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Date:__________ Social Science Name:__________

Day:___________ History Class &Section________

Chapter: 10 Traders,Kings and Pilgrims
Learning Objectives:
1. To make the students learn about the famous trading and pilgrimage
Centres of India.
2. To make the students aware about the famous learning centres of India.
Answer the following questions:
1. Which country was the first to make silk?
a) China b) Japan c) India d) Pakistan
2. Which Indian trade item was known as Black gold in ancient times?
a) Stones b) Pepper c) Coal d) Silver
3. The Nalanda University was a famous centre for________________
a) Vedic studies b) Jain studies c) Buddhist studies d)none
4. Who wrote Buddhacharita?
a) Ashvaghosha b) Kalidasa c) Ved vyasa d) none of these
5. From which river the term India was derived?
a) Beas b) Indus c) Ganga d) Ravi

Match the following:

1. Zuan Zang Devotion
2. Bhakti River Valley
3. Kaveri Chinese Pilgrims
4. Black gold Buddhist Monastery
5. Nalanda Pepper
6. South India Spices

Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence:

1. Why the kings wanted to control silk route?
2. Who was the most famous ruler of the Kushanas?
3. Name the deities which were worshipped in Hinduism?

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