'
vr"t-<*tL' t /LL
[i-*!r X;,:::**
* l*i *'- -
;n , -anr .p n<-*lilot'tt-
- i,oQ.
.'^ r 3r

t.I -\
rt )
4 fl*^ t QJo'r

$o,.fce ', *;1Tr'i(jo,6)

E fa**t?,*,od :|bws',*Y
G, ^")G, {'n s'*f-cc o*l ^{(
Ltnut i 11,"',
l, 1-tb" i f,*
r.t- P't"tL'
bl,*,^ Q'*r L"'rs 2-3 1'*s "'4 "F || 1rT_.
1-1, l,'6*)**(L*J)
, "
/ vtice
Y,-t t r ,
--*Y ilrr*i
J"str"b^4,b^ k*J"{
c) fL* <-ff ,.t G, ,fr,o"t^-
co-rt"<*t ^t b'os 1
t'"LL 57ste''*' '*'r'*^()
,{\, r4,q- f ^,.'tb i s ou* 4
7n-f1/,,C,t- 1 *1,e,* |,t^.<.Za}
o,g/v{ fle*e4/a,tdrs
-'-e 9*r
4 gert/;c'<
gl T[n Lr^-ol *t b^< 7 L-'6 Se&*t'r S*gie f*r
,-), .f^ * 5;ytt- goaqc*-(1e-*<-r-#oy) I
L'l^* La$g l,tud*a^
y|! o *t- tln.l( ttva*,|,1tke,,,,- bL L*^J inL et. S?1c,<h<_
sqli: 'l

b) Tf, f'r Yt'oYn*l *eWnrk i-r

j, .l #=-Jzo F""L'
Te {;'F-r*j,o
b._t tf. Lt** L-3 floes o^,1 aG!il,ri',,:o tt:"-.-
clt*u1c) ' = ,/"1 f,u.
c)) t)tf G, iS l"s( , +L*-v ,.-(( tl*- L"*rl:
-r(t o. r-\- +L=_
f "*/o..r w);tl Lo;S [Le; r g ou.7<q ,f pouley
e-f fro 1,1/\- brr-f 2" ,

tF f", rli tos| bL*,^ o-t(, L.^J, fro ,*-. b us:df
d o ,.rS I
I Lo,
LJ,'t( Lol:S bQ:" fou-f c1 ,f . *,fr,l ba- isot&*r(
P"d,er ^-rJ alqu,l
k<-<- f) 6 tW f*[
b u k<-. l,^ 5*f ^€e- -
J ) Irr
rrr til ,'tL 5 y5le*- trlv oy o*.q( rn5
jof Ji". \ o.

jpr llo' , AJ '7tt,l

= ju,J+j'o'"5 -jo'23p.u
' ,l

b* tnll"*n, o ^f 4 bl'<- two 2et^.<'ra,FrrS to5 La sl +4


jr,z = .io"rio,\
; jo.o66g

,f f^*t b zu.fl'x,.vt a{n. ta aby",""- Soturcx-S , 1*L*-

o.qC< c.t-s <f ,nos{
il ; t briA 4;o* 5 V Stc r,...- 5<-e5 bL^4- S
; C,otu5taxt i*f u-al^<ncx lowrCe re-J4/ -/ L L-
g[t*.r7<-S l.-k,',g Pt^,* o r\ tL, bl'^-nt.s,*ti 55 t'srt ;La?u-/t7Q'

r- fecl oS eP S
suJ't.Lriy u*)t { s<cbiono*Lizirg Jeiicas

Tr^nsJ,rcer (Cf-, Vf)

fl^otectia* u*it

N'u,.tu f Ba-tt€,ry|
t f-*t Po;^t
@,,1--l'* {ta-t*fe uf R* t*3"ng

W e u;,,t( *o t<) J;, ",..55 ce.rr-t<l,.t artbti 4*S 4

U Rel^yS

,f ct,Ve relay {rY b +a t'ev'q-ot}e fro '*'-

f,**ctta* Prcte
Sysbet"n t-l*+
S<..rvlc<- *4J irer,re-*t , f tt^L P*il*
{pund* i,ru a-* abnaf*a( rvlavtfle-r, ftetnl'
st*rt *o *"/; bio*s ocqary
U/Lr.r- *rL1 f^-,"18 ^-^j J*"r'^'*( '"
6 per*pe;
fo;,,'<-tr fwrpo? ,'5 b, L,o^tut tQ ot^'ny*' d na)vt; wt )Ze

6 bLe4' e-flv<:y> *'e^$ e a lso

d"*"y o?- ) "J wrl,nre 6 ty-v sS s rA
fo Vu,,vt-orle tLL f u.^lteJ %n; lr^e-*b f "' '*^' tt^. ? d"-l^
Sy;k-un- tu5 7t<lck) aS fossibte $o tL<- st^L;tig ,{
*L*- Tewta-l*ftyr 1y*<-o^ i'S tvLef rr*<,Vu/. Tfu-rc- q*4^t
*y 4-5Pe.. s fcV,*lyt bo *1."e- ylr"te.*,'6* br r<(uy,y
r+ tLe Pod"-r syst-t^ 5u-[- ar.-5f ..
Re("a'L;t;9 ,* lt ls Lo
fe:rre.r^llj u*tor{oul

bL'<;"JrLe 4 ce-rtq;*ty tl.-^-t a- fie-cs rf ef4prue,xt

uJ;t I fe'rf"rry &s /vtj"*ol./ ,t
* F.*L^ys L'*tt< tuJo q-tr'**t,l/<

S f
'r. uJln :.1,, bLuy c<o< b e tt-rn retiob te :

^) 1f"j *y f*tt t" o|y*vte t^)lne-,n tt*"J ere <Xpecklb

b) fk*J n^J o|er^-Le kfl,,<rrr- tLtt-y d-re Ar* *p.tJto,
fl' , ; tcu* to o* l*n) u Jefi 'n)t{o ''t 'f yv lt ab ; l;9 "f
f€t *J ,,^j Sy5teAS ; q- lre-l;^bQ t^<lyt;! sTsko'n r<''t5{
be "dnrilr/oitu *t fec'une'
D*{su*/^l:titJ,^ts Jnf;^,en/ ".-s *l* n\ea-sL^,rt "f tL*
Cnr[<r*9 bL,^+ tL* ftlo-y 5 L^/;t( L€-. correc$
fon attt it-. f o,-l& f"-r' u/l^;cL bL.: a+E J"sj3^-J
to o pey*-fu ,

?? l:;";ry ,,- it tl,=- vvLea.-J,are ,f tt"a <*nt%,,U LL'*t tL<-

retyi'rlir( nut o[kr",-te i*.r7ve.blJ f *r a-rti f<uttt'

t. .ff .^, Fo- LL- fodc-r n*u,tvr| S[rorJ* ril,,LLtt-r--
pfv t<-C{:,'o,a- t*A,' V S fepfcSe.,*;ry by€t r.",l ""*Ur(B)

"r^/ &.t^"1G ) *t ol,'fk-r*,^-t l-s ca!-;6as" (f tL<- ft.4t'

€cys Aiil it*^ /rs cqs,Qe t ;"<):t;9,J.p. /o;;t;g
*"J j. c*i;6 ,f fLy n,.et,o)6-rk.
@ @
@ f-
@ B3 -EB5
Bl B;
,BU -€
5ul 'y
,t t^ v1'oYrwa*l

- o er^*r'6a,\-
c[u^-ru) e lL. Luto t,^et , tL,3 f o,-rt srnr*rol b€
+,<' cttr..u;f bre^p,r-, B *r,j2 R, *n*^/n, {l<rayt,
| s'jt" f LL*_ $^-,otb,!
cl e'q^c"{ +L** t t- S
y 5t-e-,,,-.- ,f p.otu.+,, o,. li y,g(i.Lb te
L) tf R, Jo.s not ofe,r^-te f ,, tL;s f^"-tE , i+ t\^_s

be}o e4 e- uLn re t^-b k fL. ro ,7 L o,- LoSS ,F )np"*J^l r, (,,fi


rel<3 R, ofe'ratzs bL,^o'"yL br*nk*, gs

) ,fl"*
:f g<- f,.^
o f
Se.i*rlbJ .
J:X-!';: [X*^ -;r*^
q) To ir*y 4 +L<- prn te-.?:o''L 5y s*e"A-t
iwrf ro de r<linb
g *vte-.g*[ f^t @At ,qry b e-
^-5") *.[ €o-< k Lo an-$,'621.
bo ,./o ;/-< Log* Sc.u.r^;g (o{uf lic^-h b-.L",,t,Yu*)

c i,*pmv<'***[
o Prat*c(;*"y- ,be-,.-.- Mj

r'rL l-el]o"b; t,9

g J*f,J^,./ fo <rl,i*r/,
bj w;A [L*- bockup
tt"L6:l-w<-s "**l Co orr'1,'i^t,'f,^ Vr,-rrciytL*g !
t.@ Zone-5
"f lrot"4]- ,_ T1,,4- Secu-rity tf fr-lo1s
5 oleg;^$ ,',a- [.r^s {f rvXtara3 "f ^ Pro/* syste*^

U(td Zortt s of f)rote ct;a,n f , r u)L'" c'h o J "/e-A 'rt(y

of pr6tect) de +ySkt^,- i: ,-::eSPol S;ble- , Tl"-e- f.lig t^t;t'tt
be- cots;/a4-e/ bo be ge,c-tr-.r€ ;f rb f.sPu^Jt o^9
bo f*,*tts l,i.itL-t* r-ts Zo,tc of pr"te*u,* o ft"*(rys
65utatll k".,1. tqp,*ts 9r-, - Se-Ve_+,--*f tr<n5f,y4,
^*.t tLe- Zo^-E I f)r-otecfto,,r l: h.u*Ju/ ;;-=
tL.-t* <73 wkicL. ?r-bu;rle a.- ta);Jo,^t tLroyk ,jt^,,uQ
t Le- es{oe ;^*e} ,re-ln) 5 ,,sut pud., y
{,*_ 5 Sk*. ,,^s,4
tL,e- Zu,nE 4 fr-tecL,'a,,+ , CT-s
t*.t & ?rout,/. bL*_ ob:t,,, fo
ole {^-,r-L+ f^s,rrle t r-. zoa-s.
y"orl;Jt tL<- <b;t;t1 tu iso t)+ il-' d /* fe.t,a,.t : C Bs
att o$ Ll-*- P"ue*r e7u')p"-'e,*{ tnf,rJe
/o*tt LJ iu* nne.h,g
tr^L zorLe-. Tf,-,*5, o
2o".. bo*-o)^-r1 ,r,
-u:,uo[\ olp,,o-S by q- cru**l< cg,
cTs te*J b. /P^--+ 4-f,* c; (n*-
t"@qn^-t p^r+ ,f tt^" cg " T -..r*^
t cd,,E)
nn ,*r-*.p, b* no I q.4
^.i poilr_r e$^iprtte_ag
bt tLetr frofech,* sysbo^s , tt*_ ;-^;:
w,*S+ v.tezt LQ*se- n?r,rrr^<_*ts "ir;;"#e. h,out

^) bJfrLt*t Pdet- sys'lo,-, €re,,^*<-,r*s aqns[ b* e,a,co,^/l<sr"J

lens* a4? %,,'e" TL.e
im{ort^n{ .r,.*r*^r,
l.ael ,,< u$ (e<S# h^/o Zaftes,
^.r<- t^cLn .
/o ,t-e-5 4 ytrzb*c*;avL wLw5{ ou.-r[<p t, pre-u*vt-{ eL_r"q
1rl S te-*^, 4(erut*af frz',,- bety inp*t*.teJ-"'r;'
geflto* -# oUc4xlt vw,-{4b be f'r"*i*{ b4 5vu<-a-[( .
c)'/ $ow-€-s ,f prole.(,'o,'t-3 reog b<- cioseJ or gffud 1

cVte/ )o-il f"d'-r *fU*f:t''-S euk-4/""3 bt*- Zon' t3,.,,'ct,.*/

e.",*brj foi*t5 n-f Ltn- Zo"t< (o{i5fe-n-ntul) LLrt,V) o,r
^+ bAl"'t*tj J e (e *;U*
atblo )'
,g* L,,rur,Y 4'bt* Qac+€ Ll^.r"Ys: Uj*f SL.* F''*(b
Dpc*, (< a4 '\n\ Prbf*.{;on
Ct*.t^fe-$ Lno A -tlo"tt,f , ff l<* Ve 15 5e <t"lc1
*! f,. L_
@ g-: Fnf b L* fie(utrrk* SL.^,,J* r,,/,'LL- eL<
pod<-r Frb be-ct;o,,r 4 ySkn-.- *r*l ZoLzs PN fu.t,on,
*4 "f
IrF Fe^*'(?s occu-r f, i F, E *,{ ,/,-Ffro*^4
b 't'n"t'*s otY <:"'ls tA*- prvle-f.'.-. tt--rtt,'{5 ye;po,rtse
f-or te"
l.--.,-Lt5 il;tJ.- tL-_ .lroos;f Zo*<_g .

ign LA
Zr^E 3
4rlca*s;dr-r tL*- f*,^t6 4 fr fL,t5 fu*tt (,'e5
2 r.,-\
^ 61osd Zons (="^.t) *J W;[{ C<-:*SC c{ y.te+r*
& ^-J g- t. tr;p, Lrcoka

, fl'- f^,--( E "4 f; , b*;A ,,^5r,/* bt-* otteato-p

bet,^lee-rL tLq-
=r,+eS (Z*n. 1*.rt Z.rte12) 4 p* t*.tvn
- c 5 u4
Bt , B, ,E=,^.*t,u
€o rt-s
cb 5*/ za *es fro-f6'-.6'r,^

3) ,f uco*S;/€r tL. fou(t -.,(- ,

Tl,,s f^-,((
lies E
tato o p<-*-t Qortes ('zu^" 3'o,J
SLq,^Ll ?rk+). r-L<_
f*r"-tt Ca-v<_;q cB , Ba bo tr_.p
, Fs r,S 6tq
bo.k,*V bn.^_ku_ f *_ tL,\
rs $*r sone yc*'0rt Bt f o, .tt ,
^_,_,*,t Ldt, L( lrf.
fo;[s t, -t:*n tt *f^u(b,
b< o"'/ t';:^,^.*
;:;:;#;:;^* :r
tlnnoTL bL*- ufn* zo,,r*e
tl*- fe,wrtz {"4*r,,44{ ba
@ fl"{^J sf*-e-a/
i- t* is t'*Porb*,t[ to fe-u<ode a-

ft*$ fro,,,,- tL=- pou)e.f sySte,^-', aLt /w;ckll 4a po{S;bta"

TL*- frLnS mnSt uqa-ke tTs al*ci$io,zt bus-/ ,{rA wt(y.
*^/ C,*t"rer* t,Jqk for,*S t Jlrick afe ;cluf.\ J;SbufbJ
/n" t a tfa.4/L5,b..+L y Lo*otq1.;/Lq 1l.k*c1." yvr,-\54 f" (lo t^) ilY
oc<.LL{^rL,Lcx. ,f a- {ouft ,Ti.* fkLy ,q*-w+e- f L=-
ilr- C; giorl bQS.
r',tfo-rmati o,,,t f*,^ "'71-<S < /-,^"^l

tL*t 4Ln- r€toi tok. a- ce.rtqta d.yyrs"+,tt f,,v^..s ta

fr.frJire *t a. Jeclslo'.r t^/,tt^ tl<- rlece.ssq-try /g r-- 4
Certai*by . Yl-- r<l&io*ek)p laa{ale-<vr tL*_ r=ty /%paas"
[,'^w ;r*l iB Jryr** 4 ,B a-,,."L trtrleaga br\e
*r t t*S fv,,rJe4s* b;tnr Ope,t^*&r'U CWoc*<4,,5*,.c *f
nrllg r', otu€ I "bLy- rnosf bosl. fy6pe-r6,'*s ry
r.,1- 5g S#,n5 . fiLt{^aryL, bl*- of e-f'^-t;t3 b {,rn. ,f
f fokat,'o
fdryS oftr-^ ya.gley betuJe-tvt u)|)e Lc'AitS, yrLys <-s

al*s;['"e/ ;t *1"';r 9P**/ '{ offra-t'o''t

f S:
g) ]y6h*-+t^rWawf, i T-t"4- feLoys ofef'Jz c-LS $oarl q-S
a 9ec"-rc- Jeci Siort t, *orl*' (^" t"'*L Je(y lt5
bu 5lo u't elod* tL'" rc Lil fx-Sfo*{ c ) '
,)\ T*;n-.-/et^3 : fi,a t,nfuatto*.'( .l,'nwe- Je(-ry ri t'^serfe/
b*tu)..rn, +4"<- reta-7 o/e <n'St'o,t tt'"t€- o'-l tLk-
r'^,Ti $to^ of tl^* tt'P uctr'a ,t '
3) firJ L * sP.*/ : A rulqJ tL*+ oyr-.r*l "; ln tess A*r,
d fixd.f,'e/ br** (<bor* tro n<;r-)
.) &Ltr* hyL-f pc-e/; t I iS lor**L,rLY corrsile,rJ t" l.
O Pe,,f-4r'(rzL t'rrt 4 ,*rec of LegS ,
?yt "".J B^-k*p prokcf,,a (
A Pnlb*.t;o^ ,rtt",^ r*1 F*, b; ofe-r*te o^,/t*s
a f<-1,*(L , f ^i( 1o Cle-o-t' o- fq,*(t , tL lu^'s tLca' 1o
Cle^,r +1,Q- fa(** b y S-n*e a-tlern4iL;7st'en* Pr?t<zt"o ''t*
57 5fer,--.f ^ TL+S* ^l-w'o*+e frtLlact'\o"a
ye$err*J b, qsi
. d"fttcnte feLoA<
c b *ck * nf f<-L^93
o b y= ^k e-r - f it u,re- L*ct, Sy 5 k,,u.5 (r-Ws)
^ ffo
fl-* yt1&-t\A Pfote-ctlorn SyStcn,.. frr a- Jr\r/ent Zortg 4
fr-olect)o,,. ,i c^[(e/ tL*_ Pr;f:r: ff:!=:tr,+ € . It
oft-rz'k-s i,. tQ fosfe-st *,.,^- poss ibb ^^rL yav4aueg tl.
\e*SV alAa^.'ut *f *T.nipy'tertl fro,'rSc-rt,,<e L

Qn E ttV SVSk,,q tt ls C-ovq.r^otr to Lr{e atu?().*t<

c<5c a-A e.kv^<-r"f rV o4e
lf;ra--n ff'obcfior,a 5jSt<t*r4 Jt,t
prt*c+'ra Protec+ia* cL,a;^ *J {^rt lo 'ry,n*tl. ^*J
tLe"'^Se-( le5 '
a-t5 o I o Ouo, +l^- f*,'.,*.re- 4 tL* t'e\nyS
or- tL*-l-;yf cost ,f /*?trt:4-+lo,a- 1"4- h-;1L v't?arer,
ovl*,,- t*.n1^t7w<- (.+l- .A^+*p) ,^y be- ugJ,
$ack*P l"eL+ys a//y )r-a,'<r^"|) S(otJe7 bL,-^ bt* fr,,w^o
pelruy7 a",Lel l^evq,ade yqe 5yS*er,,.. elewt<,nhs tl"_^^ ,M_y
b* rlc-eessqJ L, e(eo.r afon(b, B^.k,*.p ftL*yiryr ry
b. i,+St4(l'L/ Loc.t((j (;^ bl,=. S.r.*rc.sug5fufi,g^ aLs tt pt^,,t^^g)

1^-kyton/"""'1 ,{ tW pft'ne'ri f to*e.{; Lu, f<l<ys t

LOC-*.( b^ckqo A*S o<--<t Co*lt*-6 rt e.{<-,,-r-*r.t t, ( h^^*S *l*o4,
| +Sbn-r"'4 , c9, ) ry 6L*'t 9*" Pr"**ry ,
& s*bfie{ 'F ha-f ?*.F^f
8 t-"^ke,r f^;ttrre t't(oJs, fr:bo cole-r q, fqt(wt"e ,f {Q CE,
beVy|rg ls proV;/or/
T-l" 9^ii,-rr l.t-(*y Sjs*er,' conl|shs o! o-
$ eparafs Li,^e* tl,*t r's a,ne4.1;Z.rl u/L"^c-tle+
l,reok** Lr;p c6i t, e,,t<,ryi4J Is ,le-etn<,rX,-Z*nl
ill,w+L bl.<- f**tt cr*ryeq-t tL"rovL tlx- br-_^k*_r
/; S^-Pp {e{5 , I f t Ly f ^-,*f t c-.}-ry^.-,+t p*-S,b fs fo-r Layrut-
bl*-t bt*- bir-r"e-n ,ett,'y z c<-- tn'p s jn.*f r! Tir.,< to*<((
loc-*[ *,"/ y'eyqott b r.^k rs bAt atr. T.f u: t </ t, .l-o*
bl*- f^,*lt (s*Po.r,**e let ,f .*G.JS w *!*/),
ex F; tt*- fudn *.tu)*rK gL"6,,,r,*, c.r*s:J*r bL<.*

f^,*Lb ^-+ Loc*[t'o-v\ F , rtppty LL pr}w*4y ^J b*.k,^y

lPte-ct,'*r+ b"c[*,^,*Vn- bo c(<-^,r bLU fo*(C ,.

. e^
E: BIi
' I ri r'ri
L,fZ- - - +*r
Zane I ,.;i-r

. l l6"r,i
5"1-, f.* tL- f*".tb
^+ V wL,;.t- i s in s,,/<_ tL*_ zo *e_ ,f
fr'olect,'o,r- ,f T, L.fiKzr,.,* lJ . fri,-r.*y r<( y,
h/ft( c( €o'r LL,'s f^u-t( by acttly tLi,^-rLLro_^-s.*s & ^.J R,
frb s\^l'v'n B I at- /"ptic&t {)r;,*aaj rd R, ey b< ,^ttr/
to tr;P +1.- bre^k*, B, t, cat/c.,^ tLy- frss;btt,U Flr,t tL<*
feLy K, vqry f^;l ta .tr,'/,i-/,4- rerry R- L$f tt of.r^*e tntt<
$x*e bt'm4 os R, ^"J /4aA 4c tL* |o'r*e. ,* /;ff*,r,-t
a [er--e*ts ,f th yr>tect;'".- Cl'^/rr ,
Loc*( b***l r{oy R, r', /es;7n-eJ bo open'{e o/ ^
g(oulq g/eei Lbi, (, ^,,,j R, , t b uj;L( f;rs{ 4ite'^f{ t" t1P
lore*k*r Bt 4 bL.*' t'tg brtnk*-r f^i(*r< rctoJ UJ,'LI btp
bre^ka; BErBe,Bf,4Bg, Tk;s b L-c.-( U^Jr*l ndoXt?
@ ofr* k oto,J^- * -f ^; I ur,e / ruto&|u,n f*4
cB gt
' N-e'lo' RT , R, o , ',J R r- Co rtsbit*k" bL*- y^ertote
f r"{e.t;o,n f *r tLw p ri w^ay f nl**t,'o^ R [ ,
f1"4{ fr-rq-o t<- b ^<k--p pr-ote ct;.*,^s vJ; t( b. 5 I a u/<a U,^*
K, , Rr, -, Rz *',^/ q(5 o f erwot)<- oll,'t;orr.^( <k-,^.r,,,-,h, 4
+1.* P"lu 5y;{e,* (L;n-5 Bc, BD *JAg) f*o,^,-- J<4rtrce,

T t*{ ,r;ff".! "' pou}'e'r Sysba'^

,'rJr.', ,f fu f^n(tJ
nr bo trip nntr bL<-
::":::;:-:rrrno*, 1 f^*r( *J to
a, yL,*se-to- 7ro^"/ f^al' ,
f onlb.) pl,rost- fi-r
fY;Pa-(tbL'rePk^esW'at(4'|\L-L(b>-fL*sef**t'Lson- tl'* br;1lP' 3
fro*s,,qi;s,ro,,t Ltnt<5 , t'Ln-ga J;f rur-oace-ss
sev*r7t 9'**/"t'n*sf*\
pr-o&;c. aty tL*- f..s',. ^r. 'f tr pou/ea
or;fFu-"^zL. tte-*).rii^ "*/
57St<-r^-So n * , ^ n_r.,etrLi A* tL ("d"+'
frr d',< f*cu1cs y2';ur*</ry*("rnti ^nfu.n-re, st^h"
be t o its Pre- f^ulL "frt os
5Y 3tt"'- c,.'|L a-r€ reel'S J as 5oo
c"7ct"it $ vo'Rers
tt4 t'r;p p */
fr"5ril'te' r14-EL(/r,x'-\ ,iC f r isnttlutJ bt o^ ofet*for
vt)agk;vg pro,,-, tt* sditch'U J.u;ru itse$ 7 Fro',v\ <
ap f,itrol p*ne( irrtLe- 1' bsb*{;a"'t contrt L hru1c*, *t Fro,.,^
o( few"ie ?ysk,*- contrrc( C@,,&+ [L'r"yL e<- Sg"rv,\s6a
cowbv^t | *^/ D4"t^ A'?.u;r:tto,^(|=ADA) i y stuT .'fL-",s
,t l*<.c(oS U ('5 boo Slaq/ f*r tt-<- PrqPusc 4 ..t("*,:6
blL Pod."r- lysb*'.^ to its Fr.-f*,.tf St*fu,
' frwL'*qbfc Ttcl6sttr, 4 ./pccr,,[. bre^kur, rb i,tibt^.tv{
b j
Je/,r^t / r.e I ojs eock 5 k),ycL, y ]evf.u, *
i+ ,^*y be- co*trolt"/ fro,^ dL s,4|stq*.a,t or c:artbr*l
feclo5t'vy AnlQutef,
o frLL oper>-tio*s g L,ouGl )* a-rierurr*)
Lco*5|oLte /) ;y i/p^f pt..-*e i,vtealo.k
e'O;' prev-n{
dar"Ulry , u*&s;n^ble , uutt5*f. ne_c[oS)y
Df e-twtt611
5o,^e "F tl..e- f n reclosry ate i_

a-) V,o L(yx clc.l1 ; LrLS"/ dL,*r,

, j.orl ^o[)er^tt,,g pt^ocFr,c.
oler^^^)t tL^-t oL cea,lal^ p,t.. of 'u7u;p,i.^'t b<--
?*"-t];Z*l f ro,.-. ,c S7cif ;c S;"te-, {o-r eXa,*tf{c, r't *Y b.
/usi nobte bo "<lu?ys e-rte-rJrr'ze "n- tr,t,4.5f6y4e7 f r o,'-,- r'fs
h,;yt *Vottye- 1})e. 7*, ;f ,<- fec{asifft ,oP*totion- tt
L;{,2\ b o e-rt <-y7 i"t:s tL^-t f r<,'r-5 fn-r**i , t't '-r/ *'"(J b e
to -?L^l bl'<- ciyctt-r'$ Lr.^k.+ o^- +L<
o *11 ('f bL"*- fr<'6foar4e?
t/o ,6,r ,,'ale i5 ctose'l
k, ^1r"^$ e-nerg:zJ'
rti,"U CLe'k 5 7L':s cL"ck 'w^J be 'ut{
b) 51,n.1,7o
l-ecloilt'7 operv-ti vr' CS t'i k*ll t" *n*X"$
h/W.- bU* b"bL Si/e-s ' tt^ SucL-
* {tiece of efwi?"*Z*t fr''*-
/*5"4" to cL'a'k L*i tL<
cc<--Sc- ) t' t 4**y b ' 'L
o"*1/ bt conll*tk/ by tL<-
bwo gov*r*c*S x/k;'L
yecLaS;ry bfe^k r a-m in SJ nd+f o(ti<vt- *"J ^{'p'"1;m"tei
l'l^. phr-se tu),-tt^- eoql "t* (tL' 71"-'';e <tV{e J'YF***
fislile-e* tQ- buA SoutrceE i'S t'Jltkln- t"-rtnln' Sftt"'"J
e) t7*;p,,n*n{ cL'aaQ: Yl'is che4k lj Lo l*sc,-,te tl,4 3om.s
yiec" of uf u,7 ^"rnt rb noi e-rt<-vj,zurl NJ;d*6*,6 b*r,y
qtteu,tio* [o tl,<- Pr\ P€-r
d-o,'tLectt5a-LS .
1,5 Eler-,-e^bs ,9 a Probnch'6t^ SJsfer^*
T1-L ac[,,*( f> rv te ctJ o*
33 Sbeu,,- Ca fvs,'s$, af fharyfuca7 6-r*rl
7 n*,-*oEs 1/ Lri.L
e (e

o,nlrib*t* to tk <-
)et"**,' o tw
f ^o(ts , As s L,.o trr4.,<
, tk r,utotl* s*bsysk*s f; le-,,^satt d
fr,fua,oa sfr*
ol ( L*- f)rYte ch,o,.- sy s1*J' 4L:
t B^+b"+1 (/.., prd"r ggpg)
, circs.t breo**
. R<-lnJ s ( /;gf"*e_,.vt tJp"s)
' Tr-r*,rs /u.*-rs ( c,^n o^,r* *^"! uo $U< gyansfo_r,rnvr)
t B *tt*ry ,',^/ pa s*fl/g:
S,',tc< tL* Vd*^-ry fiict;o^ ,f a. ft"otect,'art- aySteu-.,
is to 4 f**ti , fe *b;titl +o trip
Yernveva c;r€c+tri o1--

bre-^ker tLy.yL ^- fe@y ,rn-uuSt i"+ b< ca*\Fron,.Seol

).*r;ry ^ f*6t, ptL,-.nv- +Le tuc, t)btty. nVqiLq)Le 1,.
tl,.<- ,^b;ta-tiorv AA-ry b e o f sc*ff { c{e-c,cl
(*^ e/a.rf k, 4 clofe* r'rr--
1ll'*se fu"'(L l'-es'<16

r'^ /!.era a*C V, llr?e ^* tL* Sklst*;oa- 4c oulte-ts '

Tr;ppl,y fril*rt aL-5 qlet( 4 +L4- ("d'+' rc'7t*tr<l bi
+t'<- rltoJS , cqn rrr7 tLqr.Fo-fe b. oLt^"ot/ f* "n
*L* &'c 5y,(eu,- ,^^J t'5 LL€'*o() Fr'();ol*/ fu tl*-
5[4i'* b4{u,^-'
1-he- b^*te-'r;l f> Pq,""^rnt"ty co^rLet+J*JtL*uyt" :
i" it* 9{o't"a'n ac Se't't'r;c( ,
"I;r;; \7.')1 -9[^{e to?)"rio,'s t(! F(o:{t ov' tt'<
'";-W;." tti -b^bA sL"n(j be <)^o''gL fq' y*t'L L'*3 '
b) C;rcrnit \rr^k.*s ,

fl"- CB t;oLulng tL* f^*Ll @ i^tefr&pt,'U LLy

Curyfe-,^* ut uf nea-,f a- C"tl-rr-* Zefo , h+ [L'<-
[ lu'le , au,l- E HU (.|re ,.,\ br* {r*, Ca-yt t'ntberf
cLL'fl^ads ,t +L? or,ol*+ '{ loo illA *t gysteo'^
f,^-,utt c<"c ]o 4 7*;ck9
Vo ttaf es u4 t' $a"o kv " 1[ l}'t
.tb ;rs* c,^-rr*,*t Z*,,b ",.f**r tl,* 1a..6 r,nt,,",^ 4
e4 f fL'<--
16 vvrsre. often" fnravr^fts ^'[
a fa,uLt , ^tirv\ zera - A5 tL'e cB co't-t^ck
{ecowar )*'[;,rJ tL* fu^"G cu'rre-*L,tL'n-'r^t 13 ^
trvto\le* bo frrterrf[
betqJee* +L'*- e-Sto-btl5L vu-e*t 4 +4 nl"e.ter-trlc
fo,-(e +Lt Y^t<
ltrz,v3tL th ,f t'nt<-rw{t'7 "*Aln"'- ^*'( a'cyasf tL
*4 1rlL.,'cl" tle- rtcble'ry J' ftffe rea"1tp,rs
L. yzC^lery tla Lbate vtliz.g +l*-
bre^ ke-r Co-*tqcts , t, t
Ll*- bn^-Ktr r^"'r( Ld^'t
fa-c€ y tte s4t Ye*tTn,'&s, ^J
. gu o u,rk*t *L* c-*{ncb *re
srr ta ,n*xL c,-rq^e.,4
bJl)"s -f c's:
, fure ;l,,F7el^**t
f^{w, ^7*r+ T1**€
a.,\ Ar'( C{7ct*,'l $ee'*ke-r: Lt ls ar'1e +A f ;'s{ d{tsryns
'*J r'F <L;tf irt 4t, fvrcoTTur'**s bnnk 1o"l

it* Uli,.lc L I Le- b y^*^k.,r cb^b*c+s ^^J o fc-rvt|rg rNecLants,-,

*fe- , 7-/q- o i( Sefd.S
r',-rrqe!-gel 4E
bLe lnfu,-t+#ia,,t b-<ttl*a
tL. [o,nY vJl",,:L r] ^1 tL^* f ro^"J fate'*ts^1 "t'^/ru
W-ncr6L eo*[a-t< t*/ qc- ,.1 Llo. fok-*t,'^( , TL---
O ,'t x(So ^rtS a-5 4k Loa t,rry bo /ue,t<L' tL*-
^uolrtu{r^ L o*,( o'/-
aL,t e dl'e* tL* Co ,,vt^ets "Fa t , inte'rrw/t
awre,*l , $..erL c'g r*til 'tb"4 Zookv *r letg '
Vo tt^Xe5 f* cre^a], t'f
ftS [n^r.r ^to rtr,* 57 5te,^..
no-b pr,urt,')"i Lo b^-rd at- b^-*k L*rJb "evvyL '
b) drcu:l by**k*,r f*^ L,;Xc, w fiare
TL-- J""^l.lap'mc-..{ r',.1 CB oLSlT n, f r\Ve.s e( betb.a^
fnq^Wfj ,,^^1p{,1,,(9 , h+tur erc 1^*^.Lrry
f^S&.r \f)ea,nh;rg yyqutre-r*e^a*s r*SuG.J r"'A 4
y)*r;e,*1 rf CBs eh^t^^drrrtlc5 .' rnrteyr,*lbs,'g
t! Oi { 7 7^s, a ,;'p, or Vqcwvtttt , i,rS,t Qtty ^*/,U,*^. "t
0; ( z ,^t /a-s, nr 5a t,r/ J,'r(*ctrtc , *J off.r^,(s,y ,,teci'a-nb^5
Ml y i*t,1s,.,-tS t Co I | 2 loleto ; /, 5 /f; I -,,*atvr - Pneuro*ukfc)
{yirrtr,+,tt{c, fl't; br"''/)<te-cttonn "f cBs
a* (zvr-t f) o'rty ,'ry 5 e
(e c't; o-"'t f^'hlryl S
l.-r Oe-S
"J' 'f br *5(AI
o\ t"'yL' /.1 ree f texib;Lit7 bo
"'f *g"i *"*/ ,t
{U V *-/f t:co*'\4i'zr-s r

* hyL J,
bo bLu taterr<1fu
rL- w,czt<-t. -f (i\ j€c*,\| (
'* cB t aira a;r cl7
ot' ( --+ oJ cB ) X*'s 2*5
YLo fla 92 fro e si s{ "o'n
.---> 3 F{ ,g ( L*s
5f S "

i^pnrb.,,rot /<-S:X^ aL.^'r''Xtc i'n CS' t', tL< {ntro'lu'hAa

fi* * c"U bL-- co"rLa-ct
1 tt-' " ,;ve barlk " ,lesf 7n ' 82 Pl
qr^e ?L-5 tt" cotfacts fLe'usauq
e),,clo 1r,.{e *1 tt- S fote'mb;4
bt-< t'n..q,'tio,n 5*fuJre* vy*- t'{lD ,-ks
;; ***/ {-r 1""^- tL* b*sL"ry
eli,vt;rrqr/ , lrr 1L';s ole5''7* tL*- rCT .6
be l,.\co Y oP o r^'(*o/ b'*6
t,* ol/ te*/ 'fonktt t'f A o p\of e ta Livs b*'tk *^/ L" bs-
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