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Presentador: Hello and Welcome to “Afternoons with Roberto”, Where everyone learns and

everyone has fun. Just for today we have a busy Schedule, so, today we Will talk about a very
topic. This topic talks about our life style. But, first, let me introduce one of the best nutricionist in
the city. With you, the nutritionist Nestor!

The public appluds

Presentador: Good morning and thanks for inviting us today.

Nutricionista: Oh no, thank you for inviting me to your program

Presentador: Everyone talks about this topic, but some don´t take much importance. Especially for
Young university students, they alwals have very busy schedules and some leave your diet.

Nutricionista: Good morning eveyrone, and it’s true what you mention, this topic the most
important for Young people and they need to pay attention.

Presentador: Production tells me that we need a person to tell us about this lifestyle.

Okey, let’s see, who Will be our fortunate

N: The number is…

P: Thank you for participating and come closer the stage

P: Tell us, what’s your name and what do you do?

J: Hi, my name is Jimi and I’m … years old. I’m a university student (Adicionar)

N: What is your life style?

J: Well, I usually prepare my breakfast. My breakfast is oatmeal and 5 breads whit egg. I eat this
almost always because it’s easy for me to prepare it and it’s cheapeste, I can get all that near my

N: What do you eat at lucnh?

J: How I’m a university student, I don´t have much time to prepare lunch, So, I usually eat out in
KFC, the fastterst and more delicious tan pizza. I really like fried chicken and when I´m not filled, I
eat a the biggets piece of chocolate cake.

P y N: Wow, THAT´S A LOT!!!

J: Yes, I know

N: And, What do you eat at night?

J: Sometimes, I don´t eat dinner or buy an instant meal. When I’m on exams, I drink too much
coffe or energizers to be able to study better and not fall asleep.

N: Wow, this is a very extreme case.

J: Also, When I finish the examns, I´m goin to celebrate with my Friends in the best salchipapería
an then, we go to the biggest and most famous Internet cabin near the univertity.

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