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PTA Induction

Strengthening the Role of Parents and Teacher’s Partnership in Enhancing

the K-12 Basic Education Program

Tonight is somewhat special night for me. For the years that your proud institution has invited me
to join you in this yearly occasion, this is the first time I will stand in front of you not as your
functional local chief executive rather as an ordinary citizen capacitated by the trust of the Parents
and Teachers of Virac Pilot Elementary School. Most especially I stand here, same as all of you,
as a proud parent.

This is a respective institution and it will always be a proud moment for me to stand here with all
of you. Whether I am sitting as the governor or not, this school will always have a special place
in my heart.

Thank you to the whole community of Virac Pilot Elementary School for not ceasing to invite me.
Honestly, events like this somehow show me that people remember not just as an elected
official rather as a person whose deeds touched your hearts- and tonight you have touched

I’d like to give emphasis to this one important life lesson to which not only reflects tonight’s
theme but also embodies our admirations. Uya sana maikot ang sakuyang mensahe. What I
learned in the years as a public servant is that WE CAN NEVER DO IT ALONE. You might ask,
how does Gov. Boboy Cua spends his days after being hit not just by one big controversy but by
many. My answer is that, I don’t do it alone. I always have my dedicated staff who are always
there, and ofcourse my family. In the same manner dear friends, you have one another. You
dear teachers will always have the back of our parents, and you our dear parents will always
have the support of the teachers. That is why I keep myself within the reach of the parents
and teachers, for as much as I am a big help to you, YOU are a bigger inspiration in ways you
can’t imagine.

As such, let us continue to help one another and be there for each other, for when all the
names, titles, and accolades are gone, it will always be the relationship we built that will last.
Hilingon nindo kita ngunyan. Kung tutuuson bako naman baga akong gobernador pero
kamo na mismo ang nagpili sako na makaibahan kamo ang satuyang relasyon bakong
nakakahon sa kung ano sakuyang posisyon.

The 21st century education and the k12 is not about lighting the competition between our
children rather it is about igniting the collaboration in them. Thus, we parents together
with the school must do just the same.

Maria Montessori, a known education philosopher believe that there is a need for a stronger
relationship of the HOME to the School. She believes that our roles must be a continuum

Parents as the first teachers then passed to teachers. As parents our responsibilities does only
entail to provide money for school works or attend PTA, Montessori believed that "education
must start at birth". Mas dakol daang nanunud-an ang mga ai habang ini nasa halong. This
premise automatically places parents as their child's first and most important teachers.

Alam ko ang sakit nin pagiging magulang lalo na sa mga aki ngunyan na panahon. It is difficult
to speak to our children, they may receive it differently such as ‘ano na an si mama pauluutro”,
or they may see it as a outworn style. But I encourage you to still speak to your children- speak
lovingly. For our greatest respossbility is not only to put them to school but to provide
them the values to which we hope they will grow too. They may not understand it now, but
trust me, in time, they will look back and they will say, tama an talaga si mama/papa kaidto.
This is how I got the life lessons I carry with me everyday. It was from my parent who
dedicated to fill my backpack with life lessons. This life lessons has brought me to where I am
today. The lesson that my Tang Andoy has taught me remained in me until today.

To our teachers, remain dedicated in being the helping hand of our parents. I continue to
challenge you to view education as the development of the whole child – attention and put
emphasis not just on the intellectual development but also on the pupil’s physical, social and
spiritual development.

Let us hold to the promise that each pupil is a unique individual with special gifts and talents –
we hope that with motivation, encouragement and hard work that all our students will discover
their individual talents.

All these hopes and aspirations cling on to one thing- let us continue to work together.
Strengthen our relationship as parents and teachers. For the future relies here.

We are proud of our learners and no doubt your child will make a significant contribution to the
progress of this province. Ipadagos ang magayon nap ag-iribahan ta iyan ang maging kusog sa
saindong iskwelahan- mga tugang ang saindong pag-iribahan na presente, asin nahihiling ko
ngunyan, iyo ini ang nagpapakusog sa sakuya lalo na sa mga yaagihan ko ngunyan.

Get your strength from that, like I draw strength in them.

A small community such as ours, engaged within a shared vision, amazing things can happen
that go beyond what should reasonably be possible. Believe in that.

Again, I thank you all for tonight.


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