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Administración de Empresas



Llontop Antaurco Jorge Elvis 100%

Huatuco Bravo Catalina 100%
Nuñez Panibra Sebastian 100%

Lima, 23 de Octubre del 2023


C: Hey Sebastian, hello

S: Hi Catalina. It’s Jorge

C: Jorge, I haven’t spoken to you for ages! How are you?

J: Hello. I’m tired because my first class starts at 7am and I have to wake up
at 6:30am.

C: Oh, I understand you. I have to get up too and make my breakfast. What
about you Sebastian?

S: Well. I'm doing well too. I usually wake up around 6:00 AM.

C: That’s early. What’s your morning routine like, guys?

J: I like to start my day with a cup of coffee. Then I head to the university
before work

S: What do you do for a living?

J: Currently I'm a teacher. I spent my days with kids

C: Could you tell us about your days teaching young children?

J: Well, when I’m there I often buy a coffee and then walk to my classroom. In
the classroom I sit at the teacher’s desk and start sharing my screen so the
kids can see the topic of the class. I always make sure that students are
understanding and if not, I repeat that part of the class. It's nothing special.
What about you guys?

S: I'm a chef, and I work at a well-known restaurant in the heart of the city. My
responsibilities involve overseeing the kitchen operations, including menu
planning, food preparation, and ensuring the quality and presentation of

C: Cool. I’m just studying at this moment. You guys work hard. Maybe next
time we can go to the restaurant.

J: That’s a great idea. What kind of food do you guys like? Can you guys
recommend any good restaurants?
S: I suggest Italian food, it’s classic and delicious. I love pasta, pizza and

C: Let me think… Papa John’s? Could it be today at 8pm? Some people are
coming to my house for dinner tonight and I don’t want to be there.

J: Yeah, why not? Well guys Shall we meet outside the restaurant at eight,
then? I have to go now. My class starts in 10 minutes

S: Yes, good idea. See you later.

C: I Almost forgot. I have a medical appointment. Bye guys see you at night.

J: No problem, take care guys.

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