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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Good morning,

The Honorable all the juries and the committee of this English speech contest.

First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT who has given us many mercies and blessing so we can join
this progarm without any troubles. Secondly, I would like I to introduce myself.

My name is …

I am a student of SMP Negeri 3 Kutasari

Well, the honorable juries, in this occasion I would like to tell you about the key being
successfull is being discipline.

The Honnorable juries,

Mastering self-discipline is the key to succes and it can be learned. With this key you can
acompilsh anything ! without it, nothing can be achieved. In order to learn self- discilpline first,
you need to know the characteristics that identify self-discipline.

We have strong purpose. Here, we must have high commitment to achieve our dreams we have
to do something based on our purpose.

We have a mentor or someone we wish to emulate. This mean that many successfull person have
emulated someone who has been allready in his or her life even wemake it better than that

We visualize. We imagine what we want and it is sure that we can achieve it.

We have a strong believe. In our self they don’t want to stop doing before the goal is reched

We have to be patient

We love what we do

We must learn from ourown experienceas well as the other experiences

Self-discipline is a skill not a talent. Talents are inborn and skills are cultivated. Therefore, it is
easy to cultivate the skill of self-discipline. It requires will power, stamina and endurance to
acquire this skill. The educational institutions can play a crucial role in shaping the students
through self-discipline. Similarly, the role of parents is also appreciated to inculcate the skill
among their children.

Self-discipline determines the destiny of the individuals. It holds the key to success.

Successful people cultivate this quality at their childhood itself. To sum up, life without self-
discipline is like a ship sailing without navigation.

I think that’s all for now and thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb.
Good morning,
The Honorable all the juries and the committee of this English speech contest.
First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT who has given us many mercies and blessing so we can join
this progarm without any troubles. Secondly, I would like I to introduce myself.

My name is …
I am a student of SMP Negeri 3 Kutasari

On this occasion I will review how the level of discipline of students in general. For
example, can we consider the low level of discipline in learning. Where easily we often see
students who do not do schoolwork, and would not listen to the advice of a teacher, which is
beneficial for them.
The nature of self-control should be cultivated on students. Here for the purpose of self-
control is a condition in which a person in his actions always have self-control so as to keep
control of himself from the various desires that are too overwhelming and exaggerated. Means in
the nature of self-control is contained regularity of life and compliance of all regulations. In other
words, act always in the corridors student discipline and school rules. If so, will grow a sense of
discipline the students to always follow each of the rules that apply in school. Comply with all
applicable regulations in schools is a requirement for each student.

ladies and gantlemen

Student discipline problems become very significant for the progress of the school. In an
orderly school will always create a good learning process. Instead, the schools that are not
orderly conditions will be much different. Violations that occurred was considered ordinary
goods and to correct such a situation is not easy. It requires hard work from all parties to change
it, so that various types of violations of discipline and school rules that need to be avoided and
Another example we can see how easily we can also see students who arrive late to
school, but the school has cautioned her students to always be disciplined by not coming to
school late. But it is ignored by the students at this time. This proves that the discipline is
becoming obsolete by the students.

ladies and gentlemen

If we look, there are enough regulations made by the school to discipline students. It
shows that discipline is necessary, but it seems to enforce the discipline itself is not an easy
effort. However, efforts to enforce discipline in my opinion remains to be done and it can be
started from ourselves early on`
So, the conclusion is self-discipline us, so whenever and wherever we are, we will always
cherish the time.
I hope that the speech that I have to be beneficial to all friends.
Thus this speech I have to say. Thank you for your attention Teachers and friends, less and more
shall I apologize
First let us pray puja and praise for the presence of Allah SWT because of the grace and the gifts
we are given the opportunity to be gathered here in a fit and healthy state.

Education, what exactly is meant by education? Why education is important and why we should
be working on? Education is a conscious effort and plans to create a learning process so that
learners are able to actively develop potential within him, improving intelligence, strengthening
spiritual religious, control themselves and become responsible human beings and noble.

Provide education to a child does not have to wait for him to grow up and put it into school.
Education can be given to children ranging from babies until he finally passed through the
institution called school.

All Ladies and Gentlemen, let's take a moment to look back on the history of our nation. The
defenders of the good name of the nation as Ir. Sukarno, Muh. Hatta, Habbibie, did they all have
to make our nation fragrant? Have we ever thought what makes them able to do so. For example,
I take an example, why Mr. Habbibie could make a plane? Surely the answer is in front of the
eye, ie they are all educated man.

If we want to return the name of this nation, if we want to make this nation in the world arena
will respect, if we want our nation back mengaung become ruler of Asia arena then way to go to
be sure that improve the quality of education there.

Of course, I invite all my friends, let's increase learning, stop playing games, began seriously in
education and we will show the world that we are a great nation, a nation that is intelligent, a
nation that is not easy to be controlled by another nation, nations which holds the world
economy. We will show that we love Indonesia is a nation that is superior in technology, both in
the economy and prosper in life. With education and coupled with the fighting spirit of the
heroes as well as the efforts and prayers, we can. Bung Karno once said "Give me ten youth who
loves his people, I'll roll the world".

A few of my speech, if there are many errors it from me personally, but if there is a benefit
because of God. Hope it is useful.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb
Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

The honorable all of the juries

The honorable all of the participant

And my beloved friend

First of all I’d like to thank to Allah S.W.T the mighty, the benefaction, and the merciful, so we
can gather here to the part of English Speech Contest.

Second, Sholwat and greeting to our prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has guided us from the
darkness to the brightness. Hoping someday at the Yaumil Kiyamah we will be confess as his
religious community. Allahhumma.. Amin

Third, I would like to say thank you for everyone who have given me time to try to speech in
front of you all. Now, I would like to deliver my speech, the title is “the important of education”

Ladies and gentleman

Long time ago, the citizen of Malaysia came to Indonesia for study. There are many teacher of
Indonesia were sent in Malaysia to teach students in there. But now, the education of Indonesia
become lower, lower, and lower.

Ladies and gentleman

We must wake up! Let’s together we increase the education of Indonesia so that the education
become better, better and better.

Ladies and gentleman

We know that education is important. By education we can be smart, we can get a job, we can
get a better future, and we can to do everything in our life. Education can create a good future so,
let’s make all of the people in our country to study, study, and study.

Ok that all about my speech. I hope you can take positive point about my speech. Thank you
very much. Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.
Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Yang terhormat para dewan juri

Yang terhormat para peserta

Dan teman-teman saya yang tercinta

Pertama-tama saya panjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah S.W.T yang maha perkasa, maha
bijaksana, dan maha pengasih. Sehingga kita dapat berkumpul disini dalam acara lomba pidato
bahasa inggris.

Kedua, sholawat dan salam kepada junjungan kita nabi Muhammad S.A.W yang telah menunyun
kita dari gelap menuju terang. Berharap suatuhari nanti di Yaumil Kiyamah kita dapat menjadi
pengikutnya. Allahhumma.. Amin

Ketiga, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih untuk semua orang yang telah memberikan saya
waktu untuk mencoba pidato di depan Anda semua. Sekarang, saya ingin menyampaikan pidato
saya, judulnya adalah “pentingnya pendidikan”

Para hadirin sekalian

Pada waktu yang lama, penduduk Malaysia dating ke Indonesia untuk belajar. Ada banyak guru
dari Indonesia yang dikirim ke Malaysia untuk mengajar siswa/I disana. Tetapi sekarang
pendidikan Indonesia menjadi lemah, lemah dan lemah.

Para hadirin sekalian

Kita harus bangkit! Mari bersama-sama meningkatkan pendidikan di Indonesia sehingga

pendidikan Indonesia lebih baik, baik dan baik.

Para hadirin sekalian

Kita semua tahu bahwa pendidikan itu penting. Dengan pendidikan kita dapat menjadi pintar,
Kita dapat memperoleh pekerjaan, kita dapat memperoleh kehidupan yang lebih baik, kita dapat
melakukan apapun di hidup kita. Pendidikan dapat menciptakan kehidupan yang baik. Mari ajak
orang-orang di Negara kita untuk belajar, belajar, dan belajar.

Demikian pidato dari saya, saya harap anda dapat mengambil sisi positif dari pidato saya. Terima
kasih banyak. Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

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