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Step 1

1. P2MPL: (Pemberantasan penyakit menular dan penyehatan lingkungan)

Subject that has concern in health institute (dinas kesehatan)
2. EPIDEMIOLOGI: the branch of the medical that investigate the cause and control of
How the disease happened, how the disease spread, and how to solve the disease.
3. NATURAL HISTORY OF DISEASE: process of disease naturally without medic or human
Example: malaria mosquito bite,
Step 2
1. What is the purpose of epidemiology?
2. What is epidemiology princip?
3. What is the classification of epidemiology?
4. What is the inclution of epidemiology?
5. What is the meaning of outbreak?
6. Explain about trias epidemiology!
7. What is the advanteges of epidemiology?
8. What is the different outbreak, klb, endemic, epidemic?
9. What is the criteria of KLB?
10. Explain about natural history disease!
11. How to prevent the KLB?
12. What disease that has potency into klb?
13. How to solve communicable disease?

Step 3
1. What is the different outbreak, klb, endemic, epidemic?

2. What is the purpose of epidemiology?
- To collect the problem that happened in public
- To know the problem caracterisic
- Make the problem priority
- Solve the problem and evaluate
- Prevent and manage the problem
- Explain about some disease
- Can be used to prevent disease and increase public health
- Make the classification of some disease
Communicable disease that spread from anopheles plasmodium.

a. Preventation
o If someone go to location that malaria endemic, we can give the preventation
example: medicine
o Give an education to the citizen.
- Health promotion
b. Where is the place
c. monitoring and evaluation
3. What is epidemiology princip?
Obyek: masyarakat
Kuantitatif perhitungan
Pengarahan diagnosis yg bersifat kesehatan masyarakat.
Tidak mengabaikan faktor2 lingkungan
Penelitian dgn deskriptif atau analitik
Upaya2 penyelesaian
Pencegahan dgn gaya hidup untuk penyakit infeksi maupun non infeksi

Epidemiologic survey
Mengetahui sebab akibat beberapa faktor resiko yg menjadi masalah dalam masyarakat tsb.
Lingkungan, individu
4. What is the classification of epidemiology?
Epedimiologi deskriptif: menjabarkan tentang frekuensi penyebaran
Who (umur, jenis kelamin), where (daerah), when (waktu)

Epidemiologi analytic: why (etiology). Membandingkan yg sehat dan sakit sehingga tau
faktor resiko yg berperan.

Epidemiology eksperimen: menguji kebenaran dgn eksperimen.

Case control: membandingkan yg sudah ada
Cohort: ditentukan waktunya kemudian dibandigkan antara yg sudah ada dan sebelumnya
Perbedaannya apa?

Studi epidemiologi apa untuk kasus malaria?
5. What is the inclution of epidemiology?
- Etiologi berkaitan dgn lingkup epidemiologi
- Efikasi berkaitan dgn efek atau daya optimal yg berkaitan
- Efektivitas besarnya hasil suatu tindakan.
- Efisiensi, berguna atau tidak
- Evaluasi
- edukasi
6. Explain about trias epidemiology!
Host/ pejamu: manusia
Agen/ penyebab: bibit penyakit digolongkan nutrien, kimia, fisik, biologi, mekanik
Environment/ lingkungan: secara fisik atau non fisik.
Ke 3 faktor ini saling berpengaruh

7. What is the advanteges of epidemiology?

8. What is the meaning of outbreak?
Terjadinya penyakit menular yg meningkat melebihi normal. Pada waktu daerah tertentu.
Dari jumlah frekuensi maupun luas penyebarannya. Waktu semakin lama. Dampak semakin

9. Explain about natural history disease!
Dari pertama terkena penyakit hingga sembuh

a. Pre patogenesis: sehat namun ada resiko terkena penyakit
b. Patogenesis:
- Inkubasi: bibit penyakit hingga menimbulkan gejala
- Dini: muncul beberapa gejala ringan
- Lanjut: gejala berat
Dilakukan pengobatan
c. Pasca patogenesis
Gejala sudah ditangani
Sembuh sempurna
Sembuh cacat
Sembuh karier

Pencegahan primer: edukasi, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, nutrisi
Pencegahan sekunder: pengobatan
Pencegahan tertier:

Kuratif dari malaria
10. How to prevent the KLB?

11. What disease that has potency into klb?

12. How to solve and prevent communicable disease?
13. What is the criteria of KLB?

Outbreak (wabah):

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