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CHRISTIAN HOME You Parents Hear What Jesus Taught 304

Words: Ludwig Helmbold (1532-1598). Translated by William M. Czamanske, 1939.

Music: ’Herr Jesu Christ, Dict Zu Uns Wend’ from Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden, 1628.
Setting: "Mehrstimmiges ChoralBuch", 1906.
copyright: public domain. This score is a part of the Open Hymnal Project, 2006 Revision.
= 125
1. You pa rents, hear what Je sus taught When lit tle
2. O bey your Lord and let his truth Be taught your
3. For if you love them as you ought, To Christ your


ones to him were brought: For bid them not, but

child ren in their youth That they in church and
child ren will be brought. If thus you place them

heed my plea Per mit ting them to come to me.

school may dwell And learn their Sa vior’s praise to tell.
in his care, All in your fam ily well shall fare.

Mk 10:13-16, Jn 1:12-13, Mt 7:7-11, Lk 10:21 8888

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