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English AB Initio Writing Formats


a) Title: related to the article you have to write
b) Introduction: short paragraph introducing what you will be talking about in the body of the article
c) Body: two or three paragraphs containing all the information you must provide (given in the instructions of
the task)
d) Conclusion: short paragraph concluding the information given above
e) Catchy Closing Line: catchy line (phrase) to leave the readers thinking about what you wrote
f) Name of Author: any name is valid preceded by the phrase “Written by:”
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it

Article Sample
Give a Gift to Orphans
Introduction: It is easy to make an orphan child happy…..

Body: The 3rd IB class at Angel Polibio Chaves School is planning a toy collection for
orphan children…

Conclusion: In conclusion,……

Closing Join us! Help us make a child happy. It is easy!


Name of Written by:

Title: Supply Sale for University Students

I am moving to a new country and I am selling the following items for university students:

Numbered 1. A bicycle: it has only been used for one year. It is excellent for the city and mountain
List and areas. It is blue and the brand Infinity.
Descriptions: Price $50
2. A laptop: it is four years old. It is still in great condition with a few scratches on the
keyboard. It is a Macbook Pro.
Price: $100
Line: Don’t miss this great opportunity! All the items are in great conduction and cheap.

Contact For more information, call 000-000-0000 or email me at


Remember to always include the following items in a blog entry:

a) Title
b) Greeting: greet the readers
c) Introduction: mention the topic
d) Bullet Point or Numbered List of Specific Items
e) 8. Conclusion
f) 9. Closing Line
g) 10. Name/Signature
Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included in the blog, make sure you
include it.

Blog Sample
Title: Interesting Places in My City
Hello readers! I know the youth does not always have a lot of money to have fun.
Introduction That is why today I want to talk to you about interesting places in my city you can
mentioning the go to without a lot of money.
1. Indio Guaranda: This monument is located in the Northeast of the city. It is
Numbered List: believed that this was a center for the adoration of the gods. From here you can
enjoy a beautiful view Chimborazo.
2. 7 Santos: It is a beautiful restaurant with a cheap menu and on Friday nights they
have live music.
3. Central Park: Located between Sucre Street and ….you can enjoy a relaxing
afternoon and buy some ice cream from the shop on the corner.

Conclusion: I am sure you will find these places fun. I always visit them so we might see each
other there.
Closing Line: Until next time!
Name/Signature: Sandra
The basic parts of a brochure are:
 clear and attractive titles and subtitles
 a short introductory paragraph
 information in bullet points
 catchy phrases using exclamation marks and/or question marks
 end with a catchy phrase, slogan, or summary

Brochure Sample
Title: The Best Way to Stay in Shape!
Catchy Initial Did you know the easiest way to stay in shape is at your reach and does not
Phrase: cost a lot of money. With our counseling, you will live a healthy life and you
will look fabulous.

Bullet Points These are some of the advice we offer at our health center:
Providing  Did you know you only need 30 minutes of daily physical activity to
Information: stay in shape? At our health center, we will help you choose the best
activity for your lifestyle.
 Did you know you could eat 6 balanced meals a day? That way you
don’t have to starve!
Line: You will find these and many more advice and benefits at our health center.

Final Catchy Come and give a change to your life. Wake up with energy and rejuvenate!

For more information, call: 000-000-0000

Visit our webpage at:
a) Date:
b) Opening Line: choose one and use it always
 Dear diary,
 Hello diary,
 Hello,
c) Introduction: a short informal sentence describing what you are going to talk about in the “body”, diary
entry should also be written in first person
d) Body: informal, mostly in first person (I…), unless you have to describe something you did in a group or
with someone; include all the information that instructions are telling you to include
e) Closing Line: choose one and use it always
 I think that is all for today.
 That is how my day ended, how awful!
 That is how my day ended.
 That is how my day ended, it was perfect!
 Hopefully,……. (to be used for future activities, example: Hopefully, next year I get a camera.)
f) Farewell Line: choose one and use it always
 Until next time,
 Goodbye,
 See you soon,
g) Name/Signature: of person writing the entry
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it
Note: diary entries should always be informal, personal and written in first person (I)

Diary Sample
Date: 14 December 2017

Opening Line: Dear Diary,

Introduction: It is winter and the season of parties. Christmas was wonderful, that is why I want to
talk about it.

Body: I love Christmas! It is my favorite holiday because...

Closing Line: I think that is all for today.

Farewell Line: Until next time,

Name/Signature: Mateo

a) Email address of the receiver:

b) Email address of the sender:
c) Subject: should be relevant to the task
d) Opening Line: use the name of the person
 Dear ___,
 To Whom It May Concern: (note: should only be used when you don’t know the name of the person
you are writing to (ex: when you write to a company) you address the company)
e) Short Introduction: I am writing this message….
f) Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information, make sure you include it; underline what
you must include so you don’t forget
g) Closing Line: choose one and use it always
a. Thank you for your attention,
b. I will be waiting for your response,
c. Thank you for your attention and I wait for your response,
d. I appreciate your attention,
e. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, (note: to be used when apologizing for
inconveniences that might be caused)
h) Farewell Line: choose one and use it always
a. Sincerely,
b. Best regards,
c. Your truly,
i) Name/Signature: of person writing the email
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it
Note: the email format is similar to the letter format, but remember emails are usually much shorter and precise

Email Sample




Opening Line:


Closing Line:

Farewell Line:

Include a header or title, Interview with Simon Bolivar

the date of the interview, An interview by ______ on December 14, 2017 at Angel Polibio Chaves
and where it was School.

Include an introduction to This interview was conducted by ______ at Angel Polibio Chaves School with
your interview to outline Simon Bolivar regarding his autobiography.
who’s being interviewed:
_______: Good morning, Simon Bolivar. It is a great pleasure and honor to
Document the interview as have the opportunity to talk to you about your autobiography. In the first
a dialogue: place, why did you decide to start your autobiography?
Simon: Hello, nice to meet you. Well, in my opinion, I think what I have
experienced may apply to someone else who is going through the same thing.
So, I want to help them by giving them advice about what I did.
Include a conclusion
______: Well, unfortunately our time is up. Thank you so much for answering
statement to your interview
honestly the questions I made to today. I wish you the best of luck with your
thanking your interviewee
future projects and I hope we have another opportunity to talk more.
for their time:


a) Address of the Receiver: you can write the full address or with abbreviations; there are some options
below; come up with an address of your choice and stick with it (use it always). you can research on the
internet the name of a real place in an English speaking country and learn it

b) Date
c) Opening Line:
 Dear ___,
 To Whom It May Concern: (note: should only be used when you don’t know the name of the person
you are writing to (ex: when you write to a company) you address the company)
d) Introduction of the Letter: I am writing this letter….
e) Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information, make sure you include it; underline what
you must include so you don’t forget
f) Closing Line: choose one and use it always
 Thank you for your attention,
 I will be waiting for your response,
 Thank you for your attention and I wait for your response,
 I appreciate your attention,
 I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, (note: to be used when apologizing for
inconveniences that might be caused)
g) Farewell Line: choose one and use it always
 Sincerely,
 Best regards,
 Your truly,
h) Name/Signature
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it

Sample Letter
Address of P.O Box 03-19-32
Receiver: Guaranda-Bolivar
Date: 17 December 2017

Opening Line: Dear Ms. Sandra,

Introduction: My name is Guisel Hernandez and I am writing this letter because I am interested in
the receptionist position within your company.

Body: I am a journalist at the State University of Bolivar and I have worked for two years
as a writer in the “Times” magazine. I believe my qualifications will be of great
interest to you because…..

Closing Line: Thank you for your attention and I wait for your response.

Farewell Line: Regards,

Signature: Guisel Hernandez

Informal Letters
a) Address of Receiver: you can write the full address or with abbreviations; there are some options below;
the trick is to come up with an address of your choice and stick with it (use it always). you can research on
the internet the name of a real place in an English speaking country and learn it

b) Date
c) Opening Line: use the name of the person
 Dear ______,
 Hello ______,
d) Introduction: How are you? I am writing to tell you….
e) Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information, make sure you include it; underline what
you must include so you don’t forget
f) Closing Line: the following options are all for different occasions, so please keep them in mind to use when
 Write soon.
 I will write again soon.
 Until next time.
g) Farewell Line: choose one and use it always
 A hug,
 A big hug,
 Hugs,
 A kiss,
 Kisses,
 With love,
h) Name/Signature
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it

Informal Letter Sample

P.O Box 03-19-32
Address of Guaranda-Bolivar
Receiver: Ecuador
Date: 14 December 2017

Opening Line: Dear Sandra,

Introduction: How are you? It’s been a long time since I’ve last written to you. I am writing to tell you
a little about what I’ve been doing.

Body: Lately, I have been studying a lot for my final exams. Fortunately, vacations are
coming up soon.
Tell me about your life? How is university? What are you thinking about doing during
the vacations?

Closing Line: Write soon!

Farewell Line: Hugs,
Signature: Guisel

a) Address of the Receiver: you can write the full address or with abbreviations
b) Date
c) Opening Line: use the name of the person
 Dear ______,
 Hello ______,
d) Brief Introduction: similar to writing informal letters
 How are you? I am writing to….
e) Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information, make sure you include it; underline what
you must include so you don’t forget
f) Closing Line: the following options are all for different occasions, so please keep them in mind to use when
 See you soon!
 Wish you were here.
 Missing you.
g) Farewell Line: choose one and use it always
 A hug,
 A big hug,
 Hugs,
 A kiss,
 Kisses,
 With love,
h) Name/Signature
Note: if the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure to include it

Postcard Sample

Place Where You Ecuador, 14 December 2017

are Writing From:

Address of

Name of Recipient: Dear Sandra,

Introduction: How are you? Sandra Ramirez

P.O Box 03-19-32
Body: I am writing to you from Ecuador. Guaranda-Bolivar
It is a beautiful country with many
wonderful people.

Closing Line: Hugs,

Signature: Guisel

Poster: a poster is used mainly to spread a message or information.

The basic parts of a poster are:
 clear and attractive titles and subtitles
 catchy phrases using exclamation marks and/or question marks
 a short introductory paragraph: include all of the information asked for
 a clear and concise explanation of particular information, usually in bullet points
 short concluding line
 end with a catchy phrase, slogan, or summary
 phrases with exclamation points (ex: Join us!)

Poster Sample
Title: Recycling Contest!
Catchy Phrase using
Exclamation/Question Marks: Want to win a pizza party for your class?

Short Introduction: It’s easy, you only have to win the recycling contest that will
begin next week.

Bullet Points Providing To win you have to:

Information:  Collect all the paper you can
 Deposit the materials it in their corresponding box
 The contest is from October 30 until November 6

Short Concluding Line: The class that collects the most papers will win a big pizza party.

Final Catchy Phrase: Sign up, the delicious pizza could be yours!

Recycling contest organized by the 3rd IB class

Informal Greeting: Hello Mom:

Reason/Purpose of the Note: It is 3 in the afternoon on Saturday, December 14. I am going to work
and I don’t think I will be back to say goodbye before my trip to

I need to take a few things but I have not gotten a chance to buy them.
Please buy the following for me and take it to my office this evening.

Information You Should Include 1. A white medium shirt

in Bullet Points: 2. A red tie
3. A toothbrush and shampoo
4. The latest book by J.K Rowling “Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s

Informal Closing Line: Thank you! See you later!


The two most important things to focus on when writing a speech are the audience and the purpose.
Note: write like you talk!
 Introduction: introduce yourself and tell the audience what you are going to talk about
o note: the introduction should have a purpose and preview of the main points
 Hello everyone. Thank you for being here. My name is _____, and I am going to be speaking
to you today about _____. To begin, ______ is important because……
o Purpose: why are your writing this speech?
o Preview the Main Points:
 First, I will…
 Second, I will…
 Finally, I will...
 Body: your specific goals will be emphasized during your speech
o Vocabulary: take into account your audience, you don’t want to use the same range of vocabulary
with your family, friends, or a job interview
o note: use contractions, don’t use big words that you wouldn’t use when talking to someone
 Conclusion:

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