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Moriel Gwaeron is a 15 year old girl who has lived her whole life on the edges of the city

of Kassen
with her parents, Elaliel (mother) and Phyorelion Gwaeron. Moriel has always been known as a
strange, odd girl, from the moment of her appearance in town: Elaliel and Phyorelion had been
expecting their own child, and at birth, that child had died. In their grief, they heard crying at their
door, only soon to discover it was not imagined, but that a perfect little elf girl had been left on their
doorstep. Being nearly the only elf couple in the town, and certainly the only pregnant family, they
had no idea where this child had come. Two things stood out to the couple as they gazed at the little
bundle in their arms: the first was her dark-as-midnight hair, the other was her mismatched colored
eyes: one was gold, the other palest blue. The couple buried their own child, and took in the one left
on their doorstep by some miracle, naming her Moriel, or “Daughter of Gloom” in the elvish
Moriel grew up in a loving home, but quickly caught on that she was an oddity in the village of
Kassen, first for being an elf, second for the things she seemed to know and how quickly she caught
on to the magics of her mother, a local herbalist, and her father, somewhat of a medical caretaker.
She had a knack for identifiying what ingredients could be used in what kind of potions, and even
seemed to be able to put the most difficult person to sleep with a look – these abilities, combined
with her unique eyes and stunning features, marked her as something special in Kassen: people did
not treat her poorly, but they also tended to hold her at a distance because they did not quite know
what to make of her.
Moriel did not share a lot with the people around her, as she perceived that no one really could
understand her. She had many lucid dreams, and felt like the dreamscape was a whole other wolrd
for her to adventure in. From time to time, she could distantly hear something on the edge of her
hearing calling out, she assumed, to her. Or at least that’s what it absolutely felt like to her. She also
noticed as she was getting older, this voice was becoming closer or more clear. She also noticed
other changes: her skin, still deathly pale, was becoming harder to the touch, and her nails grew
strong and sharp, until she could use them like knives. She also had a strange dream one night that
an animal was hurt in the woods: upon getting up in the middle of the night, she walked intot eh
woods and discovered a little lizard that she at first mistook as a baby drake, only to discover it was a
tiny dinosaur. She and the reptile seemed to immediately bond, and quickly developed a deep
relationship with Tim, which she dubbed “the misunderstood drake”, for her own error. She knows
Tim’s feelings innately, and often sits with him, and suddenly seems to know spells. She did not
bring any of this to anyones attention, at first assuming this was “puberty” for an elf. She did not
ask her parents, because once her parents told her how they found her, she often wondered what
else they were keeping from her.
Moriel is very interested in the dream-world, and also in enchantment magic. She has been practicing
it on some of the villagers she sees as a herbalist or running errands. Never anything meanspirited,
but one she meets a customer who won’t try something or is refusing a medicine, she commands
them to take it or to knock it off, and they do it without question. Always having been a shy girl, this
sudden power is very exhilarating to her. Due to her assistance in a recent illness outbreak amongst
villagers and livestock, and having found some important herbs necessary to prevent the illness from
being deadly, the mayor of Kassen and the elders all agreed that she should be honored with
retrieving the Everflame. While she’s unsure about being thrust into the limelight, she looks forward
to what the future may bring.

Unbeknownst to any of the villagers, and most of all to Moriel herself (although she has suspicion
that she is not “normal”, Moriel is not an elf but a changeling, the offspring of an evil Night Hag
and an unfortunate male elf. The hag, Morgan Middenheap the Black, calls softly to her daughter
from time to time, hoping that she will answer the call to join her true blood. Only when Moriel is
fully developed as a changeling will the call become stronger, and until then, Morgan the Black waits

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