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Physical development:

Physical development is the process that starts in human infancy and

continues into late adolescent concentrating on gross and fine motor skills as
well as puberty. Physical development involves developing control over the
body, particularly muscles and physical coordination.

Importance Physical development in learning:

Our bodies go through amazing transformations when it comes to

physical growth and development. Think about the vast physical changes that
occur between a newborn baby and a young adult. These are also ways to
keep our bodies healthy, fit, and well-functioning.

Defining social development:

Social development is about putting people at the centre of

development. This means a commitment that development processes need to
benefit people, particularly but not only the poor, but also a recognition that
people, and the way they interact in groups and society, and the norms that
facilitates such interaction, shape development processes.
Main Principles of Growth and Development of
The process of development has been studied experimentally and
otherwise. The studies and researches have highlighted certain significant
facts or principles underlying this process. These are as follows:

1) Development follows a pattern:

Peculiar of the species Development occurs in orderly manner and
follows a certain sequence. e.g. the human body cuts his molars before his
incisors, can stand before he walks and can draw, a circle before he can draw a

2) Development proceeds from general to

specific responses:
It moves from a generalised to localisedbehaviour. This can be observed
in the behavior of infants and young children. This new-born infant moves his
whole body at one time instead of moving only one part of it.

3) Development is a continuous process:

Development does not occur in spurts. Although, it is suggested that
there are definite developmental stages such as ‘gang age’ or ‘adolescence’, yet
it is a fact that growth continues from the moments of conception until the
individual’s reaches maturity.
4) Although Development is Continuous
Process, yet the Tempo of Growth it not
There are periods of accelerated growth and periods of accelerated
growth. During infancy and the early preschool years, growth moves swiftly.

5) Different aspects of growth develop at

different rates:
Neither all parts of the body grow at the same rate, nor do all aspects of
mental growth proceed equally. The feet, hands and nose reach their
maximum devolvement early in adolescence.

6) Most Traits are correlated in

Generally it is seen that the child whose intellectual development is
above average is so in health size, sociability and special aptitudes. There is a
correlation between high intelligence and sexual maturity.

7) Growth is Complex. All of its Aspects

are closely Inter-Related:
“It is impossible to understand the physical child without understanding
him at the same time as a child who thinks and has feeling”. A physical defect
may be responsible for the development certain attitudes and social

8) Growth is a Product of the Interaction

both Heredity and Environment:
Neither heredity alone, nor the mere environment is the potent factor in
the development of an individual. The two work hand in hand from the very

9) Each Child Grows in his own Unique

Way. There are wide individual
How much and how little individuals vary one from another has not yet
been discovered as definitely as the fact that they do differ. Differences in
special aptitudes seem to be the most marked of all.

10) Growth is both quantitative and

These two aspects are inseparable. The child not only grows in ‘size’; he
grows up or matures in structure and function. The baby’s digestive tract not
only grows in size, but also changes in structure,

11) Development is Predictable:

We have seen that the rate of development for each child is fairly
constant. The consequence is that it is possible for us to predict at an early age
the range within which the mature development of the child is likely to fall.

12) Principle of spiral versus linear

The child doesn’t proceed straight on the path of development with a constant
or steady pace. Actually he makes advancement, during a particular period.

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