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NAME: Elijah Mark H.

Zuniga DATE: 9/10/17

SECTION: 9-13 St. Leander TEACHER: Ms. Lunar 10

1.) Name of the Perfume: (Name and definition/meaning)
The Apple of Discord

- In Greek mythology, an apple of gold was thrown in a banquet of gods and

goddesses by the goddesses Discord, who had not been invited. The apple had
"For the Fairest" written on it. When three goddesses claimed it, the choice
among them was referred to the handsome Paris, Prince of Troy.

2.) Materials:(Do not forget to include all the lab. tools for distillation)
- Iron Stand - Distilling Flask - Rubber Tubes - Apples
- Iron Ring - Rubber Stopper - Thermometer - Receiving Flask
- Wire Gauze - Condenser - Utility Clamp - Adapter

3.) Procedure:

1. Fill the distillation flask, the flask should be no more than two thirds full
because it needs to be clearance above the surface of the liquid so that
when boiling begins the liquid is not thrown into the condenser then
destroying the purity of the distillate.
2. Heat the distillation flask slowly until the liquid begins to boil. As vapors
pass through the condenser, they will condense and drip into the receivimg
3. As the distillate begins to drop from the condenser, the temperature
observed on the thermometer should be changing steadily. When the
temperature stabilizes, use a new receiver to collect all the drops that form
over a two to three degree range of temperature. As the temperature begins
to rise again, switch to a third collection container to collect the distillate that
now is formed. This process should be repeated, using a new receiver any
time the temperature stabilizes or begins changing.
4. Remove the heat source from the distillation flask before all of the liquid is
vaporized. If all of the liquid is distilled away, there is a danger that peroxides,
which can ignite or explode.

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