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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, gratitude to the almighty Allah S.W.T

because of his grace and guidance, health and safety to live in this world, so that

this paper can be resolved. Similarly shalawat and salam to the prophet

muhammad SAW who brought us from the darkness into the lightness.

During the writing of this paper ,the writer received much assistance from

a number of people for their valuable guidance, correction, suggestion, advice and

golden support. Without them the writing of this paper would never been possible


Although many hands have given contribution in writing this paper but it

still far from perfection.Therefore, constructive critic and suggestion will be

highly appropriated and respected for completing this paper to be more valuable

and useful for all generation. Finally, the writer prays may all the efforts and pains

get endless blessing from Allah SWT.Aamiin.

Samata,16 may 2019

The Writer

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