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Person A: So, let's talk about our daily routines on holidays. Who would like to start?

Person B: I can start. On holidays, I usually wake up late in the morning. Then, I have a leisurely
breakfast with my family. We often go for a walk or visit a local attraction in the afternoon. In
the evening, we have a big dinner together. How about you, Person C?

Person C: Well, on holidays, I have a different routine. I wake up early and go for a morning
run. Then, I spend some time reading or practicing a hobby. In the afternoon, I usually meet up
with friends for lunch or go to the beach. In the evening, I enjoy watching movies or playing
games. What about you, winny?

Person A: My routine on holidays is quite similar to Person B's. I wake up late in the morning
and have a relaxed breakfast. Then, I usually spend the day exploring new places or going on
adventures, like hiking or sightseeing. In the evening, I like to try out new restaurants or cook a
special meal at home.

Person B: That sounds great! Now, let's talk about the activities we are doing right now. Person
C, what are you doing at the moment?

Person C: I am currently studying for an upcoming exam. It requires a lot of focus and
concentration. After that, I plan to catch up on some reading.

Person A: Interesting! Person B, what about you? What are you doing right now?

Person B: I am currently working on a project for work. It's a demanding task, but I'm enjoying
the challenge. After that, I plan to take a break and have a cup of coffee.

Person C: Sounds productive! winnny, what about you? What are you up to at the moment?

Person A: I am currently writing a report for a client. It requires attention to detail and creative
thinking. After that, I plan to take a short walk to clear my mind.

Person B: Great! It seems like we all have busy routines at the moment. Let's continue
discussing our daily routines on holidays next time.

Person C: Sure, I look forward to it. Thanks for sharing, everyone!

Person A, Person B, Person C: You're welcome!

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