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Maximum temperature analysis on the ceiling of the Mont Blanc tunnel by

numeric method.
Mavilda Hazni Islami (18/425011/TK/46706)
Heru Pranoto Yudo (18/425003/TK/46698)
Demas Saputro (18/424996/TK/46691)

The Mont Blanc tunnel is a horseshoe tunnel. It is located in the Alps area which
is correlate between French and Italy.In 1999, there was a fire in that tunnel. As
the result of this accident, about 39 people died, and 35 vehicle are damaged.
They died because the were breathe in the smoke from the fire and also trapped
by the ruins. Therefore, to reduce the victims, it’s must to find out or to research
the maximum temperature on the ceiling of the Mont Blanc tunnel. When the fire
happened, there was a blast effect that makes the temperature become 1000°C,
and it’s getting worst because the airflow.That temperature is intemperate max
level that can hold by the tunel. The Numeric method is use to know about the
profile of maximum temperature of the tunnel. By using the empiric kurioka
equation, we can make a simulation the maximum temperature on the ceilinf of
the mont blanc tunnel that directly proportional with the rule Q2/3/Hf5/3

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