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1. Empiricism A method of study relying on If you believe in the Easter Bunny or the
empirical evidence, which includes Tooth Fairy, you're out of the realm of
things you've experienced: stuff you empiricism​ — there are no facts to support
can see and touch those myths.

2. Cognitive the scientific field that is concerned If you are interested in how the brain is
Neuroscience with the study of the biological biologically connected to how we think
processes and aspects that underlie then you may want to study ​cognitive
cognition, with a specific focus on the neuroscience.
neural connections in the brain which
are involved in mental processes

3. Levels of used in the social sciences to point to You use ​levels of analysis​ to identify
Analysis the location, size, or scale of a research factors of research in psychology.

4. Biopsycho- considers biological, psychological, Biopsychosocial approaches​ need to be

social and social factors and their complex considered to understand mental health and
Approach interactions in understanding health, mental processes.
illness, and health care delivery

5. Psycho- the science of measuring mental I work in the field of ​psychometrics​ to help
metrics capacities and processes measure the way we think and act as

6. Basic has the scientific research aim to My friend, Tom, is a ​basic research
Research improve scientific theories for psychologist but instead of talking to
improved understanding or prediction people and helping them, he does the
of natural or other phenomena research behind it.

7. Applied a methodology used to solve a specific, My friend, Jerry, is an ​applied research

Research practical problem of an individual or psychologist but he does the part about
group. The study and research is used talking to people and helping them instead
in business, medicine and education in of all that boring research.
order to find solutions that may cure
diseases, solve scientific problems or
develop technology

8. Psychiatry the study and treatment of mental I treat patients with odd behaviors and
illness, emotional disturbance, and mental illnesses. I am a ​psychiatrist​.
abnormal behavior
9. Hindsight the inclination, after an event has Hindsight bias​ was proven when Joe told
Bias occurred, to see the event as having me that because I am a brunette I am
been predictable, despite there having smarter.
been little or no objective basis for
predicting it

10. Theory a supposition or a system of ideas People have a ​theory​ that the Earth is flat.
intended to explain something,
especially one based on general
principles independent of the thing to
be explained

11. Operational the articulation of operationalization Operational definition​ is needed to define

Definition (or statement of procedures) used in terms, phenomenons, and things that
defining the terms of a process (or set happen.
of validation tests) needed to determine
the nature of an item or phenomenon (a
variable, term, or object) and its
properties such as duration, quantity,
extension in space

12. Replication the action of copying or reproducing I wish I could ​replicate​ that donut I ate this
something morning.

13. Population a particular section, group, or type of There is a ​population​ of people who all
people or animals living in an area or believe that the Holocaust never happened.

14. Random a method of selecting a sample from a I want to make sure I take a ​random sample
Sample statistical population in such a way that of people for my experiment later to see if
every possible sample that could be blondes are actually dumber.
selected has a predetermined
probability of being selected.

15. Correlation a mutual relationship or connection There is a ​correlation​ between blondes and
between two or more things lower IQs but they are not automatically
hand in hand.

16. Scatterplot a graph in which the values of two I graph my “dumb blonde” experiment on a
variables are plotted along two axes, scatterplot​ to find out if they are caused by
the pattern of the resulting points one another or just happen to be correlated.
revealing any correlation present

17. Illusory the phenomenon of perceiving a It is an ​illusory correlation​ to say that

Correlation relationship between variables even blondes are less intelligent.
when no such relationship exists

18. Random an experimental technique for I picked names out of a hat, which is called
Assignment assigning human participants or animal random assignment​, to choose who I used
subjects to different groups in an for my experiment.
experiment using randomization, such
as by a chance procedure or a random
number generator

19. Double- an experimental procedure in which The doctors, researchers, and patients don't
Blind neither the subjects of the experiment know who was chosen for what which is
Procedure nor the persons administering the called a ​double-blind procedure​.
experiment know the critical aspects of
the experiment

20. Placebo a beneficial effect, produced by a I thought my medicine was making me

Effect placebo drug or treatment, that cannot better but it was actually just a ​placebo
be attributed to the properties of the effect​.
placebo itself, and must therefore be
due to the patient's belief in that

21. Experi- the group in an experiment that I got to take the actual medicine because I
mental Group receives the variable being tested was apart of the ​experimental group​.

22. Control participants who do not receive the Mary don't get to take the actual medicine
Group experimental treatment. They also because she was apart of the ​control group​.
closely resemble the participants who
are in the experimental group or the
individuals who receive the treatment

23. Indepen- the characteristic of a psychology In an experiment about how much more a
dent Variable experiment that is manipulated or plant grows depending on the amount of
changed sunlight it receives, the sunlight is the
independent variable.

24. Con- factors other than the independent In an experiment about how much more a
founding variable that may cause a result plant grows depending on the amount of
Variable sunlight it receives, the temperature of the
area the plant is in, the amount of water,
and the initial health and growth of the
plant are the ​confounding variables.

25. Dependant the variable that is being measured in In an experiment about how much more a
Variable an experiment plant grows depending on the amount of
sunlight it receives, the plant growth is the
dependant variable.

26. Mode the most frequently occurring score in In an experiment about high school
a set of given numbers student’s grades, 85 is the ​mode​.
27. Mean The average; calculated by adding all In an experiment about high school
scores and then dividing by the number student’s grades, 78 is the ​mean​.
of scores

28. Median the middle score in a set of given In an experiment about high school
numbers student’s grades, 76 is the ​median​.

29. Standard scores around the mean of a In an experiment about high school
Deviation distribution. It measures how much a student’s grades, the numbers around 78
set of scores is dispersed around an would be the ​standard deviation.
average measure of variability

30. Statistical the probability of some result from a There is a ​statistical significance​ in the
Significance statistical test occurring by chance random results of an experiment about
plant growth.

31. Attribution how the social perceiver uses The ​attribution theory​ makes me connect
Theory information to arrive at causal and attribute intelligence to grades
explanations for events. It examines
what information is gathered and how
it is combined to form a causal

32. Funda- the tendency people have to Because of the ​fundamental attribution
mental overemphasize personal characteristics error​, if a student is acting out I easily think
Attribution and ignore situational factors in that it is because they don’t care about their
Error judging others’ behavior education when in reality they are stressed
about things at home and do not know how
to properly handle their emotions.

33. Foot-in- the tendency for people to comply with I want $100 so I would ask my parents for
door some large request after first agreeing $10 and start asking for more from there.
phenomenon to a small request This is the ​foot-in-the-door phenomenon​.

34. Cognitive a situation involving conflicting The ​cognitive dissonance theory​ explains
Dissonance attitudes, beliefs or behaviors why people’s attitudes and behaviors don’t
Theory align.

35. Conformity the most common and pervasive form When media shows us an image of what
of social influence “beauty” is, people tend to ​conform​ to that

36. Normative a type of social influence leading to When other people start wearing and
Social conformity. It is defined in social talking about a certain shoe brand,
Influence psychology as "the influence of other everyone feels like they have to buy that
people that leads us to conform in shoe brand to “fit in” because of ​normative
order to be liked and accepted by social influence​.
37. Informative a phenomenon where people assume Informative social influence​ causes people
Social the actions of others in an attempt to to assume how one person will act so that
Influence reflect correct behavior in a given they know and can act properly.

38. Social the tendency for people to perform When you are surrounded by family you
Facilitation differently when in the presence of will change your behavior to fit what they
others than when alone assume and want you to be and act like
because of ​social facilitation​.

39. Social the phenomenon of a person exerting In a group project I am much more likely
Loafing less effort to achieve a goal when they not to do as much work because ​social
work in a group than when they work loafing​ makes it seem like if I slack off
alone others will make up for it.

40. Dein- as the loss of self-awareness in groups, Sometimes, because of ​deindividuation​,

dividuation although this is a matter of contention people may lose their sense of beliefs and
opinions when surrounded by a group of

41. Group the tendency for a group to make Someone may know that murder is bad but
Polarization decisions that are more extreme than if they are apart of a gang and the group is
the initial inclination of its members killing people they may do so because of
group polarization.

42. Groupthink occurs within a group of people in When everyone says to jump off of a
which the desire for harmony or bridge and one person doesn’t think it’s a
conformity in the group results in an good idea, because of ​groupthink​ they most
irrational or dysfunctional likely won’t say anything.
decision-making outcome

43. Norm the accepted standards of behavior for It is the ​norm​ for boys to be more sexual
any given group than girls.

44. Prejudice an unjustified or incorrect attitude Bisexual people are often called “greedy”
(usually negative) towards an and are “not real.” This is an example of
individual based solely on the prejudice​.
individual's membership of a social

45. Stereotype any thought widely adopted about Bisexual people are often called “greedy”
specific types of individuals or certain and are “not real.” This is an example of
ways of behaving intended to represent stereotypes​.
the entire group of those individuals or
behaviors as a whole

46. Ingroup a pattern of favoring members of one's When white people favor other white
Bias in-group over out-group members people over people of color, this reflects
ingroup bias.

47. Scapegoat the tendency to blame someone else for Mothers will often blame other things on
Theory one's own problems, a process that their kids behavior instead of finding their
often results in feelings of prejudice own fault because of the ​scapegoat theory​.
toward the person or group that one is

48. Other-Race the tendency to more easily recognize When someone is of the same race or
Effect faces of the race that one is most ethnicity as me, I can more easily connect
familiar with with them and recognize them for who they
are because of the ​other-race effect.

49. Just-World the tendency to believe that the world If someone is on death row they are always
Phenomenon is just and that people get what they guilty and always deserve to be there
deserve because of the ​just-world phenomenon.

50. Aggression a range of behaviors that can result in When I get angry I can easily express that
both physical and psychological harm anger through physical and verbal
to yourself, others, or objects in the aggression.

51. Frustration- malicious behavior or attitude towards When I get upset it is easy to express that
Aggression someone or something, usually by being passive aggressive or wanting to
Principle triggered by frustration get revenge because of the
frustration-aggression principle.

52. Mere a psychological phenomenon by which When I understand something and see it I
Exposure people tend to develop a preference for tend to like it more because of the ​mere
Effect things merely because they are familiar exposure effect.
with them

53. Altruism acting out of concern for the Sometimes I choose to help people or carry
well-being of others, without regard to their burdens because of ​altruism​.
your own self-interest

54. Bystander a social psychological phenomenon in When a car is out of gas on the side of the
Effect which individuals are less likely to highway people often just drive by because
offer help to a victim when other the ​bystander effect​ makes people feel like
people are present they don’t need to because someone else
will stop.

55. Social perspective that explains social change Because of the ​social exchange theory
Exchange and stability as a process of negotiated change in social things is because of
Theory exchanges between parties negotiated exchanges.

56. Reciprocity refers to how positive actions bring When someone posts on social media about
Norm about more positive actions while being happy and feeling confident, it makes
negative actions bring about more me much more positive and confident.
negative actions When someone posts about all the bad
things in their life and complains about
people it makes me feel like that. This is
because of the ​reciprocity norm.

57. Social- a societal rule that tells people they When you see the opportunity to help
Responsibility should help others who need help even someone, no matter what cost it has for
Norm if doing so is costly you, the ​social-responsibility norm​ says
you should always help.

58. Social Trap a situation in which a group of people When people try to achieve small
act to obtain short-term individual materialistic goals, because of ​social trap
gains, which in the long run leads to a they often lead to a loss for the group
loss for the group as a whole

59. Self- when a person unknowingly causes a Self fulfilling prophecies ​cause people to
Fulfilling prediction to come true, due to the make something come true only because
Prophecy simple fact that he or she expects it to they forced it and expected it to.
come true

60. Super- refer to goals that require the When two people are needed to do
Ordinate Goals cooperation of two or more people or someone they are fulfilling a ​superordinate
groups to achieve, which usually goal​.
results in rewards to the groups

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