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(Kindly kneel)
Hymn:- O S&cr&ment most
holy (301)

1st Qu'rter
Introduction:- O most holy
trinity, F&ther, Son & Holy
Spirit, we bow down before
you & we &dore you. O
&lmighty f&ther, the
supreme ruler of the
universe, you guide &
protect us. We th&nk you for
your love & providence. You
&re our f&ther & the f&ther
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Your f&ce shines upon the
s&ints in he&ven. You &re
their joy & be&titude. Give
us, your children & sh&re in
your joy, & communion in
your love.
Loving f&ther, we
humbly come before you
tod&y seeking your f&ce,
your love & offering you our
profound &dor&tion. You &re
the love of the f&ther, th&t
bec&me inc&rn&te for our
s&ke, & you &re the im&ge of
the invisible God to us. We
&dore you, Oh most Holy
Spirit, spirit of love, love of
the f&ther, & the son. You
&re the sweet guest of our
souls. We bow down before
your infinite love. You &re
our te&cher & consoler.
Accept our humble
&dor&tion &nd hom&ge &s
we sing unto your pr&ise

(Kindly rise)
Hymn:- He is lord (165)

Scripture ReEding:- Col


(Kindly be se/ted)
Reflection:- St. P&ul begins
with &m&zing point, th&t
Jesus is the im&ge of the
invisible God. Jesus reve&ls
God perfectly. If we h&ve
seen Jesus, it is equ&l to
seeing God. Jesus is the
reflection of Gods glory &nd
the ex&ct imprint of Gods
very being, it is he &lone
who c&n sust&in &ll things
by his powerful word.

...As we p&use in silent

pr&yer, let us &sk the Lord to
fill us with his love th&t &lone
overc&me & continues to
help us to overcome &ll
obst&cles & even our worst


(Kindly rise)
Our Response is: Lord,
Gr&ciously he&r us...

W. Jesus, you redeemed

our de&th & invite us to
sh&re in your divine life;
help us on your pilgrim
journey... Our Response
X. Lord, help us to forgive
&ll those who hurt us,
disrespect us, offend
us... Our Response
Z. Jesus, you &re our
inspir&tion. Help us to
freely & tot&lly give
ourselves in the service
of others... Our
[. Lord, help us never to
condemn those who &re
poor & m&rgin&lized.
Help us to &lw&ys spe&k
& kind word of love &
comp&ssion... Our
\. Jesus, you invite e&ch
one of us to freely follow
in your footsteps... Our
]. Jesus, help us to be
re&dy to obey the
f&thers will in our life...
Our Response
2nd Qu'rter
Christ is the supreme &
superior God to &ll things, in
every possible w&y, bec&use
he cre&ted &ll things. From
the n&ture surrounding us,
to our friends & f&milies, we
&ll &re his cre&tion. When we
see Gods cre&tion, ie. our
fellow brethren we see God.

Do we re&lly know
Jesus? Who is Jesus to us?
Do we give first priority to
God in our lives, or do we
h&ve other priorities th&t
deprive us from Gods love.
We know God only
through Jesus, &s he opens
the doors, to etern&l life for
us by dying on the cross. He
brings pe&ce between us &
dr&ws us ne&rer to God. It is
bec&use of Jesus th&t this
rel&tionship with God w&s
m&de possible.

As we spend & few moments

in silent pr&yer, let us
ex&mine our selves & see
where we st&nd in the glory
of God, & &sk Jesus to help
us get closer to God e&ch
moment of our life.

(Let us medit/te upon the

pr/yers we just he/rd...

(Kindly kneel)

3rd Qu'rter
Lord Jesus Christ,
coming before you tod&y, we
rec&ll the boundless love
th&t you h&ve shown
tow&rds us. You bec&me the
visible expression of the
F&thers love to us &ll. M&y
this time we spend before
your presence, give us &
deeper & more me&ningful
experience of the infinite
love you h&ve for us. Help us
to know the depth & height,
length & width of you love.

(Kindly be se/ted)
De&r God, Th&nk you
for your &m&zing power &nd
work in our lives, th&nk you
for your goodness &nd for
your blessings over us.
Th&nk you for your gre&t
love &nd c&re. Th&nk you for
your s&crifice so th&t we
might h&ve freedom &nd life.
Forgive us for when we don't
th&nk you enough, for who
you &re, for &ll th&t you do,
for &ll th&t you've given.
Help us to set our eyes &nd
our he&rts on you &fresh.
Renew our spirits, fill us with
your pe&ce &nd joy. We love
you &nd we need you, this
d&y &nd every d&y. We give
you pr&ise &nd th&nks, for
You &lone &re worthy!

(Kindly rise)

4th QuErter
Our response is:- Lord,
listen to your children

W. For the Pope, Bishops,

Priest, Clergy & &ll
those consecr&ted by
you m&y le&rn the
depth of your love, &
help in ch&nging lives
of those gone &str&y...
For this we pr/y to the
X. For &ll those who &re
despised & rejected by
our fellowmen &
stripped of our dignity,
th&t they m&y t&ke
refuge in Christ our
Lord & M&ster in times
of desp&ir... For this we
pr/y to the Lord
Z. For &ll those who &re
struggling with f&ilure,
&ddictions, obsessions
& vices, th&t, with trust
& hope, we m&y turn to
Christ our liber&tor...
For this we pr/y to the
[. For &ll the children,
prep&ring for their
ex&min&tions &t v&rious
levels, m&y feel your
presence in times of
f&ilure... For this we
pr/y to the Lord
\. For &ll those suffering
dise&ses, ment&l illness
& depression, &ccidents
& tr&gedies, th&t, Christ
our he&ler m&y comfort
&nd mend our broken
he&rts & restore them
to he&lth... For this we
pr/y to the Lord
]. For &ll those who give
their time & t&lent to
work in Gods viney&rd,
th&t they m&y follow in
the footsteps of Christ
& serve our community
with humility &
willingness... For this
we pr/y to the Lord
f. For &ll Gods people,
th&t we m&y be true
witnesses & disciples of
Christ, our Lord &
M&ster & promote
Christʼs v&lues of love,
f&ith, comp&ssion,
hope, justice, mercy,
pe&ce & &bove &ll
humility... For this we
pr/y to the Lord
g. For &ll the lost &
suffering souls, th&t
just &s Jesus g&ined
victory over de&th, they
too m&y be one with
him in his resurrection...
For this we pr/y to the
h. For &ll those, who h&ve
str&yed, who &re lost or
living in d&rkness, th&t
Christ, the light of the
world m&y le&d us out
of this misery& s&ve
us... For this we pr/y
to the Lord
Wj. For &ll those who h&ve
g&thered here & who
couldnʼt m&ke it, th&t
God m&y gr&nt &ll their
petitions & bless & he&l
&ll th&t &re ill &
suffering... For this we
pr/y to the Lord

Jesus, I w&nt to be like

You who obeyed the F&ther
without compl&int. You
embr&ced the ch&ins of
hum&nity when You w&lked
this e&rth. Convict me
whenever I compl&in or
comp&re myself with others.
Give me Your &ttitude of
humility &nd th&nkful
&ccept&nce. I w&nt to be like
the Apostle P&ul who
le&rned contentment in
every circumst&nce. I
choose to continu&lly offer
You & s&crifice of pr&ise, the
fruit of lips th&t give pr&ise
to Your n&me, now & forever.



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