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Group : 5 (Five)

1. Title : Determination the caffeine content

2. Objective : Determination the caffeine content on
Iodometry test
3. Theoritical Review :

Coffee (Coffea sp.) Is a tree-shaped plant species. This plant grows upright,
branched and if left unchecked it will reach 12 m high. The processing of ground
coffee is divided into two stages, namely roasting and grinding. Coffee is a source
of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulating alkaloid compound. Caffeine has many
benefits and has been widely used in the medical world. Caffeine can be made
from extracts of coffee, tea and chocolate. Caffeine functions to stimulate the
activity of the nervous system and increase the work of the heart, so that if
consumed in excessive amounts it will be toxic by inhibiting the human nervous
system mechanism. The chemical formula for caffeine is C8H10N4O2, pure
caffeine is a long crystal, white, odorless and tastes bitter. In coffee beans caffeine
serves as an element of taste and aroma. Pure caffeine has a molecular weight of
194.19 gr, a melting point of 236 ° C and a boiling point of 178 ° C (Aisyah,
Caffeine is one of the many alkaloids found in coffee beans, tea leaves and
cocoa beans Caffeine has pharmacological effects that are clinically useful, such as
stimulating the central nervous system, smooth muscle relaxation especially
bronchial smooth muscle and stimulation of the heart muscle.
Based on these pharmacological effects, caffeine is added in certain
amounts to drinks. Excessive effects (over dosage) consuming caffeine can cause
nervousness, anxiety, tremor, insomnia, hypertension, nausea and seizures. Based
on the FDA (Food Drug Administration) the dose of caffeine is permitted 100-200
mg / day, while according to SNI 01-7152-2006 the maximum limit of caffeine in
food and beverages is 150 mg / day and 50 mg / serving. Caffeine as a mild
stimulant (mild stimulant) is indeed often suspected as a cause of addiction.
Caffeine can only be addictive if consumed in large quantities and routinely.
But caffeine addiction is different from being addicted to psychotropic drugs,
because the symptoms will disappear in just one two days after consumption
(Kesia, 2013).Besides having a beneficial content of coffee, it also has substances
that can endanger health, namely high caffeine and organic acid content. Caffeine
is one of xanthine derivatives that has work power as a central nervous system
stimulator, heart muscle stimulant, smooth relaxasiotot and increases diaresis with
different levels . Excessive acid and caffeine content in coffee can have an impact
on health. The use of caffeine can cause heart palpitations, gastric disturbances,
shaky hands, restlessness, reduced memory, and insomnia. Each type of coffee has
different caffeine content as in Robusta coffee which contains caffeine 2.473%
while arabica coffee contains caffeine 1.994% (Kristiyanto, 2013).
Packaging coffee used as a sample was extracted solvent before being
analyzed using HPLC. Solvent extraction is a separation method that is often used
in laboratories to isolate one or more components of a mixture (Puspitaningtyas,

4. Method :
5. Tools and Materials :
5.1 Tools
Name of Tools Size Quantity
Aluminium foil - Sufficient
Burette 50 mL 1 piece
Stative - 1 piece
Funnel - 1 piece
Erlenmeyer 250 mL 1 piece
Measuring Glass 50 mL 1 piece
Watch Glass - 1 piece
Drop Pipette - 1 piece
Spatulla - 1 piece
Volume pipette 10 mL 1 piece
Filter paper - 1 piece

5.2 Materials
Name of Material Formula Color Phase [M] Quantity
Sample - Black Solid - 100 mg
Iodium I2 Yellow Aqueous 0,1 N 25 mL
Aquades H2O Colorless Aqueous - 25 mL
Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 Colorless Aqueous 10% 2,5 mL
Amylum (C6H10O5)4 Colorless Aqueous - Sufficient
Natrium N2S2O3 Colorless Aqueous 0,998 N Sufficient
Natrium Chloride NaCl Colorless Aqueous - 10 mL

6. Work Procedure :
1. Prepared tools and materials
2. Weighed 100 mg of caffeine test sample using a watch glass container.
3. Installed the burette on the titration support
4. Enter the standard solution of sodium thiosulfate 0.998 N into the burette
then cover with aluminum foil
5. Enter the caffein test sample that has been weighed into Erlenmeyer using a
horn spoon
6. Enter 10 mL of aquadest that has been measured using a measuring cup
into Erlenmeyer
7. Added 2.5 mL of 10% sulfuric acid (H2SO4) into Erlenmeyer
8. Added 25 mL of iodine (I2) 0.1 N solution pipetted using the volume
9. Added 10 mL of sodium chloride (NaCl) that has been measured using a
measuring cup into Erlenmeyer
10. Covered with aluminum foil and let stand for 5 minutes
11. Filtered using filter paper that has been provided at the mouth of the funnel
into the beaker as its container
12. Wash Erlenmeyer, then transfer the filtered solution to the Erlenmeyer.
13. Added 3 drops of starch indicator solution
14. itrated using a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate until there is a
change in color from blue to clear.
7. Table of Observation :

1 Kaffein Iodometry 6,6 mL 349,345 %
2 Kaffein Iodometri 7 mL 370,5177 %

8. Discussion :
a. Observation 1 (Iodometry,caffein test)
Vtitran x N x Equivalent weight
%Contain = Sample weight x Correction factorx 100%
6,6 mL x 0,9987 N x 5,3 mg
= x 100%
100 mg x 0,1 N
= x 100%

= 349,345 %
= x 100%

= 126,29 %
b. Observation 2 (iodometry, Caffein test)
Vtitran x N x Equivalent weight
% Contain= Sample weight x Correction factorx 100%
7 mL x 0,9987 N x 5,3 mg
= x 100%
100 mg x 0,1 N
= x 100%

= 370,5177 %

9. Discussion :
Iodimetry titration or direct titration is where the reducing agent is directly
titrated with a standard iodine solution, while iodometry titration is iodine run into
iodine, then iodine formed is titrated with a standard solution of sodium
thiosulfate. Iodometry titration is used to determine the oxidizing agent, while
iodymetry titration is used to determine the reducing agent. These iodometry and
iodymetry titrations are two of the many methods of titration in redox titration.
Redox titration is a titration of an analyte solution in the form of a reducing
agent or oxidizer with a titrant in the form of a solution of a standard oxidizing
agent or reducing agent. The principle used in redox titration is the oxidation
reduction reaction or known as the redox reaction.Iodimetry is a method of
volumetric analysis for reducing agents, such as sodium thiosulfate, arsenate, by
using standard raw iodine solution directly, but it can also be directly done by
adding excessive standard iodine solution, and excess iodine solution titrated with
a standard solution of thiosulfate.
Iodometry titration is used to determine the oxidizing agent, while iodymetry
titration is used to determine the reducing agent. These iodometry and iodymetry
titrations are two of the many methods of titration in redox titration.Iodometry is a
titrimetric analysis of reducing agents such as sodium thiosulfate, conjugate using
iodimetry solutions or directly.
2J- J2+2e
The method of iodometry titration carried out by Observation 1 and 2. The
sample used is caffeine, because caffeine is easier to reduce. In this experiment the
reason for adding sulfuric acid is also the same as the iodimetry method, ie the
titration must take place in an acidic atmosphere, so that the sample does not react
with hydroxide.
Besides that, it is also added to saturated NaCl. Where the reason for adding
saturated NaCl is to separate samples from other components or mixtures of them.
In this iodometry method, after the addition of iodine solution the sample was left
to stand for 5 minutes. This aims to let the sample settle, after which the
precipitate is formed and then the sample is filtered to separate it from the
sediment. This is done so that when reacting with sodium thiosulfate along with
starch indicators, the color of the sample will quickly turn clear and there will be
no more deposits.After filtering, the sample is titrated with sodium thiosulfate
solution. The use of a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) as a
titrant is based on the fact that sodium thiosulfate is a good reducing agent that
will react with an oxidizing analyte which will convert iodide to iodine. The color
changes that occur are from brown to clear.
The volume of tittran obtained by Observations 1 and 2 sequentially is 6.6 mL
and 7 mL, and based on the titrant volume the percentage is 349.345% &
370.5177%.Based on the theory, the percentage of good levels for iodometry and
iodimetry titration is 99% - 116%, while the percentage levels obtained by the 2
Observations are not in accordance with the theory. So the error factor that causes
incompatibility with the theory is because there is an error in standardizing Iodine
solution where the concentration of the standard solution used is too large. , but
the color formed in this lab is brown. This could be due to an error in making
starch indicators, which cannot change the color of the sample solution to blue.
10. Conclusion :
Based on the results of experiments that have been obtained, it can be
concluded that:
1. Observation 1 carried out iodometric titration and obtained a titrant volume
of 6.6 mL and the percentage of the obtained content was 349.345%,
Observation 2 carried out iodometric titration and obtained a volume of
titrant of 7 mL and the percentage of the obtained content was 370.5177%

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