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The Last C

As many of us know, communicat

difficult at times. How many times have
How many people rehearse for hours w
maybe propose to the one they love? H
thoughts locked up inside them becaus
be difficult to express your thoughts as
capacity to do so.
Do you ever think about all the moments or chances where you wish you could have said som
to come out, but your body is stuck as you stand there speechless? Or how about when you know this m
some point in our lives, we reach our last chance to express our thoughts to anyone, or express our thou
everyone special in my life everything that I wanted them to know(ie that I love them), do I have any regr
Near the end, it is often common to say goodbye or see everyone you love just one last time,
express yourself the way you once could when words flowed out of your mouth effortlessly with dynamic
might be a major challenge. So cruel that one no longer has the physical capacity to express their final th
Even though I am young and have many years to go, I still experience this as I sit next to my Gra
can catch his final expressions. The last day of my Grandfather's life, I walked into the house to see him
strenuous for him. I took his hand to greet him and I saw his eye brows rise up ever so slightly and hear h
insightful enough to catch his final expressions for me and honored that he loved me enough to use an o
secret and only the two of you know, or when you go through an important experience with someone and
and his sharp mind knew all the songs as he quickly recited every title.
My Grandma was the opposite. We saw her dying mentally and emotionally at least 10 year
Naturally, it was difficult to know what she could comprehend or was aware of. I remember when I was q
was about to begin, someone tried to comfort me, "Don't worry. She doesn't know what's going on anywa
She knew and I knew she knew, just like I knew Grandpa knew when I was present when he w
face in response to hers. Hopefully this let her knew that I felt bad for her and wish I could help. But she w
I felt bad and was there for her or if she felt comforted that someone knew and acknowledged how she fe
dementia, cancer, mini strokes, diabetes, and then some until she was almost 89 years old.

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