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1. What are the Subjects that are hard to

o Physics or Science
o Math
o Logic
o Filipino
o English
o Programing
2. Base on your answer in number 1, what is
the reason that you are unable to
understand this subject?
o Has abstract difficulty
o Has difficult terminologies
o Lack of motivation to study
Other: ________________
3. Have you ever played Mobile games?
o Always
o Sometime
o Never
o Seldom
4. How many hours do you play in games?
o 1hr
o 2-3hrs
o 4-5hrs
o More than 5hrs
5. Why do you play games?
o Challenges
o To learn
o To reduce stress
o For entertainment
6. What genre of the game you prefer?
o Adventure
o Puzzle
o Strategy
o Action

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