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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Distinguished guests,

On this quite shady occasion, let us always offer praise and gratitude to Allah SWT
for all the blessings and graces in the form of health so that on this occasion we can attend
this forum to explain the dangers of narcotics.

Distinguished guests,

Taking drugs is one of the actions that cause crime, evil deeds, and at the same time
heinous acts that must be shunned so that we are safe in this world and the hereafter, and in a
peaceful society, there is no crime.

Never try to use drugs, because if you try, you will lose for life. Life feels shackled
and dependent on something that actually destroys our lives.

Therefore, let the sons and daughters of the nation, from now on stay away from
narcotics and start competing to achieve high ideals so that one day they become people who
do not lose money.

Distinguished guests,

Maybe this is the only speech that I can convey, if there are wrong words or words,
please forgive me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Distinguished guests,

On this happy occasion, let us thank Allah SWT for all His blessings and guidance
that has been bestowed upon us all so that on this occasion we can attend the commemoration
of National Education Day.

happy guests,

In seeking knowledge, Allah SWT once tested His angels that it turns out that no one
in this world has knowledge, except Allah SWT. Some of the knowledge we have is a deposit
from Him. Not even an angel will have knowledge, other than what he has been taught.
Therefore, we should not be arrogant with the knowledge we have. Even with whatever we
have, should not be arrogant.

Distinguished guests,

Some of the virtues of people seeking knowledge are being facilitated and guided
through the path to truth. How important it is for people who study to be given extraordinary
knowledge. The role of the teaching staff is also very important so that the people who sit
with them sit down to gain knowledge from them, even if it is only for one hour, it is more
favorable to Allah SWT than the reward for worshiping a thousand years.

That's all I can say, hopefully there will be benefits and be given useful knowledge
and be blessed by Allah SWT. Amen.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Good morning,

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Greetings to all of us.

Distinguished guests, on this happy occasion I will deliver a speech about youth as the
key generation of Indonesia's future.

Do you know, brothers and sisters, like it or not, we as the youth of the current
generation are the pioneers of the success of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
Just like the young men and women in the pre-independence era. They are the defining
generation of Indonesia in their time.

Why can I say that? This is evidenced by their struggle to create the Youth Pledge.
They promise that we have one homeland, one bloodshed, and one language, Indonesia.
Furthermore, their promise was fought for again by urging the country's leaders to proclaim

They even kidnapped Soekarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok just to pressure them.

Without the action of these young people, the old groups are just waiting for the
promise of independence from Japan, which may not be known for sure whether it will be
given or not.

Then several decades later, the youth of the 90s launched their actions against
Suharto's authoritarian government. The era of reform and democracy was born thanks to the

From these two examples, you can imagine how strong youth influence is for the
nation. We can not be silent, engrossed in our devices, and lazy to do activities. We are the
ones who will determine what Indonesia will be like in the future. We are the future of
That's all the speech I gave, more or less please forgive me, thank you.


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Dear. homeroom teacher,

and all my dear friends.

Let us together express our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT because of his
blessings and gifts we can all gather in good health on this sunny day

My friends who I am proud of, first of all we need to realize that the environment is a
place to depend on for all of us, human beings. So we have to take good care of our
environment so that the earth will generate profits for us, not losses and even disasters for us.
One of the ways to prevent the environment from causing a disaster for us is to keep the
environment clean.

In keeping the environment clean, we must first know what environmental cleanliness
means. The true meaning of environmental cleanliness is a condition in which the
environment is suitable for human habitation, where the physical state of human health can
be maintained. So we must keep the environment clean in order to create a decent and
prosperous life.

Happy friends, keeping the environment clean is the best way to prevent various
diseases that lurk in the rainy season like now. Keeping the environment clean can be started
by cleaning our beloved school, SMAN NEGERI 1 BOSAR MALIGAS. If our school is
clean, then other people will not hesitate to imitate our good habits in cleaning our school.
And we as residents of this school are also affected by the positive impact, namely teaching
and learning activities become comfortable because our school environment is healthy.

Keeping the school environment clean can be done by throwing garbage in our school
environment into the trash, carrying out class picket activities regularly and PSN 30 minutes
every Friday in order to clean the school environment from the nests of the Aedes aegypti
mosquito that causes dengue fever. .

Friends, in closing, I quote the saying that "cleanliness is part of faith", so if someone
does not care about cleanliness, then he is not really a full believer. In the future, I also hope
that we as human beings can be even more active in maintaining a clean environment.

So many speeches from me, more or less I apologize.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

On this auspicious occasion, let us express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT
who has given us His blessings and guidance so that we can gather in good health today.

Distinguished guests,

The speech I will deliver this time explains maintaining cleanliness. Allah SWT loves
people who are clean and likes to clean everything that is in them. So, let's start maintaining
cleanliness for the sake of creating safety and goodness for ourselves and others.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If we maintain cleanliness and then imitated by our children and those close to us,
then we will also benefit. Therefore, let's teach children as early as possible about the
importance of maintaining cleanliness so that later they become healthy, intelligent, and like
to do good.

By teaching children how to maintain cleanliness, it is hoped that they can be

independent and get used to dealing with things that are difficult to solve. As we know
nowadays there are still many people who don't care about the cleanliness of the environment
and let it get dirty.

happy guests,

That is the short speech that I can convey, hopefully what I have conveyed is useful
and can be implemented. Finally, I thank you all for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Distinguished guests,

First of all, we should be grateful to the presence of God Almighty. With God's
permission we can attend the opening of this school farewell event.

On behalf of all students, I would like to thank all those who have taken the time to
attend this special event. We would like to thank the parents, teachers, principals, school
staff, and all of our friends.

Distinguished guests,

It doesn't feel like time has passed until today we are heading towards the gate of
separation and will step on a new journey of life ahead. Everything we have learned so far at
this school means a lot and we will always remember it. We thank the teachers who have
been patient and loving in guiding us to gain knowledge. We pray that what has been given
will be our provision to become useful human beings.

Where there is an encounter, there must be a separation. Hopefully this farewell is not
the end of everything. We who will become alumni of the school will continue to maintain
friendship with our beloved school. We, as students, may have made many mistakes and
inconvenienced the educators at this school. We say a thousand apologies to all mothers and

This is my welcome as a student representative in this beloved school farewell event.

Hopefully in the future we can achieve our goals with continued enthusiasm!

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear. Head and Deputy Principal of SMPN 4 Jakarta,

and all Mr. and Mrs. Teachers and staff that I am proud of.

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT for
His mercy, guidance, and also His gifts that we can all gather in this place under various
conditions. In addition, congratulations and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW who
has struggled with all his might to guide Muslims to goodness.

This morning I will deliver a speech about love the homeland Indonesia. In ancient
times, Indonesia was colonized by various kinds of immigrants from various countries. They
deliberately come just to take the natural wealth that we have, especially in terms of spices.

Then, when the Dutch came, the nation had colonized our beloved country for 3.5
centuries. Of course that is a very long time. There are many heroes and also our citizens who
died to defend this country and gain independence.

Currently, all Indonesian citizens are independent. It's just that today's generation has
a fading loyalty to this homeland. There are lots of young people who like branded goods
made in Western countries, there are also those who like to take part in various kinds of
Japanese and Korean festivals.

That's just a small part of the example of young people whose spirit of nationalism is
fading. It's okay to like the culture of other nations. As long as you always remember and also
help preserve the culture of this country.

A few speeches from me and I apologize if there are word mistakes.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

I respect Mrs. Sulastri, as an Indonesian teacher,

and don't forget all my dear friends.

First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT for His mercy that has been given to all of
us. By His grace we can all gather on this occasion in good health without any hindrance.
Don't forget to continue to send salawat and greetings to the lord of the prophet of the end of
time Prophet Muhammad SAW and to get his intercession in yaumul kiyamah later. Amen.

On this occasion I will deliver a short speech about promiscuity. In today's

technologically-paced modern era, many people fall into promiscuity.

Promiscuity is association that has violated the norms that exist in society such as
drinking, smoking, illegal racing, and even getting pregnant out of wedlock. Free association
can be caused by several factors, including lack of religious knowledge, lack of awareness
and even being influenced by naughty friends.

In addition, promiscuity can occur due to lack of attention and supervision from
parents. So that the child seeks attention outside the home, or it could be because the parents
are too restrictive of the child so they feel pressured and eventually fall into promiscuity.

So promiscuity is an act that has violated the norm, an act that is not commendable
and detrimental to oneself and society. So it is very important to fortify children with
religious knowledge.

Thus the speech that I can convey on this occasion, may be useful for all of us. If
there are words that are not pleasing to the audience, I apologize.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

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