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1. Communicable Disease
Infection disease by bacteri or fungi
An infection which is contingious ( menular)
2. Outcome
Condition of patient after the end of treatment
3. Transmision
A common way which throught the direct tranfer of disease
4. Exposure
The condition of being infected by something
5. Infectious disease
Disorder caused by organismn (bacteria, fungi, parasit, and virus)
6. Natural history of disease
The development and progress of disease
7. Public Health
Public facility that give health care to people


1. What the element in the five level of prevention?

2. What factor that can deacrease the infectious of disease?
3. How to prevent from an infectious diseases?
4. How are infectious disease diagnose?
5. How is the mecanism of transmission of infectious diseases?
Stage Vulnerable (tahap rentan)
At this stagethe individual is still in a relatively healthy condition, however sensitive or labile,
with predisposing factors that facilitate the desease, such age, physical state, behaviour/
habits, socio economic
Tages of healing (penyembuhan)
1. Complete recovery
Patients recover completely, meaning that the form and function of cells/tissues/ organs
of the body back to normal
2. Cured with disabilities
Patients recovering from his illness, but with the presence of disability
3. Carrier the diseases seems to stop, marked circuitry disappearance of the signs and
symptoms of the deseases
4. Chronic
the disease is slow moving, with signs and symptoms which is fixed or unchanging
Final course of the disease in the presence of failures organs function
6. What are the stages of natural history of diseases?
7. How to reduce human transmisson of infection?
8. What is the different of commmuncable disease and infectious diseases?
9. What are the factor causes infectious diseases?


1. What the element in the five level of prevention?

a. Health promotion: public action to maintain the balance and increasing endurance, ex:
exercise regulary
b. General and specific protection: to stop the process of interaction of germ host
environment, accure in healthy ex: provide immunization
c. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment: finding the disease as early as possible
d. Disability limitation: complete treatment, hospitalization, care at home
e. Rehabilitation: hospitalization and occupational therapy, education for rehabilitation,
selective placement
2. What are the factor causes infectious diseases?
- Environment
- Contamination
- Level of education
- Immunity
- Agen ( pembawa )
- Lifestyle Healthy
3. What factor that can Decrease the infectious of disease?
- Agen penyebab infeksi
- Kerentanan pasien
- Faktor lingkungan
- tetratologi
4. How to prevent from an infectious diseases?
- Pemakaian alat kontrasepsi
- Jarum suntik sekali pakai
- Menerapkan gaya hidup sehat
- Cuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah
- Lingkungan yang bersih
- Olahraga
- Makanan sehat
- Immunisasi
5. How are infectious disease diagnose?
Dengan melakukan forward chaining, yang memiliki konsep sama dengan dokter pada saat
mendiagnosis pasien dengancara if then, metode yang memulai proses pencarian dari
sekumpulan data atau fakta yang menghasilkan kesimpulan, juga untuk mendiagnosis
penyakit infeksi dengan melakukan thapan akusisi pengetahuan dan representasi
6. How is the mecanism of transmission of infectious diseases?
Setelah mikroorganisme masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia, terjadi beeberpa rangkain interaksi
yang menimbulkan gejala klinis:
a. Kolonisasi: tempat mikroorganisme berkembang
b. Infeksi subklinis: mikroorganisme melakukan reaksi
c. Infeksi klinis: menimbulkan gejala
7. What is the different of commmuncable disease and infectious diseases?
8. What are the stages of natural history of diseases?
- Penyakit bawaan
- Prepatogenesis ( Host=agen diluar tubuh)
- Patogenesis ( inkubasi;tidak menenjukkan gejala/mulai berkembang daam tubuh, early
disease;mulai ada gejala tanpa mengganggu aktivitas, contuniuing diseases; ada gejala
sampai tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, final;recover-sempurna&dissability )
9. How to reduce human transmisson of infection?
-kewaspadaan kontak, droplet dan airbone
- pemilihan APD untuk mengukur resiko sebelum melakukan tindakan/pelayanan
-diputuskan dengan dasar epidemiologis sebelum hasil pemeriksaan lab agar dapat
mengkonfirmasi diagnosis
-memutus rantai penularan dengan mewaspadai cara transmisi patogen penyebab dari
infeksi yang ditemui

10. Kenapa penyakit bisa timbul?

karena adanya kuman yang masuk dalam tubuh, kuman tersebut berupa bakteri dan virus.
Daya tubuh, jika daya tahan tubuh kuat, tidak akan sakit
11. Faktor faktor yang berperan dalam penularan penyakit?
Kebersihan tangan, peralatan perawatan paien, lingkunga, penempatan
pasien,penatalaksanaan linen

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